
A Legacy Continued

MC from Hogwarts legacy was put into an ancient magic coma as a direct result of the Battle of Hogwarts, during the Goblin Uprising of 1890-1891. He is re-awakened in the summer of 1994, right before the World Quidditch Cup. How will our MC fare at the same school he saved, in a new century, with no friends or family, and threats of another dark wizard?

Sudoku · Video Games
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108 Chs

Chapter 13 - Gringotts

*****Regular Chapter Release ***** A/N: So Im sick. Caught this dumb head cold D=. Been slowing down my writing, since im pretty much dead on my feet. Can't even look at screens for too long without getting a headache. Its a good thing I have a stockpile ahaha. Anyways, on to the Story! Thanks for all your support! Hope you all enjoy!

McGonagall looked at the introduction in wonder.

'I thought this young man might be on edge against goblins considering what he just went through.' She mused to herself.

She had imagined all sorts of reactions to Professor Flitwick. But never this one.

Shaking her head of the thoughts, she introduces Flitwick Professionally.

"This is the our Charms Professor, and Head of House Ravenclaw, Professor Filius Flitwick."

Reaching out his hand to shake Khan's in greeting, Flitwick was slightly puzzled.

He was used to being judged by strangers growing up, being a half-goblin.

Prejudged and foredoomed from an early age because of his ancestral connection to a different breed of being that was both regarded, and treated as 2nd-class citizens by much of the wizarding community, Flitwick had faced plenty of hardships growing up.

Subjected to scrutiny from those around him, the minute he set foot inside Hogwarts, he grew to regard those who judged him as ignorant, rather than malevolent.

Not to mention, he had viewed the hero's pensieve memory together with McGonagall that morning.

So he was fully expecting judgement, if not, outright hatred, especially with his goblin features so prominently on display.

This welcoming reaction however, threw him through a loop.

This hero seemed excited to meet him?

Shaking the young man's hand, he answered more out of habit, than anything else.

"I am Professor Flitwick. A pleasure!"


The 3 appeared in a flash, by the fireplace located in Diagon Alley.

After brief introduction, during which Khan had learned that the diminutive professor was a half-goblin, his father being a wizard, the 3 continued on towards Diagon alley.

He had learned that his professor had faced a great deal of hardships during school, due to this racism.

Not to mention, goblins still weren't allowed to carry wands.

It seemed the wizarding world was not as progressive as he had originally believed spotting Flitwick initially.

Speaking of his new head of house, Khan was quite impressed with this Charms master, having learned of his dueling prowess, as a Dueling Champion.

A combatant by nature, Khan had already seen his fair share of combat during his first year at Hogwarts. He was excited to learn from this professor.

Walking forward, he followed his professors, as they accompanied him towards Gringotts.

Heading towards the north side of Diagon alley, passing by Flourish and Blotts (which Khan noted he should visit after his affairs are settled), they eventually came into view of the bank.

A snowy white marble multistoried building that towered over the other little shops, a set of white stairs led up to a set of giant bronze doors. Flanked by goblin warriors in a uniform of scarlet and gold, the giant doors stood closed before Khan and his Professors.

Opening the doors, the 3 of them stepped inside, the guards eying Khan down uneasily.

Their warrior instincts were screaming at them in that moment after all.

Stepping inside the small entrance hall, Khan viewed another set of silver doors, also guarded by a set up uneasy goblin guards.

Khan noticed something as he approached these silver doors. Engraved were the following words:

'Enter, stranger, but take heed

Of what awaits the sin of greed

For those who take, but do not earn,

Must pay most dearly in their turn.

So if you seek beneath our floors

A treasure that was never yours,

Thief, you have been warned, beware

Of finding more than treasure there.'

"Quite poetic." Khan commented off hand as he opened the next set of doors and looked around in awe.

This was the first time he had visited Gringotts through the official entrance.

As a pureblooded heir, many of his necessities were provided for by his parents or various servants and house-elves.

And in his 5th year, he had entered through the vault 12 private entrance set up by the keepers.

Before him was a vast marble hall, long counters stretching along its length with hundreds of goblins sitting at them ready to serve their various customers. Many doors lined the giant hall, leading off to various vault passageways extending for miles under the city.

Khan had traversed the vault passage ways previously en route to vault 12.

'Riding those goblin carts were quite fun' he mused to himself, remembering his adventures in the various goblin mines.

They were quickly attended to, as the goblins seemed on edge from the minute they had stepped in the bank.

"How can I help you?" asked the teller somewhat nervously to Khan and the 2 professors.

"Why do you all appear to be nervous?" asked McGonagall in curiosity.

In all her many visits to the bank, she had never seen the goblins so agitated before.

Even a few years ago, when there had been an attempted break-in for the Philosopher's stone.

"The goblins are a warrior race." the teller replied with apprehension. "And our instincts are screaming at us to be weary of this young wizard."

A few guards came up behind the 3, as if to reinforce what the teller had just told them.

"Please let us know how we can help you, so you can quickly be on your way."

"We are here for a will-reading, in addition to settling any outstanding family affairs." Khan stated professionally. "I am Jordan Khan, heir to the Khan family. We can perform a blood inheritance ritual if proof of identity is required."

"Please follow me and wait here."

Taken into a smaller waiting room full of even more guards, the 2 professors were feeling slightly on edge.

Khan meanwhile, was cool as a cucumber.

Having fought numerous goblins before, even if they were to turn hostile, these amount of guards meant nothing in front of the young warrior.

He found it quite amusing actually, eyes flashing red in arrogance.

McGonagall felt the arrogance dripping off Khan in waves. Ever since she had met the young man, she had experienced a wide range of emotions coming from Khan.

Anger and vengeance towards Voldemort.

Concern and care for his friends, both wizards, beasts and surprisingly goblins.

Sadness and grief towards his unfortunate situation waking up in the future.

And now arrogance towards these nervous warrior goblin guards.

The young hero seemed to be ruled by his emotions, fondly thinking the hero belonged in Gryffindor, rather than Ravenclaw. Ravenclaws were more logical than emotional after all.

Unnoticed by Khan, the emotion-based ancient magic that was absorbed by him, was slowly influencing his thoughts, feelings, and actions. During his first year at Hogwarts, he rarely displayed any emotions, often times employing Occumency to keep most of his responses polite and professional.

"Are you alright Mr. Khan?" she asked the hero, as she noticed he had taken out his wand.

"Just amused, is all." The boy stated in merriment, idly tapping his wand against his leg. "Last time I was here, I entered through a private entrance. Although we were received quite courteously, we were subsequently attacked by Ranrok's loyalists, who had infiltrated Gringotts."

"I do wonder if goblins have improved in combat over the past century." Khan states aloud, a bloodthirsty grin on his face.

"Worry not Mr Khan." Squeaked Prof. Flitwick. "Gringotts goblins care about gold above all else. Nothing untowards will take place."

"Indeed! My guards are simply reacting instinctually to your warrior aura. You have my word, nothing will occur, young warrior! "

They were interrupted by a professionally dressed goblin flanked by 2 oversized (for a goblin anyways) guards.

"I am Lodrok, head teller and branch manager for the London branch of Gringotts. I understand you are here for a will reading?"


Khan was tired.

No, scratch that. Khan was exhausted.

Meeting with the branch manager, they were quickly taken care of. Especially after the blood inheritance test.

The Gringotts goblins were not previous supporters of Ranrok, especially with Ranrok attacking one of their tellers while pursuing Khan and Fig into vault 12.

Not to mention, the racial relations between goblins and wizards had been set back quite a bit, with Ranrok's rebellious actions.

So upon learning Khan's name, they were immediately familiar with the hero's previous actions and deeds.

He was immediately treated with respect. Especially by the branch manager, who turned out to be Grandson of Lodgok.

Helped directly by the branch manager, it wasn't long before his parent's will had been read, and he assumed head of the Khan family.

Unfortunately for Khan, there were a copious amount of paperwork waiting for him as head of a Noble house.

Numerous claims on his family fortune.

Many, many loans, unpaid.

Many shops and properties in disrepair.

There were even a few marriage contracts to deal with.

Shuddering at the thought, Khan had never even been intimate with women; how was he expected to marry someone?

His closest girl friends had been Poppy and Natty during school. And while he always thought of them as attractive, he had never given any thoughts towards a romantic relationship with them. Especially with all his escapades and adventures during his first year. Who had time for a relationship?

Lucky for Khan, he had the aide of his 2 professors as well as the Gringotts branch manager. It had ONLY taken them 5 hours to deal with all the paper work. He shudders to think how much more painful this would be if he was left to handle everything by himself.

Walking slowly out of the bank, Head of House ring snug tight on his finger, he made his way towards Flourish and Blotts close by.

Walking into the store, he intended to purchase a few new books, to catch himself up on current world affairs.

Walking towards to history section, located at the back of the store due to its lack of popularity, he grew excited reading all the unfamiliar titles.

Modern Magical Discoveries for Dummies.

The Adventures of the "Boy-Who-Lived".

Transfiguration blunders of the 20th century.

Modern Muggle Inventions.

Grabbing the book off the shelf, Khan grew curious about the current state of muggle technology.

Opening the book, he slowly grew shocked the more he read.

Muggles could fly? What was this giant balloon called a 'ZELLEPIN'?

They created horseless carriages? Model-T?

'Holy shit!' Khan was very impressed with muggles and their ingenuity and creativity.

"That book is rubbish. You would do well to ignore the information there."

A snobby sounding student interrupted his thoughts.

"Excuse me?" Khan responded in slight anger, eyes flashing red dangerously. "I don't know if you are one of those 'blood supremacists', but you would do well, to watch your tongue, lest you offend the wrong wizard."

"Oh you misunderstand me!" The student hurriedly clarified. "I only meant that book is horribly outdated. Many of those inventions were invented in the early 1900s."

Khan's anger disappeared quite quickly with that statement. He was dumbfounded actually. What did she just say?

He hurriedly clarified. "You mean to say, all these amazing inventions are from over 60 years ago?"

'How different was this world?' he wondered to himself in awe.

Didn't want to stretch out the will and family stuff too much.

Sudokucreators' thoughts