
Chapter 118 - Animal Kingdom & Epcot

Kara, Lena and Alura are now just arriving at Animal Kingdom. Today the family got a slightly later start than yesterday, it being close to 11AM right now.

"Momma? Why is there no monorail?" Alura asks, confused.

Lena looks at Alura and chuckles.

"Because this is a different Disney park than the one yesterday." Lena explains, "It's in a different location, and there isn't a bunch of water between the park and the car park."

"It's also the newest park out of the 4 of them. The one we went to yesterday, Magic Kingdom, opened all the way back in 1971, but this park opened in 1998." Kara explains.

Lena smirks at Kara.

"More of your 'fun facts'?" Lena comments.

"Wow, they are still both old." Alura says, which makes Lena feel old, because she was born before 1998. It doesn't really make Kara feel old though, because she was technically born ages ago. "They don't look old though."

"That's because they have been updated all the time. New rides have been introduced and everything, with some rides taken away too." Lena says.

"Yeah, plus they have literally added whole new sections to parks at times. For instance, at Hollywood Studios, the kind of second park, they most recently added a Star Wars land, which I'm very interested in going to see." Kara explains.

"What's Star Wars?" Alura asks, with a confused expression on her face.

Lena's eyes go wide in amusement at Alura asking this.

"It's uhh.... a film series." Kara explains, "We can watch them together sometime."

"Okay." Alura nods, and then happily walks inside the park, hand in hand with her mothers, looking around as they do this.

"For someone that insists on watching a lot of movies, I'm surprised Alura hasn't seen Star Wars." Lena says to Kara.

"Yeah.... it's cause..... I dunno.... I didn't really think they were appropriate movies for her, not only because of some of the violence, but also because I didn't think she would quite understand them. Plus, there were many many more kid friendly Disney movies that I know Alura would love first." Kara explains.

Lena nods her head.

"Well, maybe we can watch them all together one evening, while we are here?" Lena suggests.

"Yeah, that sounds nice." Kara smiles, lovingly, at Lena.

"WOW That's a really big tree!" Alura says, wide-eyed, as she looks on at The Tree of Life.

Lena and Kara both chuckle at their daughter's awe.

"Yeah." Kara nods, "And there's a special show thing that we can do, in a theatre bellow the tree."

"Really?" Alura asks, surprised.

"It says here, on the map, that there is a 3D film called It's Tough to be a Bug, which is inspired by the Pixar film A Bug's Life." Lena explains, while looking at the map.

"Oooooo..... can we do that first?" Alura asks.

"Sure." Kara smiles.

The family then beginning heading to It's Tough to be a Bug, and when they arrive, they see there is only a predicted 10-minute wait time.

"I don't think you are going to like this one, by the way." Kara says to Lena.

"Why's that?" Lena asks, with a confused expression on her face, "I like A Bug's Life, and 3D films."

"Yeah, but there is also a moment where everything goes dark, and then you feel bugs crawling all over you." Kara explains.

Lena's screws up her face in disgust after hearing that, which causes Kara to laugh.

"That is certainly not my thing, but it's only air, not real bugs or anything. I'll be fine." Lena says.

The family then proceed to go into the theatre and experience the show, with their 3D glasses. Alura completely loves it, and even squeals happily when she feels the bugs crawling over her back. It is just another moment where Kara and Lena's hearts feel so full seeing their daughter so happy.


Kara, Lena and Alura have just come out of the 3D show, and Lena is currently looking at the map again, deciding what they should do next.

"Hmmm.... okay.... so...... I think we should head over to Dinoland USA first, and then work our way around the park." Lena suggests.

"Dinoland?" Kara asks, wide-eyed.

Lena looks at Kara and chuckles.

"I forgot you love dinosaurs." Lena smirks.

"Yeah, well, they are sooooo cool! Krypton had nothing like them!" Kara says, excitedly.

"I like dinosaurs too." Alura speaks up.

Lena and Kara chuckle at Alura's cuteness.

"Alright, I guess we will head over there then." Lena smiles.

Kara, Lena and Alura then head over to Dinoland where they start things off by Alura getting a photo with Mickie and Minnie Mouse, who have safari type gear on. The five-year-old was absolutely over the moon to meet them, and get a photo, which warmed Kara and Lena's hearts once more. After that, the family went on their first ride of the day, a ride called TriceraTop Spin, then followed by a ride called DINOSAUR. Alura enjoyed both rides, with the young girl liking DINOSAUR much more than the other ride.

After that, Lena decides that they should take a break for their lunch, where they eat in a restaurant called Restaurantosaurus. Lena very much enjoyed the restaurant, because it had a lot of vegetarian alternatives. Lena is obviously not a vegetarian, but she does like to eat healthy foods. She did try and encourage Kara and Alura to eat some more greens, but they each refused. Lena didn't try and put up much of a fight because they are on vacation after all.

Once the family were done with their lunch, Lena then decided that Alura, and probably even Kara, would like to go to an exhibit called The Boneyard, which is basically a playground where kids (and kid like parents) can dig in sand to find dinosaur bones. Of course, once they arrived at The Boneyard, Kara and Alura were very much into it, digging up all sorts of dinosaur bones. While Alura and Kara were doing this, Lena watched on with a big happy smirk on her face.

After Kara and Alura were done playing in the sand, digging for bones, the family made a quick stop to the nearest toilets, for Alura and Kara to wash their hands, before they then made their way into the Asia area of the park. As soon as they entered, they all saw the Mount Everest ride.

"Ooooo look, a mountain mommy!" Alura says, with a smile.

"Yeah, it looks cool." Kara smiles back, holding Alura's hand, while Lena walks next to them, looking at the map.

"It says here that there is a ride where you go on a train that goes speeding through the Himalayan mountains, while trying to avoid a yeti." Lena says.

"Can we go on it?" Alura asks, excitedly.

"Sure." Kara smiles.

The little family proceed to head over to the queue, and before they start to queue up, Kara looks to Lena.