
Chapter 46 - James, On the Run

Yesterday afternoon....

James is in his office, just doing some work. Ever since he accidentally dosed Kara with almost the entirety of the remaining red substance, James has backed off and not dosed Kara's coffee at all. James actually thinks he is lucky in this regard, because he has heard through Winn that they all found out that Kara was getting exposed to the red substance that was making her angry when thinking of Lena. James was just relieved to find out that they had no idea that he was the one dosing Kara, and all they knew is that she must have ingested it at some point or another. So, for now, James is just putting a halt to using the red substance. James just hopes that what he has done thus far is enough, and Kara has directed enough anger at Lena that the two will never get back together, and never been in each other's lives again. Honestly, in this regard, James knows that he could have achieved two things. Firstly, Kara might have acted so angrily towards Lena, that Lena just will never want anything to do with her again, just because she can't trust Kara's rage and anger, even if she were to find out about the substance Kara was exposed to. Then secondary, James hopes that what he has done will mean that now that Kara is off of the substance, she just feels guilty, even knowing all the anger wasn't coming from herself. James knows Kara very well, and he knows that the guilt might just eat Kara up, and as much as she may want to start up her relationship with Lena again, her own guilt will prevent her. James just thinks that Kara will probably just believe that Lena is better off without her being in her life. That thought actually amuses James, because in his mind he believes it is the other way around.

Back in his office, James just continues to type away on his computer, just doing some boring CEO work, regarding finances and spreadsheets, nothing exciting. However, even though what James is doing isn't exciting at all, he can't keep the smile off his face. James is just overly happy that his plan went off without a hitch, and he achieved what he set out to achieve.

James then hears a commotion outside his office, which causes him to look up from his desk, out the glass doors of his office and into the bull pen. James looks on and sees that several members of staff have gathered around a few of the TVs out in the bull pen and are looking at the news. James gets a confused and curious look on his face, so he just grabs the remote off his desk and turns around, turning on the TVs behind his desk to various news channels. James spends a few moments flicking through various coverage, looking from screen to screen. James really doesn't know what has the other members of CatCo so interested. He is just about to stand up from his desk and go out to the bull pen and ask everyone, but that is when James sees one news network's headline reading "BREAKING: LILLIAN LUTHOR ARRESTED!!".

James goes wide-eyed, and gets a worried look on his face.

James continues to focus on the news station that is covering Lillian Luthor's arrest, and he notices that the people escorting Lillian Luthor from L-Corp are DEO agents. James gets a really bad feeling in his stomach. The feeling in James' stomach then gets worse when slowly every other news network he has on, on all the other TV screens, begin showing the same breaking news headline. Of course, some of them frame it differently, such as 'Breaking: Luthor Matriarch Arrested!', 'Breaking: Lex Luthor's mother arrested!' or 'Breaking: Another Luthor arrested!', but they all convey the same message, one that James just does not like. James knows that if Lillian Luthor has been arrested by the DEO, that could only mean that the DEO has traced the red substance back to her, which in turn means they will soon trace it back to him as well. James does think that there is the strong possibility that Lillian Luthor is being arrested for something else entirely, she is a Luthor and obviously a criminal after all, but even that doesn't give him comfort. One way or another, James knows that no matter what Lillian has been arrested for, he does not trust the Luthor matriarch to not expose him for what he has done to Kara.

"Shit." James says, quickly getting up from his desk and gathering his things, while turning off all the TVs.

James is very quick about packing his things away. James obviously wants to just run out of CatCo as quick as possible, but he doesn't want to seem too suspicious by quickly making an exit, while also leaving his desk in a mess. So, James just quickly puts everything into his desk drawers, only grabbing his phone, laptop and jacket, before then exiting his office.

"Mr Olsen." Eve smiles, noticing her boss leaving his office, which usually means he wants her to do something. "Is there something I can help you with?"

"Uhh.... No.... I'm going to be away for a few days...." James says, awkwardly.

Eve gets a confused look on her face.

"Don't you have...." Eve begins.

"I have to go Eve." James interrupts, looking up at the TV screens in the bull pen, still reporting Lillian Luthor's arrest, getting more and more nervous.

James then briskly walks out of CatCo, entering the elevator. As James waits for the elevator to descend, he just takes some deep breathes, to calm his nerves. James knows that he needs to have a plan now, as he needs to come up with some solution or something. James thinks about calling Clark, and just seeing if he could get him to help, after all Clark did basically attack Lena when he first saw her in the DEO all those months ago, so maybe he would understand. But at the same time, James knows that Clark is very protective of Kara, and if he were to tell him that he exposed Kara to the altered red Kryptonite substance, James doesn't think Clark will understand or see the bigger picture. So that means that Clark is out.

The elevator doors open and James walks out, walking out of the CatCo building, briskly heading in the direction of his apartment, checking over his shoulder to make sure he isn't being followed. James then dials the number of the only other person who might be able to help him.

"Hello, James?" A female voice answers.

"Kelly!" James says, relieved.

"James? What is it? You sound weird." Kelly replies.

"Look Kelly, I need your help. I... I'm in some trouble.... I'm.... I'm being set up.... by the Luthor's..... I really need your help." James says.

"Okay James, whatever you need." Kelly replies, not even thinking to doubt her brother for a second, he is her big brother after all, why would she question him?


Alex arrives back at the DEO a few hours after originally leaving to find James. After Alex went to CatCo to hopefully arrest James, she then joined up with the other agents at his apartment, but there was no luck. After that Alex just helped to sort through all of James' things, attempting to see if they could find any clues as to his whereabouts. Alex does not like the idea of James being out there unaccounted for. Alex just thinks that if James is capable of essentially poisoning Kara, with a substance provided to him by Lillian Luthor, then who knows what else he is capable of. Simply put, James Olsen being out and about is dangerous, for Kara, Alura, and Lena.

Alex walks to the command centre of the DEO upon her arrival, hoping to get an update about everything. Winn and J'onn, along with several other agents, are all at the command centre, looking at various screens.

"Did we find anything?" Alex asks, upon arrival.

"Our scientists were able to confirm that the red substance you recovered from CatCo is the same red substance that was affecting Supergirl." J'onn replies.