
His Plan

I walked silently out of the maze. I really wish he would have filled me in on what he was thinking. Sure, I was attracted to him but, could I trust him? Was this all a big game to him? I needed to keep my heart in check and work through this logically.

I was raised to serve Isabella, would I even ever be able to step into a role of power. I imagined my little plan may have led to a quiet life. I was attractive enough I could have convinced a member of the court to marry me for my looks and not my status. Where my responsibilities would require managing a household, not an entire kingdom.

As I walked out of the maze I looked up and noticed the princes and princesses of the land moving about. The cat and mouse game they played every year in hopes to find their match. What made these people so much different. They were nothing special just born into a title of wealth and superiority.

Why couldn't I have that? That is what the prince was offering me after all. If I said yes, I would take control of my own destiny. No longer a servant to a spoiled princess that didn't deserve the authority she was awarded. I would make ten times the queen she ever would.

I also can't deny the attraction there is between us. Royal marriages are typically not afforded that kind of luxury. Being offered a choice to marry someone versus being forced to politically align yourself with a kingdom of greater power or wealth.

I think I am really going to do this. A wave of anxious butterflies fluttered in my stomach. I knew I would struggle to sleep tonight. Tomorrow was going to change the rest of my life. I just hope he knew what he was doing and that it works.

I made my way to the castle and up to Isabella's room. I knocked as I entered knowing she would be excited to talk about the evening. "Isabella, it's me. Are you still awake?"

I felt my arm being yanked before I had even crossed the doorway. Panic hit me that she had discovered she had been duped. "Emma, it was amazing!" She was spinning me around like we were dancing together."

"All night long he danced with me and me alone. He is such an amazing dancer. He didn't talk much but that's ok I talked enough for the both of us." Relief washed over me, she wasn't mad just excited to brag over her evening.

"Oh, Isabella, that is amazing. Maybe he was too stunned by your beauty to work out coherent sentences." I giggled internally as I feed into her ego. She really hadn't noticed the truth. There actually may be some hope that this could work.

"What about you? You appear to have had a wonderful night as well." She clapped her hands rapidly in excitement. "Spill, tell me all about it!"

"I have to admit he captured my attention. I certainly wouldn't mind getting a chance to kiss him again either. He was hoping you would be so gracious as to allow us another chance to see each other tomorrow." I felt myself grinning as I recalled my own evening.

"Wait, what? You kissed him! You are positively scandalous, tell me every detail." She was giddy and talking a mile a minute. "Of course, you have to see him again tomorrow. When Christian chooses me tomorrow I can tell him he should have his steward ask for your hand in marriage as well.

We will travel together and we can have your ceremony following ours. We will live happily ever after all of us. This is perfect I really don't know what I would do without you. You are the only one who understands me. We need to find a dress! Oh my, I wonder if we have enough time? Perhaps mother may have something you could wear."

"Isabella, breathe sweetie. I have faith everything will work out exactly like it is supposed to. Don't drive yourself mad with worry! What about the deep purple velvet dress. I believe you wore it for your brother's birthday celebration."

"Are you sure? It is such a simple dress. I will see if the servants can locate it if that is what you would like." She said skeptically of my suggestion.

"You are right, but I think it would work well with the mask you wore last year for the masquerade ball. It was gold with filigree that made it look dainty and delicate." The purple dress was much closer to my own simple tastes.

It was a modest dress with a cream center panel, the purple look almost as if it was a robe. It is tied together allowing you to cinch the waist. The sleeves were large and flowy. It was lined with a gold lace ribbon. It was simple but I knew the velvet would make me feel regal.

"Mask! I forgot I need a mask for tomorrow. What am I going to do? What should we do for the emerald dress?"

"Isabella, what about your mother's black lace mask. The one with the large black feathers on the side embellished with the pearl broach? I think since your green dress is more seductive it will give you a more risque look to really finish the look."

She was jumping and clapping her hands again. "You are the best. I think it will look gorgeous you are right. I think it is time we get our beauty sleep. Don't forget to skip your afternoon duties your only responsibility is getting ready with me!"

"I will make sure I am here. Goodnight Isabella, sweet dreams." I exited her room and floated my way down the hall. I really was looking forward to tomorrow. I wasn't sure where this journey was headed but I was ready for a grand adventure either way.

Either possibility would offer me a certain degree of freedom and I was taking my destiny into my hands. I was either going to be the next Queen of Saldonia or able to pay my way to a simple life. I really didn't think I could lose either way.

I tossed and turned all night, the nerves were too much for me to relax. After some time I gave up trying. Opting instead to head out to the courtyard and climb my favorite tree. It usually calmed my moods so hopefully, it would do the trick tonight.

I climbed to my favorite branch, it was higher up in the tree and allowed me to hide out of sight from the people below. I was laying back resting on the branch staring at the stars when I heard voices below me.

"Yes Sir, I understand sir. Any other requests?" said the first man.

"Yes, every kingdom has to agree that anyone who agrees and chooses to be married is not allowed to withdraw from the marriage. Not by their own choice or the pressures of their kingdom. It will be binding no matter who is revealed." That was Christian's voice. Was that his plan all along so that no one could object. I tried to lean closer so I could hear better.

The movement caused me to lose my balance and I had to scramble to keep myself from falling. I silently cursed myself for trying to lean in. I closed my eyes like that would suddenly make me invisible. Hoping they would think it was maybe an animal.

"Who is up there? Come down this instance, show your face." Christian sounded angry.

"I will only come down if you avert your eyes."


"Guilty, now if you want me down you better turn around." He was chuckling now but I saw him and the other gentleman turn around. I quickly shimmied down the tree hanging on the last branch until I was just above the ground and letting go.

"Should I even ask why you were spying on me while up in a tree?"

"I was not spying, thank you very much," I whipped my hand down to the side of my hip and glared before continuing. "I was hiding away in peace looking at the stars before you came to me scheming."

"Hmm, and what exactly did you hear while you were listening in and not looking at the stars?"

"Oh, nothing much." I smiled.

"That is not an answer milady." He looked cute when he was frustrated.

"Well, I heard enough to give you a warning."

"Is that so? And what would that warning be?" He looked at me expectantly.

I moved closer to him until I could feel his body against mine. I looked into his eyes glanced back at the other man. Before leaning closer putting both hands on his shoulders so I could lift up on my tiptoes and bring my mouth to his ear.

"That if you want me to become your queen tomorrow you better quit calling me milady." I gave him a quick kiss on the cheek before I couldn't contain my laughter anymore. He was awestruck not expecting my words. "Goodnight!"

I called out as I began rushing back to my room and leaving him still standing in shock. I took one look back as I reached the side door. He just shook his head while smiling back at me. Until tomorrow my prince!

A plan so crazy it just might work! Will Emma take the chance on Christian or will she just use his money to disappear?

AmandaW1822creators' thoughts