
Status Before Danmachi World

As of 9/24/2019 - 10:49 am

This is the status of mc, his wife, and friends before he goes to another world.


Name: Ye Han

Age: 21

Bloodline: The Original Bloodline

Body Physique: The Original Physique (Grand Completion)

Cultivation: Divinity of Creation (Initial Completion)

Spirit Ability: Creation



Name: Ye Ada

Age: 21

Bloodline: Vermillion Phoenix

Body Physique: The Soaring Eternal Void Physique

Cultivation: Divinity of Life (Initial Completion)

Spirit Ability: ????

[author: not really sure, what is a good ability for the divinity of life? any recommendation?]



Name: Qian Renxue

Age: 25-years-old

Spirit Rank: 78 (Spirit Saint)

Spirit: Seraphim

Spirit Ability:

1st Ring: Concentrated Spirit Release

2nd Ring: Angelic Descent

3rd Ring: Holy Light

4th Ring: Light Heal

5th Ring: Holy Sword

6th Ring: Angel's Howl

7th Ring: Seraphim Spirit Avatar



Name: Tang San

Age: 21-years-old

Spirit Rank: 65 (Spirit Emperor)

Spirit: Blue Silver Emperor Grass

Spirit Ability:

1st Ring: Bind

2nd Ring: Parasite

3rd Ring: Poisoned Spider Web

4th Ring: Blue Silver Prison

5th Ring: Blue Silver Emperor Tyrant Spear

6th Ring: Jade's Deathly Venom (red ring)

Spirit: Clear Sky Hammer

External Bone: Eight Spider Lance (epic)



Name: Xiao Wu

Age: 21-years-old (100,020-years-old)

Spirit Rank: 64 (Spirit Emperor)

Spirit: Soft Bone Rabbit

Spirit Ability:

1st Ring: Waist Bow

2nd Ring: Charm

3rd Ring: Teleportation

4th Ring: Paragon Golden Body

5th Ring: Soft Bones Lock

6th Ring: Nothingness, Instant Kill Eight Stage Drop



Name: Ma Hongjun

Age: 21-years-old

Spirit Rank: 63 (Spirit Emperor)

Spirit: Evil Fire Phoenix

Spirit Ability:

1st Ring: Phoenix Fire Wire

2nd Ring: Bathing Fire Phoenix

3rd Ring: Phoenix Wing Ascension

4th Ring: Phoenix Roar Air Strike

5th Ring: Phoenix Meteor Shower

6th Ring: Phoenix Regeneration (red ring)



Name: Bai Chenxiang

Age: 21

Spirit Rank: 44 (Spirit Ancestor)

Spirit: Needle-Tail Swift

Spirit Ability:

1st Ring: Accelerate

2nd Ring: Speed Boost

3rd Ring: Swift Evasion

4th Ring: Accelerated Wind Slash (Red Ring)



Name: Oscar

Age: 21-years-old

Spirit Rank: 64 (Spirit Emperor)

Spirit: Sausage

Spirit Ability:

1st Ring: Big Recovery Sausage

2nd Ring: Detoxifying Sausage

3rd Ring: Invisibility Sausage

4th Ring: Stimulating Pink Sausage

5th Ring: Limit Surpassing Dark Green Sausage

6th Ring: Clone Mirror Large Sausage



Name: Ning Rongrong

Age: 21-years-old

Spirit Rank: 63 (Spirit Emperor)

Spirit: Ten Treasures Glazed Tile

Spirit Ability:

1st Ring: Strength Amplification

2nd Ring: Agility Amplification

3rd Ring: Spirit Power Amplification

4th Ring: Defense Amplification

5th Ring: Attack Power Amplification

6th Ring: Attribute Amplification (red ring)



Name: Zhu Zhuqing

Age: 20-years-old

Spirit Rank: 63 (Spirit Emperor)

Spirit: Hell Civet

Spirit Ability:

1st Ring: Hell Rush Stab

2nd Ring: Hell Hundred Claws

3rd Ring: Hell Decapitation

4th Ring: Hell Shadow Doppelganger

5th Ring: Hell Connected Shadows

6th Ring: Abyssal Body (red ring)



Name: Dai Mubai

Age: 24-years-old

Spirit Rank: 65 (Spirit Emperor)

Spirit: Evil Eye White Tiger

Spirit Ability:

1st Ring: Evil Eye White Tiger Shield Body Barrier

2nd Ring: Evil Eye White Tiger Intense Light Wave

3rd Ring: Evil Eye White Tiger Vajra Transformation

4th Ring: Eye White Tiger Meteor Shower

5th Ring: Evil Eye White Tiger Transformation

6th Ring: Evil Eyes White Tiger Clone


Panda's thought is to eat and study again. Panda feels his brain has turned into soup and wants to sleep......

PandaWanKenobicreators' thoughts