
Kara and Lena Lunchtime

Lena is presently sitting in her office at L-Corp. Lena has had a weird morning since she woke up. At first she woke up happy with a smile on her face, but then she remembered that no one else is with her in her penthouse, Alura went home. So Lena got up and got dressed and headed in to L-Corp earlier than usual. Jess arrived at her usual time just after 8 and when she greeted Lena the assistant immediately could tell that Lena was not in a good mood. Jess asked Lena what was wrong but Lena just dismissed her, claiming she was 'fine', which she clearly wasn't, but Jess left her alone anyway.

Since coming into work Lena has literally been counting down the hours until her 1PM lunch with Kara. Time seems to have passed incredibly slowly for Lena. She has literally been checking the clock every few minutes, hoping it would be 1PM sooner that she realised. But as always, when you keep checking the time, time seems to pass significantly slowly. Eventually 1PM arrives and Kara is nowhere in sight. Lena thinks about texting Kara to ask where she is, but she doesn't want to seem as desperate and frankly lonely, as she feels right now. Time then continues to tick by and with every minute Lena gets more and more upset. She begins to think that perhaps Kara forgot about their lunch, or maybe she doesn't want to talk to Lena ever again because she thinks she didn't take good enough care of Alura. Lena really starts to spiral. Thankfully at 1:30PM Lena's intercom buzzes.

"Miss Luthor, Miss Danvers is here to see you." Jess says.

Lena feels a wave of relief.

"Thank you Jess." Lena replies.

Lena's office door then opens and Kara appears, alone. Lena did hope that as Alura is not in school that perhaps Kara would bring Alura for their lunch, but obviously she hasn't. Lena can't help but feel a bit disappointed, even though she is happy Kara is here.

"Kara." Lena smiles, happily as she stands from her office chair.

"Hey Lena." Kara smiles back and approaches Lena and takes her in for a hug.

All Lena's fears and doubts melt away upon experiencing Kara's hug. It's simply magical. Lena thinks that maybe it's one of Kara's super powers that she hasn't told Lena about. Although Lena thinks the more likely case is that Kara is just special without taking her powers into play.

"I brought some Big Belly Burger with me." Kara says as she gestures to the burger bag in her hand. "I'm sorry I'm late."

Lena gestures for them to go and sit on the couch in Lena's office.

"That's okay. I was beginning to think you may have forgotten." Lena says as she takes a seat.

"Of course not!" Kara quickly replies, "I just had to drop Alura off at Alex's and she made a whole fuss because she wanted to come with me to our lunch."

"Oh, well I'd have liked that." Lena replies, trying not to sound too disapointed.

"I know." Kara smiles, "But I thought it might be best if it's just us so we can talk, without Alura overhearing us."

"Oh, right, of course." Lena nods, taking a gulp, clearly this is going to involve a more serious or intimate conversation.

Kara begins to unpack the Big Belly Burger, handing one to Lena and taking out a large portion of fries for them to both share. Kara then tears a few packets of ketchup and squirts them onto some of the paper bag containing the fries.

"So..... how was your.... trip?" Lena asks, not sure where to start.

Kara takes the first bite of her burger.

"Good. It was crazy. We had to fight a bunch of aliens called Dominators." Kara explains.

"What really?" Lena asks, surprised, "Why were you fighting them?"

"They came to my friend Barry's Earth to wipe out meta humans on the planet because Barry did some time travelling which effected his Earth's timeline." Kara says.

"Wow.... that's.... a lot to take in.... meta humans? What are they?" Lena asks.

"Oh. They are basically humans that something has happened to them in their life for them to gain powers. My friend Barry, he was struck by lightning the same night a particle accelerator exploded and released a bunch of dark matter across his city. He went into a coma and several months later woke up with super speed." Kara explains.

"Wow.... that's..... fascinating...... but you mentioned time travel?" Lena asks.

"Uhh yes.... Barry can run so fast that he can travel through time..... I'm not sure about the science of it." Kara explains, unsure.

"Okay." Lena nods as she ponders the science of it all in her head. "So how did you find out about the multiverse?"

"Oh, last year Barry got stuck here. He accidentally ran so fast he crossed over to our universe. He helped me defeat some villains and I helped him get back home." Kara explains.

"Wow, that's amazing." Lena says.

"I know." Kara smiles.

There is a moments silence between the two. It's not an uncomfortable silence. Lena is just lost in thought by all the scientific possibilities from Kara's explanation. Meanwhile Kara is just munching on her burger, allowing Lena all the time she needs to digest all the new information. Kara is aware that it is a lot. Especially for someone as smart and knowledgeable as Lena.

"So...... Alura mentioned you had some issues with James?" Kara asks, trying to break the silence.

"Oh uh..... nothing really..... he just wasn't happy that I was taking care of Alura. He doesn't trust me because of my Luthorness." Lena replies.

"Well that's unfair of him. He did mention something when I got into CatCo this morning, but I'm not paying any attention to it. You took wonderful care of Alura, and I might make you my designated baby sitter from now on." Kara says with a smile.

"I'd be more than happy to." Lena replies with a big grin.

Kara and Lena continue to munch away at their food, talking about various topics for the next few minutes. Just enjoying each other's company.

"Oh, by the way I wanted to ask. Do you still want to come to the cabin with me and Alura and my friends for Christmas?" Kara asks.

"Oh uhh..... I'm not sure James will want me there." Lena says, unsure.

"Well he's not coming anymore anyway. He's going back to Metropolis. So will you come?" Kara asks, sounding as if she really wants Lena to come.

"Of course I'd love to!" Lena smiles.

"Great!" Kara smiles back.

"Shoot!" Lena says, suddenly.

"What is it?" Kara asks.

"I just remembered I promised my friend and her daughter that I'd spend Christmas with them. They are flying all the way to National City this weekend to see me." Lena explains.

"Oh." Kara says, sounding disappointed.

"I'm sorry. I'd really love to go." Lena says, hearing Kara's disappointment, and perhaps hearing a bit of upset in Kara's voice too.

"Well..... maybe you could invite them to come with us?? There's plenty of room for them!" Kara suggests.

"Really? Are you sure?" Lena asks.