
The Truth

The prince looked at Varya and Ebari expectantly, his orange eyes narrowed suspiciously as if he didn't believe that either of them was capable of such a feat.

Varya didn't know how she wanted to tell him. To say that she created a gun that took away his aura seemed oversimplified. She also didn't want to negate all of the physical training Basileus had undergone with the only goal to defeat the emperor.

She knew she had to be honest with the man she loved.

"I did it by taking his aura with one of the guns I created," Varya quietly said and her gaze dropped as emotions she had pushed away for so long came to the surface. "I- I thought you were dead," a tear fell down her cheek as she spoke but she quickly brushed it away. "I couldn't wait for you to do it if you weren't there so I had to figure out how to do it myself."