
Leap of Faith

Kara knows this could be a bad idea. She knows she has only just met Lena Luthor and began a sort of acquaintanceship, not a friendship yet. Kara knows that this could go horribly wrong because she doesn't know if she can trust Lena yet, not only because of her family history, but because they hardly know each other. Then equally Kara is about to trust Lena with the two biggest part of her life, one of which she loves more the life itself. But Kara knows that she has to do this, she has to do it for her daughter.

Kara is a single mother and she has a 4 year old daughter named Alura, after her mother of course. Kara had her daughter a few months before she began working at CatCo as Cat Grants assistant, and 3 years before she became Supergirl. Alura was the result of a one night stand Kara had one evening. At the time Kara thought it was just her lucky, as she'd never had a one night stand before then, but she knew she was going to keep the child. After she realised she was pregnant she tracked down the man and told him about it and that she didn't expect anything from him, she just wanted to let him know. The guy told her he wasn't fit to raise a child and it would be best if he wasn't involved in the kids life. At the time Kara couldn't understand how someone could just give up on their unborn child, and not want to be involved in their lives, even if it was just a small amount. About a year later Kara found out that the man had died due to a drug overdose which occurred at a massive party he had been hosting. This is when Kara realised that perhaps that her daughter's father actually did the best thing for her, by not involving himself in her life. Perhaps he knew about his demons and addiction, perhaps it was a sacrifice that he made for his daughter. That is how Kara likes to think of it in hindsight anyway.

From Alura's birth it had just been Kara and Alura. Of course Kara had help from her sister Alex who absolutely adored the girl, and when she met Winn and James they too both quickly became the best uncles. Even J'onn was very taken with Alura about 6 months after Kara met him. All in all Kara was managing really well to raise her half human-half Kryptonian daughter while being an assistant to Cat Grant and now reporter, while also juggling the role of being a super hero.

Everything was going great until about a month prior when suddenly Alura became ill. At first Kara thought nothing of it. She is well aware that her daughter is half human so becoming ill would be likely, even though Kara can't get ill on Earth herself. But as the days passed Alura became worse. It started with Alura just having a stomach ache, but then she soon had gained a high temperature and began throwing up. The alarm bells finally got to the extreme for Kara when she saw that Alura had puked blood. Kara immediately told her sister who got Kara to bring Alura to the DEO right away.

Over the weeks that followed Alura didn't get dramatically worse, but she didn't get better and after hundreds of tests Alex, Eliza nor any of the DEOs top scientists could figure out what is wrong with Alura. This of course made Kara worry beyond belief. She stayed by Alura's bedside constantly, sleeping in the DEO with her, as Alura couldn't leave due to them having to constantly monitor her condition. When Kara had to go to work or do a Supergirl activity Alex sat by her nieces bedside until Kara could get back. Of course Eliza and Alex were just as concerned about their granddaughter and niece respectively, but they tried to hide the depth of their concerns from Kara, because they knew they needed to be strong for her. They knew if Kara saw either of them break down crying that Kara would just be inconsolable.

One day a few days prior to the current time Kara returned to the DEO after she'd gone back to her apartment for the first time in a few weeks. When she was alone in her apartment she broke down in tears for the first time as fear and anxiety consumed her. Kara had been holding in her tears and dread while at the DEO prior to this because she didn't want to scare Alura. Kara didn't want Alura to panic and wonder why her mother was crying. Alura is such a sweet girl, Kara knows that Alura would be more concerned as to why her mother is crying than why she herself is ill. So Kara hid those emotions until she was alone in her apartment, where she could let it all out.

"Alex, I need to ask you something and I need you to tell me the truth." Kara said to her sister when she entered the DEO.

"Okay." Alex nodded with a lot of concern on her face. Alex wasn't stupid, she knew Kara had been crying, and she didn't blame her, she too cried in private as well.

"What....... is....... is she going to..... die?" Kara asked with tears in her eyes.

"Kara I....." Alex began as she approached Kara.

Kara held out her hand to stop Alex from trying to comfort her.

"Alex, I need the truth." Kara said.

Alex sighed.

"I..... we can't be sure..... as we don't even know what's wrong with her..... but...... but you know that you as a Kryptonian..... your cells gain energy from the sunlight..... with you we've been able to measure your cells energy levels...... I..... I've done several tests on Alura and....." Alex said and stops.

Alex remains silent for a long while with tears in her eyes.

"Alex please." Kara begged, she needed to know the truth.

"Her cells are losing energy at a rapid rate..... she....... without that energy...... it's..... unlikely she'll.... survive....." Alex sobbed.

Kara remained silent for a moment.

"How.... how long?" Kara asked.

"Kara, we really cant..." Alex began.

"Alex, HOW LONG?!" Kara asked sternly.

"I..... a week or two...." Alex answered, now knowing she needed to be straight with Kara.

Kara let our a gasp of shock as she looked over at the sleeping Alura, on the medical bed looking so helpless.

So all in all that is what lead Kara here to L-Corp in the present. Almost two days since Alex told Kara the worst thing she's ever been told, that her daughter only had a week or two to live. Kara would do anything for her daughter. Kara needs to know she'd done everything possible to save Alura, and that meant asking the smartest person in National City with several PHDs including one in biology to save her daughter. Kara would pay any price to save her daughter, even if she has to give up her own life.

"You can't go in there!!" Jess yells as Kara rushes passed her and into Lena's office.

"Kara?" Lena says, standing up surprised.

"Lena, I'm sorry. This is my fault. I just needed to see you." Kara says.

"She's so fast!" Jess says to Lena.

"Jess could you make a note downstairs that Miss Danvers is to be let in right away whenever possible." Lena says.

"Really?" Kara says surprised.

Lena smirks as she nods. Kara waits a few seconds as she watches Jess leave.

"So how can I help you Kara?" Lena asks.

"I..... I really need your help..." Kara says with clear panic in her voice.

"You're not in some sort of trouble are you?" Lena ask with a frown.

"No!" Kara replies quickly. "I..... what I'm about to tell you..... I'm taking a big risk.... and.... there are several people who would probably try and stop me from telling you..... but this is too important."

Kara takes off her glasses and unbuttons her shirt revealing to Lena's that she is Supergirl.

"Oh my god, Kara Danvers is Supergirl." Lena says, "I can't believe I was fooled by a pair of glasses."

"Yes.... But.... that's not why I'm here.... you needed to know this because of why I'm here" Kara says as she gestures to her Supergirl suit, "I...... I ......have a daughter..... she's half human half Kryptonian...... she's...... she's ill and no one can figure out what's wrong with her..... she's ...... she's dying...... so I'm here asking..... no begging for your help... please help me save my daughter.".

Lena turns her back to Kara and walks back to her desk. Kara's heart sinks, thinking that this is Lena saying no. But Lena just grabs her back from under her desk and turns back around to face Kara.

"Let's go." Lena says confidently.

Kara lets out a sigh of relief with tears in her eyes. For the first time in weeks she has a bit of hope.