
Chapter 90: Russell remembers

Robert went home when it was fully dark and sat outside thinking of everyone he knew who would be unhappy that night. Saturday he heard nothing and Sunday he was doing his once a month vacuuming when the telephone rang and didn't hear it for a while. To begin with it registered subliminally and he frowned at the difference to the noise. It came to him what it was before the caller gave up and he made a dash and a grab. 'Murphy.' There was a slight pause and he was about to say 'Hello' when,

'Robert. This is Ray Montgomery. Can you come over?'

'Is there a problem?' He shook his leg to free it of the electric cord.

Another slight pause. 'I'd prefer not to say over the phone.'

Leaving the cleaner on the floor Robert retrieved his keys and went immediately. Julia looked like a vampire had sucked her dry, sitting at the small breakfast table when he arrived, a cold cup of coffee before her. Ray let him in, his face a mirror of his wife's.

'What's wrong?'