
Chapter 3 - Waking Up

Shortly after sending that messenger patronus, the pair's attention was brought back to Khan's glowing egg momentarily, before a bright flash appeared off to the side.


Dumbledore had Phoenix flashed alongside McGonagall and Pomfrey, immediately striding over to the pair standing guard by the egg.

"What's the situation?" asked Dumbledore with surprising urgency, McGonagall and Pomfrey following closely after him.

"We have lost control over our innate magical abilities." Moody commented with professionalism. "Tonks has reverted to her natural birth looks, losing her control over her Metamorph magical abilities. Whereas I have lost control over my magical eye. It currently cannot see anything, and I can't seem to power it either."

Madame Pomfrey quickly closed in and began casting diagnostic spells in haste.

"Life signs appear to be stable." She commented, in matron-mode. "The magical shell appears to be preserving his lifeforce, preventing him from aging after all this time. His magical core appears to be stable, albeit very large for a student his biological age. I would advise moving him to the Medical wing for further observation."

"Is that safe?" asked McGonagall in worry. "Do we know who this child is? How he got here? What happened to him to be placed in this magical coma?"

Grunting in slight approval of McGonagall's paranoia, Moody takes out his copy of the epitaph from outside the giant gates.

"We found this inscribed on the wall, behind 2 stone monuments, written as an epitaph." Moody states, handing over his copy to the newcomers.

Pausing slightly to read the epitaph, McGonagall covers her mouth in shock, while Pomfrey sheds a few tears in surprising emotion.

Dumbledore, meanwhile, with his ever-present twinkle in his eyes, looks more intrigued than ever.

"You must show me this memorial." Dumbledore states to Moody, who nods his agreement.

"After we get this child to the Medical wing." States McGonagall and Madame Pomfrey with motherly authority. The epitaph, specifically from this child's friends, had touched the caring Professor's hearts.

"Of course!" Dumbledore nodded in agreement. "The students and their safety are our priority as educators after all! Fawkes, if you would be so kind?"

Cawwing in agreement, Fawkes swooped down towards the egg. As Fawkes approached however, he felt a kinship with the boy in the egg. A familiar feeling.

'Had this child contracted with another phoenix?' Fawkes mused to himself.

Being an ancient and magical beast, Fawkes naturally had human-like intelligence.

"I look forward to getting to know you child. You and your partner." Fawkes commented aloud, surprising everyone present, before he quickly flashed the egg and himself away.

"D-dd-did your Pho-Pho-Phoenix just talk out loud?" Tonks stutters out in shock.

The rest of the group turns in unison towards the headmaster, looking for an answer.

"Indeed he did!" Dumbledore commented in amusement. "While Phoenixes typically communicate solely with their contracted partner, Fawkes is unique in that he is bonded to Hogwarts herself. As a result, they both have their own unique intelligence, tracing back to the ancient magic situated in this valley."

Letting that piece of information sink in for a moment, Dumbledore paused before in thought, before clapping his hands twice in succession, gathering everyone's attention in the process.


"Excellent!" He states in excitement. "Fawkes has just informed me, through our unique bond with Hogwarts, that he has successfully delivered out student to the medical wing. He will be returning momentarily for Madame Pomfrey and Professor McGonagall to flash them back as well."

Looking towards Moody, he continues in excitement. "If you two would be so kind as to show an old man the memorial?"


Back in the medical wing of Hogwarts, a bright flash soon appeared, quickly showing two figures.

Gathering their bearings, they paused, taking in their surroundings, before quickly moving with purpose towards the student located on a nearby bed.

"The Egg-shaped protective covering surrounding the student has dissipated." Madame Pomfrey observed. "Did anything happen during transport Fawkes?"

Fawkes shook his head in response, before flashing out of the wing.

"All vitals appear normal. The magically induced coma seems to have faded as well. It seems as he is just sleeping." Pomfrey stated to McGonagall, while casting diagnostic charms. "He appears quite healthy and magically fit. No muscle atrophy either. All good signs. All that remains is for him to awaken."

Staring worryingly at the student, McGonagall asks "Will you let me know when the student awakens?"

"Of course Minerva." Pomfrey states in a placating tone. "Please try to get some rest. You have enough to worry about with the tri-wizard tournament being restarted at Hogwarts. We all do."

Nodding in agreement, McGonagall turns to leave to head towards her quarters in the faculty tower.

Quickly reaching the Floo-flame marker of the medical wing, she reaches out, pinching some powder. Throwing it towards the small flame on the wall, she is about to call out her destination when she is interrupted by a gasp of air.

Looking back towards the medical wing, she notices Madame Pomfrey hurrying back to check on the student.

"Did he just wake up?"

Next Chapter out. Probably 1 more for today, then I'm working on the stockpile.

Sudokucreators' thoughts