
A Laid Back MC Traverses the Multiverse

After going through a rough situation, a young man finds himself in another world with the "option" of traveling through the worlds that he thought of as fiction. Unexpectedly, the young man wants nothing to do with world travel or adventuring. He just wants to laze around and do nothing.

JustACommonReader · Anime & Comics
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29 Chs

Chapter 26

Imma post two chapters today cause I forgot to post one yesterday, so enjoy!


Its been a few days since Adan and the girls separated and currently, Adan was awkwardly looking at Seo Yuhui who was eating her dinner 5 feet away from him in constant vigilance.

Adan gave her an awkward smile and turned back to what he was doing. He couldn't believe that they went from nearly having sex to that of a relationship between a sex offender and a victim.

Adan silently set up the tents and started looking around. Seeing a meadow near the forest where he set up camp, Adan quietly left Seo Yuhui to her devices and laid down in the middle of the meadow.

He then looked at the stars and sighed as he thought, 'Damn, it has already been a few days since we met and the only progress we had in our relationship was her moving 2 feet closer to me! Meh, can't expect all my relationships to be like that with Yun Seora, can I?'

Hearing a set of footsteps walking towards him, Adan lazily looked at the person and raised an eyebrow. What in the world is Seo Yuhui doing in the middle of the night wearing her nightgown, walking towards him?

Adan then started back at the sky, not wanting to cause trouble to her again. But it seems that Seo Yuhui wasn't keen on that idea as she sat down beside him and said, "Am I causing trouble to you, Mr. Adan?"

Adan shook his head and said, "Nah, I'm just a little put off with how things are going. It feels like you're following and observing me throughout my adventure but in a creepy way. I don't exactly like that idea..."

Seeing Seo Yuhui's troubled look, Adan's eyes widened, realizing what he said, "Ah! No, no, no, I didn't mean it that way! I was just a little uncomfortable with how we traveled. But I really do understand why you're keeping your distance from me!" while he was waving his hands frantically.

Feeling relieved that Seo Yuhui looked like he understood what he said, Adan quickly laid back down and thought, 'This has been a really troublesome situation. I thought that I would still be in the divine plane but no, off you go to the trials. Now that I wanted to stay in the Neutral Zone with the girls, nope, off you go to Paradise!'

He continued to stare at the sky and only glance at Seo Yuhui for a few seconds and thought, 'Whelp, maybe this won't be a boring journey, won't it? I got Seo Yuhui by my side, right?'


"I stand corrected."

Adan looked in bewilderment at what's in front of him and then glanced at Seo Yuhui by his side he looked equally shocked as him. He then focused his attention in front of him and thought, 'Last night it was so peaceful, but now? The fuck happened?'

Standing in front of Seo Yuhui and Adan were parasites... and a whole bunch of them too. Adan looked at Seo Yuhui with a blank expression and asked, "How much distance did we travel? And how come the first thing we encountered are parasites, not humans?"

Seo Yuhui gave Adan an equally blank expression and replied, "I don't know, Mr. Adan. I was just following you. It was you that kept walking and taking a break and then keep walking."

"But we've only been walking for around a week? How come we're in Parasite territory or something right now?" asked Adan as a bewildered expression is present on his face.

Seo Yuhui shrugged her shoulders and turned towards the parasites in front of them. Sighing in disappointment, Adan slowly walked forward. He didn't expect something like this to happen just because he, perhaps, maybe, slightly raised a flag last night.

Materializing a great sword made of mana, Adan jaculated forward and slashed the sword at them. Grinning at the decapitated bodies of the parasites, Adan continued on his massacre of around 45 parasites.

Seo Yuhui just silently watched Adan commit a slaughter with a shocked expression on her face. How come he's already this strong when he just came out of the Neutral Zone?

Unknown to Seo Yuhui, someone 'strong' was currently watching them. Adan already knew about their existence way before he rushed into battle but ignore them.

It wasn't his fault that the only thing that could harm him right now was the Parasite Queen herself or the dragon he read about a long, long time ago.

When Adan was finally done killing off all the enemies with only close combat, he raised his weapon high up the air and gave a silent roar. He doesn't want to alert mindless beasts to their locations, does he?

Looking at where the person who was watching supposed to be, Adan soon saw that they were finally gone. It seems that his presence is going to be finally known to the Parasite Queen.

Turning back to Seo Yuhui, Adan gave her a goofy smile and a thumbs up. Seeing him covered up with the parasite's blood from head to toe while giving her that action, Seo Yuhui couldn't help but giggle in amusement at Adan's ridiculousness.

Adan then walked towards Seo Yuhui and stopped only when he was a little bit away from her and said, "Why don't we camp around 200 meters away from here? I think I hear running water in that direction," he then points towards his right.

Seo Yuhui nodded her head and replied, "Okay, why don't you take a bath while I go wash your clothes?"

Smiling teasingly at her, Adan then asked, "Oh? It seems that Miss Seo is finally opening up to me, eh?"

Seo Yuhui's face reddened a little as she quickly shook her head in denial and said, "W-What are you talking about!? You're just covered in blood and I can wash your clothes while you're bathing!"

Adan continued, "Oh? So you don't want to see me naked while washing my body, eh?"

Seo Yuhui frantically shook her head and shouted, "W-What! S-Stop joking around!" while her head was filled with images of Adan scrubbing his body in the river with water dripping all over his wet body.

Adan chuckled at her tomato-red face and said, "Hahahaha, I'm just kidding Miss Seo. Why don't we go to the place where I hear running water from so we can set up camp?"

He then walked towards the direction of where he was pointing earlier with a carefree smile present on his face as a blushing Seo Yuhui who lowered her head in embarrassment following him.


I don't have any more ideas!! AHHHH!!! With how things are going, I think I might need to fasten up the plot a bit. Suggestions are open by the way, I'm just going to have Adan meet another favorite waifu of ours.

See you tomorrow boys (and girls if there are any)!