
Chapter 23 - The Road Home

It is the 2nd of January and everyone is preparing to head home from the cabin. Most of the group are sad about it because over the last week and a bit everyone has had such a fun relaxing time with one another.

"Do you have everything Alura?" Lena asks Alura as she walks into the four-year-olds room.

Kara asked Lena to just check on Alura to makes sure her daughter hasn't left any of her stuff behind, while she packs away her things in her room.

"Uhh... I think so Lena.... I don't know where to put these." Alura says as she holds up her white ice skates.

Lena smiles at Alura.

"Let me take them for you and put them in my bag." Lena says.

"Okay." Alura nods with a grin.

Lena takes the ice skates and places them in her bag before zipping it back up and then bringing it out of her room, having made sure she left nothing behind. Lena is met in the hallway by Kara.

"You all good?" Kara asks Lena with a grin.

"Yeah, I think so." Lena smiles.

"Alright, I'll just do an x-ray vision of all our rooms, just to be doubly sure." Kara explains.

Lena smirks and takes Kara in for a gentle kiss.

"Now that's useful." Lena smiles.

Kara grins at Lena and the two are then met in the hallway by Alura pulling her bag out of her room.

"Why don't you both head downstairs while I make sure we haven't left anything behind." Kara suggests.

"Of course." Lena smiles, "Come on Alura, let's go."

"Okay." Alura smiles, "Bye, bye room."

"Aww." Lena can't help but say by Alura's cuteness.

Lena then picks up Alura's bag for her, and carries it downstairs with her own, with Alura following closely behind her. Lena is met in the living room by Eliza, Sam and Ruby.

"You guys all packed?" Sam asks with a smile.

"Yeah, we think so." Lena replies.

"Where's the tree?" Alura asks, noticing the Christmas tree is gone.

"Oh, J'onn chopped it up before he left with Winn earlier." Eliza explains.

Lena is pretty confident that J'onn most likely used his powers to chop the tree into pieces, but obviously Sam and Ruby can't be told that.

"I can't believe they left so early." Sam says.

"Yes, well they wanted an early start." Eliza partially lies.

"Okay, well, do you want to put your stuff in my car then, Sam?" Lena asks.

Sam bites her lip.

"About that..... I was talking to Alex and... we thought it would be best if you, Kara and Alura drove back in your car together. Then Alex, Ruby and I will drive back in Alex's car." Sam explains.

"Oh, if you're sure. What times your flight?" Lena asks.

"It's 6PM, tonight. So, we probably won't see you once we leave." Sam says.

"Oh, okay. Well, you'll have to text me when you arrive at the airport, and when you get back home to Metropolis." Lena says.

"Of course." Sam smiles.

"What about Eliza?" Ruby asks.

"Oh." Sam says and then turns to Eliza. "I hope you don't mind going in Lena's car with Kara and Alura. If you come with us the diversion to Midvale might cut it close to Ruby and I missing our flight home."

Eliza smiles at Sam.

"Of course that's fine dear. I hope you and Ruby both have a safe flight home." Eliza smiles and takes Sam in for a hug.

"Thanks Eliza." Sam smiles into the hug.

Ruby looks at Eliza with a pout, clearly upset about saying goodbye to her. Eliza notices this.

"Come here Ruby." Eliza says as she crouches down and opens her arms for Ruby to hug her.

Ruby quickly runs over to Eliza and takes her in for a hug, tears running down her face.

"I'll miss you Eliza." Ruby says, crying.

"Oh sweetie. You are such a wonderful young girl. I'll miss you too. But I can give you my number and we can talk all the time if you want." Eliza suggests.

"Yeah, I'd like that." Ruby nods.

Alex and Kara come downstairs now, both carrying their bags.

"Did you get everything, Kara?" Lena asks.

"Yep, there was nothing left behind." Kara smiles.

"That's good." Lena smirks.

"Alright? So, is everyone ready to leave?" Alex asks.

"Yep. We were just saying our goodbyes." Sam says.

"Oh right." Kara nods.

"Kara, I'm not sure if Alex told you, but you, Alura and Eliza are going to ride with me, while Sam and Ruby go with Alex." Lena explains.

"Oh, that sounds fine." Kara nods.

"I hope you don't mind dropping mom to Midvale Lena?" Alex asks.

"It'd be my pleasure." Lena smiles.

"Alright. I'll start putting the stuff into the cars. You wanna help me, Al?" Kara asks.

"Sure." Alex nods.

Kara and Alex head outside with a bunch of the bags from the other ladies inside. Lena then turns to Sam and Ruby.

"Now you two both have a safe flight home, okay?" Lena says.

"We will." Sam smiles.

"Yeah." Ruby nods.

"Come here." Lena smiles and opens up her arms.

Ruby and Sam both go and hug Lena, enjoying the moment together. Alura tries to join the hug but Eliza gently stops her.

"Let them have a moment together honey." Eliza whispers to Alura.

Alura looks at Eliza and nods.

"I'll miss you guys." Lena says as they pull away from the hug.

"We'll miss you too auntie Lena." Alura smiles.

Sam smiles at Lena and then crouches down to Alura's height.

"It was very nice meeting you Alura. I can see why Lena thinks you're such a special amazing girl." Sam smiles.

To Sam's surprise in response to this Alura jumps Sam and hugs her, wrapping her arms around her neck. Prior to this Sam wasn't sure how Alura felt about her, as she still seemed a bit nervous around her, not having spent much time together without a lot of people nearby.

"Bye Sam." Alura says into the hug.

Sam pulls back from the hug and smiles at Alura. Ruby then approaches.

"I'll miss you Alura." Ruby says.

Alura looks at Ruby for a moment and tears then begin to appear in her eyes before she hugs Ruby.