
Chapter 40 - Weighing of the Wands Pt.1

***** Bonus Chapter ***** A/N: So I have a longer authors note in the story about a theory of mine, so I wont make this one too long. Hope you all Enjoy! *****

"I'm sorry ladies, but this is only for champions." Khan apologized, excusing himself from his girlfans, as he stepped into a smaller previously unused classroom. "Please excuse me for the moment..."

It had been a few weeks since the Choosing of the Champions, and Khan had been notified that there would be a ceremony for the Triwizard Tournament. Something called the 'Weighing of the Wands'.

His Hogwarts female fans not currently stuck in classes, as usual lately, accompanied him to his appointment, and were insisting on accompanying him inside, so that he can have a cheering section for this event.

Luckily, Khan was able to excuse himself, with the excuse that this ceremony was only for champions..... He needed a little break after all.

Entering the fairly small classroom, Khan looked around. Most of the desks had been pushed away to the back of the room, leaving a larger gathering space in the middle of the room.

3 desks had been placed in front of the blackboard and covered with a large velvet cloth, creating a long table of sorts, for the ceremony. 5 chairs had been set behind the long table, Bagman already sitting in one of them, talking to an unknown lady in magenta robes.

'Table for the 5 judges I see. 'I don't recognize that witch that Bagman is talking to however...'' Khan thought to himself in observation, glancing around the room to see who else was here.

Krum had already arrived, and was standing moodily in the corner, brooding in silence, as per usual.

Fleur on the other hand, who had also already arrived, appeared to be scowling at Khan.... or rather scowling at the crowd of fans behind Khan trying to peek into the classroom.

"Jordan! Glad to see you.... ez-special-ly weethout your pets!" Fleur flared her allure in greetings, coming up to greet Khan, presenting her hand.

"Fleur! How have you been?" Khan greeted her back, kissing her hand appropriately.

Khan was glad to see his new French friend. They had not had a chance to catch up with all the chaos the past few weeks.

With his current popularity at an all-time-high, matching (arguably surpassing) Krum's popularity, with the Hogwarts students, Khan had not been given a second of peace, constantly being accosted by Hogwarts students.

Even in his Ravenclaw dorm, he had Ravenclaw females sneaking into his room to accompany him right from the moment he awakened.

It had gotten so bad, that he had started sleeping in the Room of Requirements the past few nights, just to actually get some sleep.

Khan had been visiting Prince and Lord of the Shore a few nights ago, just to feed them and spend a bit of time with them before attempting to go to bed. He was exhausted by all the attention, was simply taking some time to himself, hoping to avoid his fans for just a little bit longer.

However, Exiting his vivarium on the upper floor, he noticed something new, that hadn't been there before, in his Room of Requirements.

A new set of stairs, directly opposite the set of stairs leading down towards his 'assembly line' for potions and plants, had appeared, leading upwards towards a new part of the Room.

'Finally..... always thought it was weird that the right side of the RoR didn't have an extension like the left side!' Khan mumbled to himself, satisfied that his OCD-like tendencies were finally met.

Heading up the new set of stairs, Khan discovered there was a small bedroom, complete with another desk, fireplace, and 4 poster bed.

It seems that even the RoR had sensed how much he needed a place to actually rest, and once again provided it to him without him asking for it.

It somehow just knew....

"I haff beeen good!" Fleur interrupted Khan's thought's about the RoR and its capabilities, responding to his earlier question with a smile, flicking her hair behind her flirtatiously.

"Mais.... not as good as you it seems." She motioned with her head towards the door behind him, indicating Khan's fans, before she began stepping slowly around him.

"What do you m-" Khan cut himself off, noticing with his ancient magic sight, that her aura was increasing, as she was moving around him.

She moved ever so closely, allure on full blast, slowing swaying her hips, eye's never leaving Khan's, before she eventually made her way past him reaching the door, shutting the classroom on Khan's nosy peeking fans, all of whom were staring dagger-eyes at Fleur and her performance, before having the door shut on their faces.

Khan gulped audibly, watching Fleur's brazen display.

He may be unexperienced in Romance, but he wasn't braindead either.

It was quite obvious that Fleur was trying to attract Khan, especially with her actions just now.

'Did I do anything to her?' Khan recognized the seduction attempt, but he was quite puzzled.

Being quite beautiful, and obviously magically powerful (as she was chosen by the Goblet of fire as a Champion), Khan assumed that she had many suitors, all vying for her attention. 'Perhaps its a French culture thing and they are this flirtatious with all their close friends?'

Although he found Fleur quite attractive, Khan didn't want to assume anything, being still new at romantic relationships. Truthfully, he was just scared of rejection and misunderstanding the situation, possibly disturbing their newly developing friendship prematurely.

Unfortunately for Fleur, Khan just didn't understand the inherent attraction he held, especially towards to opposite sex. Being a virgin in relationships, he incorrectly assumed that his new popularity was a result of becoming Triwizard Champion. And that after the initial hype died down, he would return to the minor celebrity status he held during the first 2 months at school.

He didn't realize that it was a culmination of multiple things, that shot him to the top of the most eligible bachelor's list in Hogwarts.

His Unique school outfit and Rare (for wizarding England) asian features.

His status as a Junior Professor.

His invention of the popular game, Summoner's Court.

His Magical prowess and power demonstrated during his classes.

And now, his being one of the Hogwarts Champions-

All this combined together to make Khan the most sought after male in school.... arguably even more than Krum.

Unfortunately for Khan, he didn't recognize this just yet.

Fleur of course, recognized this immediately however, especially after investigating him the past few weeks, learning of his Jr. Prof Title and combat prowess from numerous gossiping students. The Hogwarts students, were more than happy to brag about their champion to anyone who would listen.

She was already interested in the English-Asian gentleman, especially his initial first impression, being quite noble, and being especially resistant to her allure.

Now however, with his growing female fan base, she decided to go on the aggressive and make her claim early.

Obviously with her looks, noble background, and obvious magical power, being the only female champion, only she could have the qualifications to stand next to Khan as his partner.

Khan meanwhile was watching Fleur's growing allure aura with his magic sight, increase to levels approaching the Veelas at the World Cup, becoming distracted by the aura, instead of paying attention to Fleur's blatant seduction attempt.

'Hmmmmm it looks like the allure is almost as strong as the auras I saw during the World Cup…. I wonder…' Khan suspected there was something special/unique about the Veela race.

Thinking back to the World Cup, he recalled that he didn't view any male Veelas.

But then again, Fleur did tell him that she herself was 1/4 Veela, which is odd because that meant there was an all female race that could reproduce amongst each other to create pure-bloods….

'Perhaps it has something to do with the newly discovered genetics….' Khan thought back to a science paper he read about Mededian inheritance (published from the 1860s). 'Something else to investigate!'

Khan's infamous nerd-mode began to rear its head as he began to think about the differences in allure, and related Veela genetics, completely distracting him from the seduction attempt.


(A/N: Saw some comments earlier about Veelas, so thought I'd clarify my theory, since theres no established canon history behind their race. so my theory about Veelas is that it's a X chromosome trait. Like the allure, looks, harpy fireball mode, etc. So a pure blooded female Veela would have 2 X-Veela chromosomes. And any sons born, could carry the X-veela chromosome, but the regular Y chromosome would be dominant (explaining no male Veelas). And the 1/2 blood female veelas, like Fleur's mom, have 1 X-veela chromosomes, and 1 regular X chromosomes. Quarter Veela therefore have a 50% chance to have regular non Veela female children, since it is possible the mother passes her regular X chromosome, and not her Veela one).


It was a few minutes later and Fleur and Khan had made their way over to the classroom fireplace, Khan still deep in his thoughts, giving half hearted answers to Fleur, while she was attempting to flirt with him unsuccessfully.


Khan was distracted out of his thoughts, and Fleur out of her flirting attempts, with the door slamming open suddenly.

Their attention was brought over to a disheveled Harry who had just arrived, and finally managed to squeeze his way past all of Khans fans crowding the door.

He slammed the door shut again behind him, before he looked around, spotting Khan talking to Fleur, giving him a quick smile in greetings.

"Ah! Here he is!" Bagman spotted Harry, and immediately got up out of his seat, bounding forwards towards him in excitement. "The 4th champion! In you come Harry, in you come!"

He motioned towards Harry beckoning him into the classroom. "Nothing to worry about, just the Wand Weighing ceremony! The other Judges will be along momentarily!"

"Wand Weighing?" Harry asked nervously.

"Just a simple check, to make sure your wands are functioning properly." Bagman explained cheerfully. "They are your most important tool in the tasks ahead after all...."

"Come come! The expert, Mr Olivander himself, is just upstairs with Dumbledore and the rest of the judges." said Bagman. "He will come and inspect your wands, followed by a small photoshoot for the paper."

"This here is Rita Skeeter...." He added, gesturing to the witch in the Magenta robes he had been speaking to earlier when Khan had originally arrived. "She's doing a small piece on the Tournament for the Daily Prophet."

"Maybe not that small Ludo...." the newly identified Rita Skeeter responded, eyes deadset on Harry.

Khan observed the lady, as she was giving him bad vibes with her unblinking look at his younger friend.

He saw that her hair was set in rigid curls that contrasted oddly with her jeweled spectacles and strong jawline. Wearing magenta colored robes, with crimson painted nails, Khan thought she had an odd sense of fashion.... but perhaps this was common attire for this century?

Khan still hadn't managed to grasp current fashion trends unfortunately.

"I wonder if I could have a little word with Harry before we start?" She said aloud to Bagman, eyes still fixed, unblinkingly at Harry. "The youngest champion, you know.... to add a bit of color?"

"Certainly!" Bagman, ever the people pleaser, unceremoniously agreed.


Rita grabbed Harry, and was hurriedly rushing him back outside the classroom.

She grabbed on to the closed classroom door, before attempting to pull it open. Unfortunately for her, she found that the door had been locked.

"It wouldn't be appropriate for a champion to leave, right before a Triwizard tournament event is about to begin. Wouldn't you agree, Ms Skeeter?" Khan called out from his spot leaning by the fireplace, wand in hand tapping idly against his leg.

It was clear, that Khan had locked the classroom door with his wand, preventing Rita and Harry from escaping.

"You should have no problem conducting the interview here with people present. Especially if said interview will be displayed in the newspaper." He stated with authority.

"And who do you think you are, ordering me around?" Skeeter was furious at the audacity of this unknown champion. "This has nothing to do with you.... continue flirting with your 1/2 beast girlfriend."

She had not bothered researching any of the other champions before coming to attend the weighing of the wands. She was only concerned with the 4th Champion, the boy-who-lived; Harry Potter.

She did however, recognize the allure Fleur was releasing as she was attempting to seduce Khan, and decided to comment on it out of spite.

She didn't realize how big of a mistake, she had just made.

Khan was especially sensitive towards anyone making fun of beasts and people who loved them. He remembered defending Poppy multiple times against bullying, as before him, she was friendless, choosing to spend her time with her magical beast friends instead.

Some students had even made fun of Poppy, calling her 1/2 beast, since she didn't have any human friends.

And this lady had just called Fleur that same thing?

The classroom fell silent, as everyone could sense the growing magical power of Khan, as he reacted to Skeeter and her comment.

"I'm sorry..... perhaps I misheard you." Khan spoke quietly, but the room could hear the anger in his voice.


Thunder and Lightning rang outside the classroom window, startling the group, bring everyone's attention momentarily away from Khan and towards the window.

It wasn't stormy previously..... just overcast.

As the group got their bearings and looked back towards Khan, they all saw him still standing there by the fireplace, head slightly down with him staring at the fire, hair covering his eyes.

Slowly he looked up from the fire, making eye contact with the rest of the room, startling them with its appearance.

Red lightning flashed through his pupils, as Khan, completely contrasting to how he looked, asked Rita calmly.

"Would you care to repeat yourself?"