
Chapter 3(becoming a billionaire in 2 hours)

Uncle lee where are we going ,old central town it is ancient town and there is lot of rich families are living there and there are so many auction houses are there we can sell our items easily tell me little Yun how much do you want to get these things.uncle lee I don't need so much I need just 600-700 thousands money is enough for me and uncle if I need anything can you lend me some money I will pay you later.

ok little Yun,but for one piece 700 thousand is low we can ask them start with 1.5 million.

what uncle 1.5 million for one piece I am thinking about all we can sell for 700 thousand.

where are you little Yun these very precious coins nowadays creating for one coin we need so many tools also,these are priceless treasures

I heard that you gave xin around 5 coins we don't need Yun you keep for yourself these are much needed for you.

no uncle these coins are gratitude I can't take it back sorry uncle.

Dad we arrived let's get going to auction.you kids enjoy the party there I will go and give our stuff to them to put in auction.

Xin is something wrong you seem to be pale , no Yun nothing it's about you I am thinking that bitch did something back there right die to this you fight with others.xin tomorrow you will see a good show.Yun I will always be with you as a brother don't forget about me.ok xin ,let's go to the food court to eat.

Brother Yun what are you doing here today,

xiao nier we came to the auction to sell the items (she is the best in my memory because of that bitch she hurt by me and she tolerated so much, I owe her so much in this life).nier you are not coming to class why is there a problem.

Yes brother my grandmother is suffering from cancer it's in second stage we are here to buy 10,000 year ginseng to cure the cancer, can i see her tomorrow. ok brother, brother about Yuanyi I saw her with others boys she is hanging around she is not a good for you brother.

Nier don't worry about me about Yuanyi and me are over we are not in relationship, yesterday we broken our relationship.you both will talk only you don't need food.xin you are also here with brother.your brother can't do anything without me.If you guys don't eat I will eat everything and no one can get anything. ok we will eat xin leave something for me.

ok time up let's go to auction nier you came with your family,no brother I came with my butler.uncle I will sit with Yun you can wait ok on car.ok my lady I will go and on wait for you on the car.

Brother what you are going to buy today you came ,no can here to sell the items.wow brother.

Auction:The First one for auction the 20 gold coins of tang dynasty it's a warrior coins made with pure gold around 99./. of 117 grams we are verified by the experts here at least one coins sell 20,000 million.all the gold coins 200,000 million starting bidding.

300,000 million for tang family xiao 400,000 million, Lang family 500,000 million and Chen family 1 billion

Auction:Chen family 1 billion for the 2nd time Chen family 1 billion for the 3rd time 20 coins goes to Chen family. For the next item painting from the Han dynasty ,for the next item bowl from the Ming dynasty, item 10,000 year ginseng 100,000 million starting

Lang family 300,000 million,xiao family 500,000 million

Auction:Xiao 500,000 for the 2nd time and 500,000 million for the third time.last one is dagger our experts can't be able to identify this item but we can tell that it came from late Shanghai dynasty it's starting price is 1 million

Lang family 3 million , Biao family 5 million.

Auction:2nd time biao family 5 million and 3rd time biao family 5 million it goes to Biao family.

Nier I want to tell you something I had so many bad things and didn't listen to you but untill now you tolerated because of me please forgive me give me a chance.

Brother what are you talking ,about things happened that due to because of that bitch not you fault brother I didn't hold a grudge on you brother ,in my heart you will the same person when you saved me in childhood I owe my life to you.Bye brother I have some things to take care so that I am going.

xin take me to the largest library in the city,you need to read books I can take you to my family library it's prohibited for outsiders but you are a exception.ok let's go Yun.

System did i complete any of the task what is the progress tell me system

System:you f...k...g user you actually are expecting it can be over in this lifetime for you


System I can't hear you what you said anything

From author:

thank you for adding in the collection