
Chapter 43 - Blood Transfusion

In another part of National City, Sam and Ruby are currently finishing putting the newly delivered couch in the correct place in Lena's penthouse. The mother and daughter have spent the last hour and a bit at Lena's penthouse, first taking the delivery of the new couch, and then having the delivery people carry the old smelly stained couch away. Once the delivery people left, Ruby and Sam spent a while just trying to find the correct position for the couch, much to Ruby's annoyance. Ruby wasn't annoyed because they were trying to find the correct position, but more so because her mother was incredibly indecisive over exactly where the couch should be placed. It was all a very typical scene of someone being indecisive with the placement of new furniture. At first Sam thought that the couch needed to go back a bit, then forward a bit, then left, then right, then rotated slightly; it was all just very tedious in Ruby's mind. But eventually, after about 15 minutes of Sam's indecision, Sam was satisfied with the couch's placement, while Ruby can't tell any difference in the place of the couch, compared to where they first put it down. Ruby however is not going to tell her mother that, as that would probably lead to Sam wanting to move the couch again.

"Okay, I think we are done." Sam smiles, pleased.

Ruby nods and jumps to sit on the couch.

"Ruby!" Sam yells.

"What?" Ruby asks, confused.

"Get off the couch, it's new, you shouldn't sit there." Sam says.

Ruby gets a confused look on her face.

"Yes it's new.... But couches are meant to be sat on mom." Ruby protests.

"I know, but we should wait for Lena to get home before we all sit on it. I want it still looking pristine when Lena gets back." Sam explains.

"Fine." Ruby says with a huff, getting off the couch and just sitting on the floor in front of it.

"Thank you." Sam smiles. "Now, how about a snack as a reward for our good work?"

"Sure." Ruby smiles as she grabs the TV remote, turning the TV on.

Sam nods at her daughter, and then makes her way over to Lena's kitchen area. Sam then begins to look through the cupboards, and this is when she remembers that Lena really doesn't have much food that they can snack on. In fact, Lena doesn't really have much food in general. Over the last few days, while Sam has been staying at Lena's penthouse, the two women have been surviving off of take out, as unhealthy as that is. Sam just makes a note in her mind to go and buy a bunch of groceries for Lena, and make sure the youngest Luthor actually eats properly from now on. Sam is willing to force feed Lena like a child if she has to.

"Mom!" Ruby calls out, trying to get Sam's attention.

"Yes, Rubes?" Sam replies, just tilting her head in Ruby's direction, not giving Ruby's tone much thought. "Mom, look!" Ruby says, pointing to the TV screen.

Sam gets a slightly confused expression on her face, but she then follows Ruby's finger which is pointing towards the TV screen where the news is playing. To Sam's surprise the news shows Lillian Luthor being escorted out of L-Corp in handcuffs by some agents in black gear.

Sam quickly moves back over to the living room, wanting to get a better look at what the news is saying.

"Turn it up Ruby." Sam says.

Ruby nods and turns up the volume of the TV.

"Currently we are unaware as to why Lillian Luthor is being taken into custody. We reached out to Lena Luthor's office for comment, but we were told that the L-Corp CEO is unavailable for comment at this time." The female reporter says.

Sam goes wide eyed and immediately pulls out her phone and rings Lena's number. Lena's phone just rings and rings before then going to voicemail.

"Shit." Sam mutters.

"Mom." Ruby says. "I know, swear jar." Sam replies. "No, those people who were taking aunt Lena's mom away, they looked like the same people who work with Alex at the DEO." Ruby explains.

Sam nods and then scrolls to Alex in her contacts before ringing her.


Alex is presently rushing to the other medical room, where they store the DEO's blood reserves in a fridge. Just as Alex enters the medical room, her phone rings. Alex quickly grabs it, in fear that maybe Winn or Kara is calling her because something has happened in the less than a minute she has been away from them, but Alex notices that it is Sam calling her. The fact that Sam is calling her doesn't make Alex's feeling of dread any better, in fact she may feel slightly worse by it. Alex knows that if Sam is calling her, she probably knows that something has happened to Lena, and she is going to now have to be the one to tell the Arias woman about how bad of a state Lena is in.

Alex takes a deep breath and answers her phone.

"Hello, Sam?" Alex answers.

"Alex, thank god." Sam says, breathing a sigh of relief. "Ruby and I just saw the news about Lillian's arrest. Ruby said that the agents that took her away looked like they were from the DEO. You don't happen to know anything about it, do you? I tried to phone Lena, but she isn't answering."

Upon hearing those words from Sam, Alex's dread just feels even worse than it originally did, as Alex realises that Sam is only calling to ask about Lillian's arrest. Sam clearly has absolutely no idea that Lena got shot.

"Alex?" Sam asks, after Alex doesn't reply.

"Yes... uhmm.... Lena has been shot." Alex explains. "WHAT?!" Sam replies, worry in her voice.

"Mom?" Ruby asks her mother, confused.

"Did Lillian do it?" Sam asks, confused and extremely worried.

"No.... Lillian.... she sent an assassin to kill Alura.... She then told Lena all about it..... Lena phoned me and told me, and that Lillian was then unconscious in her office. I then had DEO agents go and take Lillian into custody while I tried to get to Kara and Alura's location. Lena got there before me though. L-Corp is closer to where it happened.... I didn't see it.... but apparently Lena went running towards Kara and Alura, and just as Alura was about to be shot, Lena jumped in the way of the bullet. Kara didn't know that happened at the time, and just flew away as Supergirl to find the sniper. Lena just took Alura into a nearby apartment lobby, but it looks like she soon collapsed from the bullet wound thereafter." Alex explains.

"I... how.... how bad is she?" Sam asks.

"She's... I'm not going to lie Sam.... It isn't looking good. The doctor.... she has been able to remove all the bullet fragments from Lena's abdomen, and close up the wound, but Lena has lost a lot of blood. Usually we would just give Lena a blood transfusion, but we are running very low on her blood type. We have currently figured out a way to give her some blood, which is complicated and I don't have much time to explain, but I don't think it will be enough. It may only just buy us some time so we can get her enough blood so she can be properly treated." Alex says.

"I.... wait!!!" Sam says, a sound of realisation in her voice.

"What?" Alex asks, confused.

"Lena, she told me the other day that she recently has been storing some of her own blood in one of the labs in L-Corp! I can see if I can find some!" Sam declares.