
Chapter 26 - Moring After

Lena wakes up the next morning and she doesn't wake with the expected sight of Kara cuddled against her, instead she is woken by a far, far better one. Kara has woken up before Lena and crawled under the covers and has her head between Lena's thighs, causing Lena to wake up with incredible pleasure. It may be the favorite way that Lena has ever woken up. In fact, Lena knows that it most definitely is the favorite way she has ever been woken, and she makes note to attempt to wake Kara in a similar fashion someday soon.

"Ohhhhh." Lena moans as she opens her eyes.

Kara doesn't say a word to Lena, she just continues to give Lena incredible pleasure.

Eventually Lena completely comes undone, closing her thighs around Kara's head, forcing her to keep her head in place, and Kara is all too happy to oblige. For anyone else Lena would have been worried that she may hurt her partner in the midst of her pleasure, but she knew that wouldn't be the case with Kara. Even with the red sun lights on, Lena knows that Kara can still take a lot more forceful nature during love making than any other person. In fact, Lena thinking about this leads her down a path which causes her to think of all the things she wishes to try with Kara in the future. Lena imagines herself digging her nails into Kara's back, and using her mouth to place love bites up and down Kara's entire body. Lena loves the idea of making a claim on Kara's body like that, not that she thinks she owns her or anything, or that she wants other people to even see. Lena just likes the idea. All of these thoughts just rush through Lena's head in the middle of her orgasm.

After a few minutes Lena comes down from the untold pleasure that Kara gave her and Kara crawls up the bed and takes Lena in for a tender kiss. Lena can taste herself on Kara's lips.

"Hmmm morning." Lena hums into the kiss.

"Hi." Kara smiles.

"That was a lovely way to be woken, darling." Lena says.

Kara gives Lena a goofy smile.

"Well, seeing as we both were too tired last night and couldn't go for round two, I thought we could make up for that this morning." Kara grins.

Lena grins back at Kara and takes her lover in for a passionate kiss.

"That sounds like an excellent idea. Now, let me return the favor." Lena grins with a wicked smile.

Kara and Lena proceed to spend the morning making love to each other once more, it is different from the previous night however. Last night it was filled with a sort of forceful sexually charged passion. It was hot, heavy and aggressive. But this morning Kara and Lena are tender and, oh so caring, with each other. Both ways have their merits, and neither is better than the other. It's just that the situation Kara and Lena find themselves in this morning calls for a different approach. That said, this doesn't stop Lena and Kara from both completely devouring each other. In fact, unlike last night where they kept their sexual escapade in Lena's bedroom, this morning the two begin in the bedroom, giving each other a few orgasms each, before they soon move into Lena's shower. In the shower the couple bathe one another, touching up and down each other's naked bodies, which ultimately leads to another round of love making, and then a need to wash once more. It was a vicious cycle really. Well, not that vicious.

At around 11AM Lena and Kara finally decide to finish their morning of passion. Both women could of course go at each with each other all day long, but they knew that they couldn't really do that, as Kara has a daughter who most likely is eagerly waiting for her mother to come pick her up from her aunt Alex's. So, Kara and Lena both have to put a stop to things, for now, so they can continue with their days. Neither woman really minds however, both Lena and Kara love Alura to bits, and both would do just about anything for her. Then at the same time, both Kara and Lena know that while there were no promises of tomorrows, no promises that they would do it again; The way the felt about each other, and the way they both looked at one another told them all they needed to know. The two of them loved what they did last night, and both of them were in this for the long haul. So they both would have plenty more opportunities to do what they did last night, and again this morning, in the future.

Kara and Lena are both finishing up getting dressed in Lena's bedroom. Once more, just like for the second part of their date last night, Lena is allowing Kara to wear some of her clothes. She still doesn't voice the fact that she kind of likes Kara wearing her clothes, it's just nice. It's nothing sexual or kinky or anything like that, she just likes it. Lena for her part has a very different style to Kara, as Kara's style can be described accurately as quirky. Lena's style on the other hand obviously contains a lot of designer clothes, which frankly are far less comfortable. That said, Lena still does own some more comfortable clothing which she mostly saves for herself to wear when she is at home, when she doesn't have to go out in public where strangers can see her. This isn't because of Lena's vanity or anything. It is simply because Lena has to give off a certain persona to make it in the world as a CEO of one of the biggest companies in the world, and Lex Luthor's sister. Lena can't afford for the general public to see her in less professional or less expensive outfits, which happen to be comfortable. If they did, the people that Lena works with, and against, could sense some sort of weakness, and perhaps think less of her, making Lena's business life all the more difficult.

Kara's phone buzzes just as she finishes getting ready.

Are you coming to pick Alura up soon? Or have you just run off together and forgotten your daughter?

I'm just about to leave Lena's to come pick her up!

Good! She's being a bit of a terror at the moment...

What why?

She seemingly woke up on the wrong side of the bed. She was fine last night.

I think she just misses you.

Okay, well you can tell her that I will be there soon.

How about I bring lunch?

Sure. What are you gonna get, we had pizza last night.

How about I get us some sandwiches from Noonan's?

That sounds good! Can you get me a pulled pork sandwich with BBQ sauce?

Of course! Be there soon!


Kara puts her phone away in her pocket and looks at Lena who is just looking at her with a smile.

"That was Alex. She is asking where I am." Kara explains.

"Oh. I guess you'll have to pick Alura up now." Lena says, nervously, not wanting her time with Kara to come to an end.

"Yeah." Kara nods in just as much of a nervous and disappointed tone.

"Well, I had a really nice time last night.... and this morning.... I hope we can do it again... soon." Lena says as she wrings her hands together.

Kara closes the distance to Lena and takes her in for a tender kiss then hugs her.

"Yeah, me too." Kara smiles.

Lena walks hand in hand with Kara downstairs towards her front door. The two are both only holding hands because they still can't get enough of one another, and them holding hands allows them to have some more intimacy, even if it's only for a little while longer.

"Well.... I should go..." Kara says, gingerly, as the two arrive at the door.

Lena carefully lets go of Kara's hand and nods.