
A Legacy Continued

MC from Hogwarts legacy was put into an ancient magic coma as a direct result of the Battle of Hogwarts, during the Goblin Uprising of 1890-1891. He is re-awakened in the summer of 1994, right before the World Quidditch Cup. How will our MC fare at the same school he saved, in a new century, with no friends or family, and threats of another dark wizard?

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Chapter 78 - Yule Ball Pt 1

***** Regular Chapter ***** A/N: Sorry this is late today. Had my cousin come over, and we got super baked after work LOL. But ya, Yule Ball time! Should be fun! *****

Fleur awoke late on Christmas day wanting to sleep in to get her beauty sleep, in a very good mood and with a giant smile on her face. Not only was it Christmas, but it was the day of the Yule ball after all!

Fleur had been looking forward to the ball ever since it had been announced, and even more after Jordan had asked her to be his date!

Rising out of bed in her nightgown, she was about to move to take a shower before, she stopped suddenly, noticing the small pile of presents at the foot of her bed.

'Presents?' Fleur asked herself, a little confused.

She wasn't expecting anything, especially since her family was still back in France.

Moving to the small pile, she picked up the first present and attached card, that was atop the small pile.

Opening the card up, she quickly read it, a smile growing on her red face, the more the read;


Dear Fleur,

Hopefully you have opened my letter first, as you are no doubt confused as to the amount of presents you have received today. Please rest assured that everything will make more sense shortly.

In the spirit of the holidays I, Jordan Khan, have taken it upon myself to send my Phoenix to France, to pick up presents for you from your family.

Please accept this, as well as this gift, as token of my affection, our friendship and our newly budding relationship.

I look forward to seeing you tonight at the Yule Ball!

Merry Christmas!


J. Khan


Reading the letter over a few more times in happiness and excitement, Fleur hugged the piece of parchment to her chest, feelings of love overwhelming her.

Although she and Jordan had indeed grown closer since their romantic first date in the forbidden forest, Fleur was still quite surprised with Jordan's caring and unknowingly romantic gestures lately.

She carefully placed the piece of parchment down, before excitedly tearing into the present her husband had gotten her, and lifting it out of the box to take a closer look at it, hearts growing in her eyes the longer she looked at it.

It was an ornately decorated picture frame, fashioned out of what looked to be goblin gold and silver. Inlaid with Blue Sapphires at key points, the goblin gold and silver appeared to look like alternating tree branches, intertwining around each other like a dance, as it highlighted the magical photo within.

As nice and expensive the picture frame appeared to look however, what had Fleur falling even more in love with her husband was this magical photo within.

It was a magical photo of their first date, in the forbidden forest!

Fleur watched the magical photo with a red face, as the Fleur and Jordan inside sat quite close to each other in the forbidden forest, whispering sweet nothings, and acting very intimate.

After watching for a few more minutes, she had to put the picture frame down abruptly, as the Fleur and Jordan began kissing romantically, having finished their date successfully.

Having her own kissing moment interrupted during their own date was very frustrating; to watch it happen to herself in the photo was too get overwhelming for her and her emotions, that she didn't even know how to describe how she was feeling - Jealous of her photo-self?

'When did someone even take this photo?' She asked herself, not noticing anyone else present during their date other than his house-elf.

Unbeknown to Fleur, Khan had hired a younger boy named Colin Creevey, who he had originally observed carrying a camera while participating in his summoner's cup tournament, to capture the rest of his tournament, when the later rounds came.

This allowed Jordan to also hire Colin for his planned date with Fleur, in preparation for this Christmas gift, the later being already familiar with him through his various tournament dealings.

Looking towards her other gifts, thoughtfully delivered to her all the way from France by her husband from her family, Fleur proceeded to open the rest of her gifts with a giant smile on her face.

Her family had sent her numerous gifts, ranging from useful defense books to be utilized in her tournament, to French chocolates and magical make-up products; it was very evident that her entire family missed her all the way in England, especially during this holiday season.

Fleur meanwhile, in her head, was treating all these family gifts like they were from Khan, since he was the one who made it possible for her to even receive presents today! She had truly lucked out to have a husband as thoughtful as this!

With these particular thoughts however, came a problem for Fleur.... her gift to Jordan did not match the level of effort, expense, or thoughtfulness that he had just clearly demonstrated in his gift to her!

This could not stand! This was a major problem!

She had to reciprocate his effort! It could not be called a relationship if it were one-sided after all!

After thinking hard for a few a minutes, she was suddenly struck with an idea!

Looking over to her wardrobe, she began to plan her outfit for the Yule ball.

Although Fleur was slightly embarrassed with her first gift she had sent him, especially after seeing all that Jordan had given her that morning, she had decided that she would pay him back and give her husband his second gift later that night.


Khan paced back and forth by the Beauxbatons carriage, waiting for Fleur, just like had a few weeks ago, when they had gone on their first date.

Christmas day had come and gone quickly, with everyone excited for the upcoming festivities later that night.

Jordan himself had had a fairly easy day, especially in comparison to his last few weeks.

His OWLs were finally done, he had no classes to teach or assignments to mark, and his tournament was on hold until it got a bit warmer outside, and they could hold the follow up rounds.

And although he had wanted to study and look into Sebastian and his investigation into that mysterious Egyptian ritual, with the Yule Ball approaching later that night, Khan did not want to get caught up and lose track of time.

As a result, he had spent the day quite leisurely, chatting with Flitwick, spending time with his beast friends, as well as watching Harry, Hermione and a few of their Gryffindor friends have a snowball outside in the courtyard.

As there was no Christmas tea today, before he knew it, it was time to head back to get ready and prepare for the Yule Ball!

Which brings us to now, where Khan is currently pacing back and forth waiting to escort Fleur.

He was Dressed in a sharp dark suit with matching dress robes, looking quite dapper and very professional. (A/N Dark Arts Ensemble with Dark Arts Robes without the skulls).

Holding a corsage as well as another small wrapped gift for his date, Jordan paced back and forth, attempting to calm his nerves, still feeling a bit anxious.

He had not been able to see Fleur yesterday, or today, and was currently unsure how his gift was received, after all.

Had he been too forward, or too presumptive to go ahead and contact her family, without her knowledge or consent, even without him formally courting her?

Taking out his gift from Fleur, he opened it, checking the time nervously, before putting it back in his pocket. It was of course, a golden pocket watch, and he had been gifted it from Fleur for Christmas.

Appearing very elegant, it was apparently also enchanted to protect him from lethal and dangerous spells according to the Card Fleur had left him;


My Dearest Jordan,

Happy Christmas!

I hope this present finds you and you are doing well this morning!

I know that your exams went well yesterday, so I won't ask about that, and instead tell you how excited I am to see you later at the Yule Ball!

I even ordered new dress robes in preparation after you asked me during our date!

Anyways, I hope you enjoy your gift!

Although it quite obviously is a pocket watch, it also functions as a protective amulet used to keep the bearer safe from all sorts of dangerous spells.

I have used it since entering school, and I am now gifting it to you, in hopes that you will please always use it and keep it on you. And not just because it is from me, but instead to ensure that you will always return safely to me!

Eagerly looking forward to tonight.

Forever yours,

Fleur Delacour

P.S. Wear Dark Dress Robes


Truthfully, Jordan was quite flattered that morning receiving his gift and reading that letter.

It truly was an elegant looking pocket watch, and not only nicely completed and complimented his outfit, but also apparently quite the magical artifact.

Although Khan had been hesitant to test it's protective claims for himself, he nonetheless appreciated the gesture, and was very touched that Fleur appeared to be looking out for his safety.


His thoughts were interrupted, as the carriage door finally opened, Fleur appearing moments later, descending the carriage steps gracefully.


Jordan Swallowed audibly, as he took in her appearance and outfit.

Walking towards him elegantly with a slight sway in her hips, her hair full and styled, and her make up done in such a way that it emphasized her delicate facial features, making her appear even more beautiful than she typically does.

And her dress! Khan couldn't help but stare at her, looking up and down, in slight disbelief that she was his date that night.

She was wearing dress robes he had never seen before!

Wearing a tight lowcut black dress, it hugged her curves in all the right places, showing off quite a bit of her cleavage, before ending shortly at her knees, also showing off quite a bit of her legs. (A/N: I imagined something like the Princess Diana's Revenge Dress)

At least he knew now, why she had asked him to wear dark dress robes!

"Merry Christmas dear!" Fleur greeted him with a kiss on the cheek, and a small smile, having arrived in front of him while he was busy staring.

"Merry Christ- You loo- Wow!" Khan stumbled, trying to find the proper words to compliment her, before simply settling on 'wow', much to Fleur's amusement. "I uh... got you this."

He placed the corsage around her wrist, before handing over his other present, much to Fleur's surprise.

You see, Jordan was slightly upset previously, that Fleur had gifted him the protective item that she herself had been using; What was protecting her now?

Although he was flattered that she apparently placed his safety above even her own, he was stronger than her, and as a man he wanted to protect her!

Thus, he had sent Teek that very day, to head to Gringotts to purchase the gift he was currently watching Fleur open up, with a surprised face much to his amusement.

It was a protective necklace, enchanted in the same way his watch was! Not to mention, Khan had paid quite a few Galleons for that particular jewelry piece, and not only for the protective enchantments.

A giant Opal was the centerpiece of the necklace, with smaller diamonds encircling it, giving the Opal more contrast and making it stand out even more, and finally completed with Goblin white-gold filling out the rest of the necklace, making it quite the exquisite piece of jewelry even without the protective enchantments.

Fleur meanwhile, could not believe her eyes. She desperately tried not to get too emotional, for fear of ruining her make-up, but it was the most beautiful necklace that she had ever seen, and this was on top of all the gifts that she received that morning!

"It is enchanted of course, with the best protective enchantments available!" Khan added, helpfully pointing out the utility of the item, as Fleur looked over at him speaking with a sultry and heated look.

"Will you put it on me?" She asked him smiling, looking deep into his eyes.

"Yes. Of Course!" Jordan picked up the necklace, as she turned around directly in front of him, brushing aside her hair sensually, presenting her bare neck to him.

As he reached around to place the necklace around her neck, his eyes couldn't help wandering down to her slightly covered breasts that were on display to him as he looked over her shoulder.

He swallowed audibly once again, before he struggled to close the clasp on her necklace.

Fleur meanwhile stood there, with a triumphant smile on her face, as she felt his gaze, and specifically where he was looking.

If she had any other doubts about the gift she intended to give him later tonight, then at this point, especially after this beautiful necklace, those doubts were gone.

Thinking about the lingerie she had on underneath her dress, she swore to herself that although she was inexperienced, she would make it the best night of his life!

It was already the best of hers, and the Yule ball hadn't even officially started!