
A Legendary Week!

The Legendary Pokemon are having their annual get-together, but this year, Arceus decides to invite Ash Ketchum to the celebrations. How will things turn out?

ColsonOtis · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

Day 1 Part 2

Day 1 Part 2

After Lunch… 

"How have you been, Chosen One?" asked Giratina.

"Well, considering I just won the World Corrination Series, I guess I'm doing pretty well," said Ash.

"I was very interested in your battle," said Lugia, "especially your Z-moves. How exactly do you use them?"

"It's kind of a feeling you get, and then, Whoosh! Bam!" said Ash, waving his arms to illustrate the motion. "Then all that energy inside of you gets released, and suddenly it goes Kazam! Right, buddy?"

Pikachu, Lugia, and Griatina sweatdropped. "Yeah, that's the gest of it," replied Pikachu.

"I'm more interested in that Dynamax band of yours," said Giratina, gesturing to the band on Ash's wrist.

"You mean Gigantimax?" asked Ash, "Well, that's sort of the same as Z-moves, but a lot different. You have to use the same energy, but you have to restrain it at the same time so it lasts longer."

"Do you think Z-moves and Dynamax are possible without having to use the band or the crystals?" asked Lugia.

"I know Gigantamaxing is," said Ash, "I've seen it happen before with Eternatus, I don't know about Z-moves though. They might be, but I've never tried one without using a crystal so…"

"I'll have to ask Eternatus about that," said Giratina, "it might be useful to be able to Giagantimax sometime… Well anyway, it was nice talking to you, Chosen One, however, I must go now. There are a few things I have to attend to."

"I must go as well," said Lugia, "Farewell, Chosen One. It has been a pleasure to talk to you again,"

"Ok, bye!" said Ash, waving to the two legendaries.

 "Hi Ash! Remember me?"

Ash turned to see a sky-form Shaymin standing (or floating rather) behind him.

"Hi Shaymin!" said Ash, "Nice to see you! How have you been?"

 "Pretty good; I found a nice garden to stay in after we defeated that Zero guy."

Ash smiled before rummaging in his backpack.

"What are you doing?" asked Shaymin.

"Give me one sec…" said Ash, "Ah ha! Here it is!" He handed a few poffins to Shaymin.

"Yum! Thanks!" said Shaymin, munching down on the poffins, "Did you make these?"

"No, Dawn made them," replied Ash, "She said to give them to you if I saw you,"

"Shoulda known you couldn't make something this good," said Shaymin.

"Can too!" said Ash.

"By saying you can," said Pikachu, "do you mean the burnt poffins, the spoiled soup, or something else?"

"Two against one," Ash sighed.

"Don't worry, I'm sure you're good at something," said Shaymin.

"Like battles," said Pikachu, "don't you forget that Mr. Champion,"

 "You know," said Ash, "it's still hard to picture myself as champion."

 "Well, you better," said Pikachu, "or someone else will take your picture for you,"

Ash groaned.

"So, are you a Pokemon Master yet?" asked Shaymin.

"Honestly, I don't know," said Ash, scratching his head, "I mean, I kinda want to be, but it doesn't feel like I am one yet,"

"Well, if anyone's a Pokemon Master, you definitely are," said Shaymin, "unless, of course, being a Pokemon Master involves being able to cook a decent meal,"

Ash laughed, "It better not be,"

"If it is, you'd be doomed before you even started your journey," said Pikachu.

"Yeah," said Shaymin, "anyway, tell Dawn I said thanks for the poffins. Gotta go!"

"K, bye!" said Ash.

"See ya later!"


"Greetings Ash,"

"Oh, hi Mewtwo," said Ash, turning to face the Genetic Pokemon.

"Chosen One," said Mewtwo, smiling slightly, "it's been a while, hasn't it?"

"Yeah…" said Ash, trailing off, "Listen Mewtwo, if you came to apologize for killing me on New Island, don't worry about it. It's ok, really,"

Mewtwo chuckled. "I appreciate your kindness, Chosen One, there are not many who would forgive so easily,"

"Don't worry about it," said Ash, "I've been through worse,"

"Worse?" Mewtwo chuckled, "There was something I was wondering though,"

"What is it?" asked Ash.

"I was wondering why you called me a friend. It seems to me that I would have been your enemy at the time, considering the circumstances,"

"You weren't really an enemy," said Ash, "you just didn't know that there were good people out there. After all, you had to face the hands of Team Rocket."

 "Well, regardless, jumping between two powerful attacks like that was a very brave thing to do. It may have lacked some intelligence, but it was brave,"

"I guess it was just instinct," replied Ash mareepishly.

"That's true," commented Pikachu, "you've died what- like 6 or 7 times?"

"Yeah, that sounds about right." said Ash, "Dying isn't fun though, even when you get used to it,"

"That much?" questioned Mewtwo, "May I ask what from?"

"Well," started Ash, "the first time was when a Haunter removed my spirit from my body, but I don't know if that counts. The second time was with you and Mew at New Island. The third time was when I got eaten by a giant blob thing at the Tree of Beginning. The fourth time was at the sea temple Samiya when it flooded, and I had to go put the last crystal in the Sea Crown. The fifth time was when I froze to death trying to save Victini in Eindoak Town. The last was when I got hit with tons of attacks while trying to find Ho-oh with the Rainbow Feather although I have a feeling that was from a different timeline…"

"So, in addition to stopping Mew and me from fighting, you visited the Tree of Beginning, were in Manaphy's secret temple, saved Victini's life, and became Ho-oh's Chosen One?"

"That's most of it," replied Ash, "there's more, but I didn't die those times."

"You sure get yourself into a lot of trouble." Mewtwo chuckled, "Anyway, it was nice talking to you, Ash. I thank you again for what you taught me at New Island," with that, Mewtwo disappeared with a small flash of light.

Ash smiled, then turned to Pikachu, "Hey, buddy, what do you say we call it a day?"

"Alright," said Pikachu, "Just make sure you wake up at a reasonable hour; otherwise I'll have to shock you,"

"Do you have to do that?" asked Ash.

"Would you rather miss an all-you-can-eat breakfast?"

Ash groaned. "You know what, fine, but only because it's for a good reason,"

"Don't worry," said Pikachu, "I wouldn't shock you otherwise,"

Pikachu chuckled while Ash processed his last statement as they headed back to their room.

Whew, finally got this chapter up!

Sorry for the delay, I've been rather busy.

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