
A Lancer's Branching Time (SAO)

Kayaba Keisuke knew something was wrong the moment his father appeared floating in front of him with purple eyes. When he started talking about a similar world but a different timeline, he knew something was VERY wrong. ...Yet he felt kind of excited? (Mixed components from different SAO branches. Mostly following SAO: IF) (Very slow-paced)

LofiConic · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
7 Chs

Chapter 4

"I have [Searching] at 28. I know someone is there." Kei narrowed his eyes.

"Sorry. I wasn't hiding on purpose."

A man stepped out from the shadows. Long black hair with eyes the same color to match it. He looked slightly older than Koharu and Kei, the former taking a step behind Kei.

"I was just passing through is all. I was even going to lend a hand when the [Kolbold Henchman] spawned, but I saw you take care of them so I thought it would be fine to just watch."

Kei shifted his spear slightly to the side, [Shaft] fading. Putting the spear on his back once more, he sighed.

"Alright, I'll take that for now. What's your name?"

"Kirito. You?" Kirito scratched the back of his head.

"I'm Kei. This is Koharu." Kei pointed towards Koharu, who was now standing next to him again.

"Nice to meet you Kirito!" She smiled, waving.

"Yeah, likewise." Kirito looked taken aback. "So, you two are in a [Party]?"

"Nah, I was just teaching her how to fight." Kei grinned, ruffling Koharu's hair much to her irritation. "We met a few minutes ago."

"Neeeeh! Don't do that!" Koharu attempted to fix her hair.

'Too natural of a reaction, she's most definitely a girl.'

"Hahaha!" Kei turned back to Kirito, who looked slightly awkward. "Sorry about that."

"Uh... No, it's, fine?" Kirito stared at Kei with a sweatdrop. "Anyways, I have to admit, you have some skill."

"Nah, I'm average at best." Kei waved the compliment aside. "I just look like I know what I'm doing."

"No seriously. I've seen people try to use the spear before, but at best they use a [Sword Skill] before running away and then trying again."

"Seriously? Spears are so versatile though. Then again, it is called Sword Art Online, not Weapons Art Online."

"True, swords have a lot of the focus." Kirito shook his head. "Anyways, it was nice meeting you guys, but I have to go now."

"Were you going to do something?" Koharu asked, her hair back to normal. 

"Yeah, I wanted to test something before the Beta ended." Kirito waved. "Enjoy your last day."

He then sprinted down a corridor, his footsteps slowly disappearing.

'So that was Kirito?' Kei thought, a wolfish grin on his face. 'The [Main Character]?'

"Uhm, Kei?" Koharu tugged on his sleeve, causing Kei to turn around. "If I try a little harder once the game comes out, do you think I might be able to be as strong and as cool as you?"

"You can definitely become as strong as me! Maybe even stronger!" Kei nodded, crossing his arms. He thought for a second before he tilted his head slightly. "Although you can't be as cool as I am."

"H-huh? Why's that?" Koharu looked confused.

"Because!" Kei grinned, before ruffling Koharu's hair once more. "You are too cute to be cool!"

"NEEEH!" Koharu turned red, before turning around, trying to fix her hair. "S-stop doing that!"

"Sorry, sorry!" Kei laughed, wiping a tear from his eye. "I just can't help it!"

After fixing her hair, Koharu turned back around, her face still slightly red.

"W-well, going back to what I said earlier, when the game is released, do you want to meet again?"

"Sure! Your fun Koharu. Let's definitely meet again in this floating castle."

As the two smiled in anticipation, a bell rang out, before a woman's voice rang out.

{Thank you for joining us for the beta test of Sword Art Online. 5 PM today marks the end of our beta test period. At the end of this beta test, all player data will be reset. We look forward to having you all join us again for the full release.}

"Time's up already, huh? I'm glad I got to meet you before it ended, Kei. I'll see you around!"

Soon after, Koharu disappeared, leaving behind Kei, who simply smiled.

{Shiru is able to communicate once more.}

"Oh, there you are Shiru. Why didn't you say anything earlier?"

{Shiru would have been seen by ID Koharu and ID Kirito.}

"Mhm, that would have been bad."

{Shiru will find a solution before the start of SAO.}

"I don't suppose you can make it so Koharu can't log in when SAO begins?"


"Oh well, worth a shot. Why haven't I been logged out yet?"

{Shiru wishes to talk more with ID Kei before departure.}

"Aww, you gonna miss little old me?"

{Negative. Shiru has already started uploading parts of Shiru into ID Kei's Nerve ear.}

"Ouch. Whatever. Can you fit?"

{Positive. An area has been placed within the NerveGear.}

"How does that work?"

{In the event the Cardinal System goes down, Shiru can upload Shiru to the area and stay there, at the cost of Shiru's abilities.}

"A one-time thing then."


"Alright Shiru, I do have to go now. I'll see you in 15 months."


Swiping down, Kei pulled open [Settings/Main Menu], before hitting the [Log Out] button.

Opening his eyes, he pulled off the NerveGear before scratching his head.

"Welcome back Kei-sama."

"Thank you, Sakuya. Is dinner ready?"


As the two headed toward the dining room, Keisuke scratched his back while yawning.

"Sakuya, how does our funds work?"

"We receive roughly seven million yen a month."

Keisuke froze as Sakuya continued walking towards the dining room.

"S-seven million?"


"What are we doing to get that money?"

Sakuya tilted her head, before shrugging.

"Something legal."


As Keisuke sat down to eat, Sakuya served the food before standing to the side. A simple rice with fish.

"You're not going to eat?"

"I shall eat at my own time."

"Please eat with me. I insist."


As Sakuya joined Keisuke, they stared at each other, before Keisuke took the initiative.



As the two began eating, there was a peaceful silence.

"So where did you come from?" Keisuke asked, breaking the silence.

"I do not know."

"Any family?"

"I do not know."

"...Any hobbies?"

"I do not know."

"...Hmm. Once SAO ends, what are you going to do?"

"I shall continue to serve you."

"And if I die?"

"...I do not know."

"..." Keisuke was silent, before sighing. "If you can think of anything you wish to do, please let me know."


With that, the two continued to eat. After finishing up, Sakuya went to clean the dishes while Keisuke headed to the showers.

Upon exiting, Sakuya proceeded to enter while Keisuke headed to his room. Turning the lights off, Keisuke laid himself down in bed, staring at the ceiling.

"15 months, huh? The timeline is going to be different, my memories won't be accurate, and my parents don't even know I'm alive..."

Keisuke turned onto his side, eyes drifting close.

"Yet I feel so calm? Why am I feeling this way? Why am I so..."

Keisuke's eyes closed before he fell into slumber. Unbeknownst to him, however, Sakuya was peeking through the cracked door.


Red eyes stared at Keisuke's sleeping form.



- 15 Months Later -