Elisabeth had no sooner sat down in her office than the phone rang. It was Joseph Gaudry. 'Care to meet for coffee?'
'What have you got?'
'Quite a bit, or at least Anna has. Mayhem, ten minutes?'
'Where's that?'
'Opposite David Jones, just down from the merry-go-round. We'll see you outside.'
She stopped at Robert's office. 'Come on. We're meeting Joe and Anna at a place called Mayhem.'
She didn't have to repeat it. He needed only as long as it took to transfer his wallet from coat pocket to pants while Elisabeth let Judy know where they would be.
'What did he say?' Robert asked.
'Only that he's got quite a bit.'
While they didn't break into an actual sprint they were there in under three minutes, then had to wait for the others to arrive. When they did they immediately got to the essentials.
'Anna,' her employer said. 'Why don't you tell them.'