
A Lady’s Tranquility (Story of Kunning Palace/Rephrased)

In her previous existence, Jiang Xuening epitomized the archetype of a Mary Sue. In pursuit of the Empress title, she strategically formed connections and engaged romantically with various individuals. During her courtship with the Emperor, the rebel served as her contingency plan; In her dalliance with a student, the teacher assumed a similar role; When involved with a superior at work, the subordinate became her backup; Even in relationships with women, a man was kept in reserve...? Every day resembled a battleground! (Sighs) Regardless of the Emperor's identity, she aspired to secure the role of Empress! All the while, men believed they were entering the heart of a naive and sweet girl, only to discover they had unwittingly stepped into the quagmire of a deceitful woman who also moonlighted as the Queen of the Sea. Then came a change in the Palace. Her demise followed. Heaven granted her an opportunity for a fresh start. She pledged to sincerely repent and reform her ways. To her dismay, upon her rebirth, she found herself already entangled in a web of complications, rendering it too late for change! Jiang Xuening, indignant, exclaimed, "Heaven is toying with human lives! I was born with nine lives! believe it or not! When my temper flares up, [BEEP――]" Heaven, stricken with a more severe heart attack, questioned, "What if the ship capsizes again?" Jiang Xuening, with an icy and impassive demeanor, responded, "Helpless." It was all merely a rhetorical exchange. The challenge at hand: How to gracefully terminate enmity without offending influential individuals. Author(s): Mirror Of Time Shi Jing 时镜 Rephrased by: nnm88

nnm88 · History
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37 Chs

Kunning Chapter 1: Sunny And Snowy

When I was a child, Wanniang once shared with me the belief that the most esteemed woman in the world is the queen, residing in a palace known as 'Kunning Palace.' Curious, I inquired about the characteristics of Kunning Palace.

Wanniang admitted that she, too, was uncertain.

Sitting beneath a leaky roof in the countryside, I daydreamed of transforming into a swan goose, soaring to the vibrant capital, reaching the Forbidden City, and discovering the wonders of Kunning Palace. I wondered, "How splendid would that be?"

The palace gate felt constricting, with only a solitary window on the left remaining ajar.

The sky was overcast, casting a dim light.

In the once lively Kunning Palace, the halls were now empty.

Jiang Xuening was the sole figure, kneeling before a table, delicately manipulating chopsticks with her slender, white fingers. She toyed with the misplaced Jinboshan stove on the table, and wisps of smoke curled up slowly from the pores. Her robes, adorned with golden and rusty phoenix motifs, trailed long behind her, the intricate patterns faintly visible in the dimness with subtle brilliance.

Later, I indeed ventured to the capital, and it felt like a cosmic jest. Fate bestowed upon me an imaginative mind unsuited for city life, yet I grew up in the tranquility of the countryside. Despite not being raised among the renowned ladies in the capital, those with magnanimous attitudes, fate placed me in this bustling arena, a battleground, with only an appealing exterior to my name…

Jiang Xuening's presence exuded a remarkable brightness, akin to a flourishing flower.

Her crescent-shaped eyebrows possessed a tactile allure, the corners of her eyes slightly elevated, and her sandalwood lips were tinged with vermilion, exuding a natural charm. Over the years, due to holding the Phoenix Seal and occupying a high position, she had cultivated a rare grace and dignity.

When she lowered her eyebrows and narrowed her eyes, it had the power to make hearts skip a beat.

For a considerable time, You Fangyin stood quietly behind her, absorbing her soft-spoken words. Reflecting on her life in the eyes of the world, filled with artifice, fame, and fortune, she suddenly felt a bit dazed.

A certain sadness welled up from within.

They all recognized that she couldn't escape her circumstances.

Jiang Xuening suddenly smiled, addressing You Fangyin, "During this period, I've been contemplating, could I truly be at fault?"

During her childhood, she was raised by Wanniang without knowledge of her own background, freely exploring the rural landscapes around Zhuangzi. She was like a bird that defied control, only yielding to Wanniang's cosmetics, bringing her back home.

Wanniang, born with a spirited nature, viewed the world through the lens of male dominance. She believed that men could conquer the world, while women only needed to conquer men to achieve the same.

Upon returning to Beijing, she crossed paths with Yan Lin, the young master of Yongyi Hou's mansion. Under his influence, she adopted a guise as a man, frolicking in the capital, with even her parents hesitant to curb her spirited pursuits.

Eventually, the Yongyi Hou Mansion became entangled in the rebellion case of King Pingnan, leading to Yan Lin's family's exile over thousands of miles. Despite the distance, the young man, yet to reach adulthood, scaled the high walls of the Jiang Mansion one night. With a hoarse voice, he tightly squeezed her hand, declaring, "Ning Ning, wait for me. I will surely return to marry you."

However, Jiang Xuening declared to him, "I desire to wed Shen Jie, and I aspire to become a queen."

I vividly recall Yan Lin's adolescence when he regarded her with an intense gaze, resembling a desperate creature, his eyes reddened, and his teeth clenched.

On that fateful night, the young man shed all traces of his youthfulness, released her hand, and vanished into the darkness.

Five years elapsed, and she became Shen Jie's queen.

The journey to her current position was far from smooth, encountering individuals akin to Yan Lin in her relatively short life.

For instance, there was Xiao Dingfei, a servant in the Ministry of Officials.

There was also Zhou Yinzhi, the commander of Jin Yiwei.

Surprisingly, even Shen Zhiyi, the eldest princess of Leyang, met her end in Yidi later on.

Yet, nobody anticipated the return of the boy from the past. After earning military acclaim at the border, Yan Lin sided with Xie Wei and, under the banner of "the side of the Qing emperor," donned armor, encircled the capital with his army, seized control of the entire Forbidden City, and confined her.

Shen Jie fell victim to poison, languishing on a sickbed, neglecting governance.

Yan Lin made grand entrances and exits from her palace, often avoiding interactions with the palace inhabitants.

Throughout the court and beyond, no one dared to utter a word.

It was common knowledge that he served as Xie Wei's right-hand man.

During Xie Wei's ruthless purge of half the palace, he led soldiers to guard the palace gates, preventing any escape attempts by the inhabitants—both young and old.

Now, he stands outside the gate of her palace alongside the former imperial teacher, Xie Wei.

Shen Jie has passed away, leaving behind an imperial edict directing her to govern from behind the curtain. However, the crown prince, a scion of the clan, has not yet ascended the throne. On the journey to the capital, he fell victim to the Tianjiao rebel party, and his severed head was displayed at the city gate.

Now, it is her turn.

Jiang Xuening blinked lightly, and her thick, curled eyelashes cast a faint shadow under her eyelids, conveying a sense of desolation amid the unpredictable changes in the world.

You Fangyin gazed at her with a hint of regret.

However, she had already set aside the incense chopsticks, closed the incense burner, picked up the large boxy brocade box on the table, and opened it. Inside were the Jade Seal of the Chuan Kingdom and an imperial edict she had written and sealed an hour ago.

In eloquent prose, she expressed her voluntary sacrifice for the late emperor, urging the prince and grand teacher Xie Weikuang to safeguard the nation, assist in governance, and choose a virtuous monarch to succeed her.

Suddenly, Jiang Xuening raised her head and glanced out the window.

At a certain juncture, the snow that had been falling throughout the night ceased.

The intense sunlight pierced through the somber clouds, streaming into the dim palace through the windows, creating a brilliant beam of light.

She mumbled, "Had I known today would be the end, why spend so much time? It would have been better to journey thousands of miles, witness the landscapes far and wide, and be like a free bird. In this life, I mistakenly entered the palace—these walls, this bustling cocoon…"

You Fangyin maintained a stoic silence.

Jiang Xuening then inquired, "Fangyin, if given the chance, would you make the same choice again?"

Among all the people Jiang Xuening had encountered, You Fangyin was the most peculiar.

Originally a concubine's daughter in her uncle's mansion, she was clumsy and pitiable. A transformative incident occurred when she fell into the water, altering her temperament drastically. Subsequently, she revealed her true capabilities, prospered in business, established a billing account, founded a chamber of commerce, and within a few years, became the leading businessperson in Jiangning Mansion.

Referring to her as "You Bancheng" was not an exaggeration.

However, misfortune befell her. In the court conflict, she initially sided with the wrong faction. Despite later surrendering to Xie Wei, she has been under close watch and house arrest in this palace.

Their shared adversity forged a deep bond, transforming them into confidants who spoke openly about everything.

Jiang Xuening listened to You Fangyin recount her self-made journey, which was often novel. She also heard complaints about the lack of steam engines among the overseas barbarians she encountered during her business ventures.

Jiang Xuening remained ignorant about what a steam engine was.

Yet, You Fangyin consistently asserted that she hailed from a distant place, one to which she could never return.

She maintained that the former court harbored a colossal secret, a revelation capable of preventing mistakes in the ongoing battle—if only they had known it sooner.

Regrettably, the knowledge came too late.

You Fangyin sighed lightly, offering a bitter smile. "In this era where decorum is disregarded, and everyone is irate, anyone can wear the crown if they so desire!"

Jiang Xuening, unaccustomed to such coarse language, momentarily drifted into a daze. However, upon recollecting the current situation, she abruptly raised her voice and exclaimed, "Thank you, sir!"

The vermilion palace walls were blanketed in white snow.

A crowd gathered outside the palace gates.

Yan Lin poised his sword at his side.

Though the leader stood tall, there was no response to the uttered words.

Jiang Xuening was aware that he could hear her.

This was the most cunning individual in the entire Daqian Dynasty.

Saintly skin concealed a devilish heart.

Emperor of two dynasties, revered by many as the grand master and prince—how many admired and respected him? Little did they know that beneath this noble and pristine exterior lay a heart seething with fury and the stain of murder: Shang Fang's sword, a gift from the emperor, was soaked in the blood of the royal family, turning the moat water red; in the hands of the Fuqin writer, the lives of the Xiao family were gripped tightly, their implicated corpses forming a mountainous pile.

He was the only one she couldn't win over with all her efforts.

"You've brought an end to the royal family, the Xiao family, and the Tianjiao. You wield the power over my life. Logically, I have no right to negotiate terms with you." A tear welled up in Jiang Xuening's eyes, scalding the back of her hand. "Throughout my life, I've utilized many individuals. After careful consideration, I betrayed Yan Lin, and in turn, he sought revenge. I manipulated Xiao Dingfei and Zhou Yinzhi, and they, too, leveraged my influence for their gains. I conspired against Shen Jie, and now I wish to be laid to rest alongside him in the underworld. I owe them nothing…"

Such are the twists and turns of life's fate.

A dagger concealed in her sleeve, she drew it out delicately. The blade gleamed with a cold light, reflecting her tearful eyes and the resplendent golden step rock adorning her temples.

Jiang Xuening's body quivered, her voice shook, and her eyes brimmed with tears. However, she lacked the right to cry. Each word she uttered felt like tears of blood. "But there's one person who lived an upright life, abiding by strict laws and principles. I coerced him, led him astray, and tarnished his reputation for half a lifetime. He is a virtuous official, and I earnestly implore Mr. Xie to spare him. On the way to Beijing, when Xue Ning gave you his blood, let my life be exchanged for his, one life for one, allowing him to live…"

Who would have expected that the seemingly heartless empress would one day barter her own life for a servant from the Ministry of Punishment?

Is it because she lacks a heart, or have others failed to warm it?

The man outside the palace gate stood in silence for a prolonged moment.

After a considerable time, a plain response came: "Yes."

What a soothing voice.

It resonated like days of yore.

Jiang Xuening smiled with relief and lifted her hand—


As the sharp dagger punctured the slender neck, there was a sound akin to cracking paper, accompanied by the clang of a long sword falling to the ground outside the palace gate.

She, too, descended.

The delicate golden steps crumbled to the ground, and the deep rubies embedded in them shattered, scattering in all directions. Warm blood slowly seeped along the steps onto the cold ground, reminiscent of the shallow stream she once played in barefoot during her youth.

Entering the palace by mistake, prosperity metamorphosed into a cocoon.

Eventually, Kunning Palace became a tomb, swallowing her bones and burying her life.

The radiant sun streamed through the window, casting its light on the snow, causing it to slowly melt bit by bit…

It felt like a lengthy dream, where the karmic threads of a lifetime were entangled. Only the sensation when the blade touched her neck was remarkably clear.

It hurt.

Jiang Xuening thought, if only she had known earlier, she would have chosen a painless way to die.


Within the dream, something seemed to press on her chest, making it hard to breathe. She coughed and finally struggled to open her eyes.

But the sight that greeted her was eerie.

She lay on a disheveled couch, sandwiched between two men. At arm's length, a handsome and refined young man's face almost touched hers, his hand carelessly embracing her.

Jiang Xuening's scalp tingled.

This scene brought back memories of how Yan Lin had placed her under house arrest upon returning to the court, stealthily entering her palace and robbing her of sleep.

She shook off the man's hand, rolled over, and stood up from the couch.

The young man, roused from a drunken slumber, was surprised by her actions. He half-sat up, extending his hand to pull her. "Well, Brother Jiang, let's continue sleeping—"


Regardless of his status as a queen who commanded hundreds of officials, Jiang Xuening, offended by his rude words and unrestrained behavior, slapped him in the face completely on instinct!


The sound was so loud that it finally stirred the young man in a black robe, who was sound asleep with his sword on the other side of the couch.

Upon opening his eyes, he revealed long eyebrows, a straight nose, and thin lips, emanating a distinctive vitality. Initially bewildered by the scene, my attention shifted to the disheveled robe of the young man in traditional Chinese attire, the five reddish fingerprints on his right cheek, and Jiang Xuening's expression of surprise and anger.

With a resounding "Zheng," the young man snapped back to reality, swiftly advancing in front of Jiang Xuening. He unsheathed his sword, pressing the blade against the young man's neck!

His once slightly green complexion turned frosty.

In a cold tone, he demanded, "What have you done to her?!"

On one hand, the young man was surprised by the audacity of having a sword drawn on him so impulsively. On the other hand, he felt wronged and innocent, covering his cheeks involuntarily. "What can I do? This king did nothing!"

The young man furrowed his brows, eyeing him suspiciously.

My king…

Jiang Xuening suddenly froze.

Only then did she belatedly detect the scent of alcohol on herself, realizing she wore a green robe adorned with silver-threaded bamboo patterns, appearing as a young man. The burning pain in the palm of her striking hand confirmed the recent altercation.

Dressed as a man.

Not in a dream.

The faces of the young man pointed at by the sword and the one standing in front of her gradually resurfaced in her memory: one was Shen Jie, the Prince of Linzi who would later become the emperor, and the other was Yan Lin, the young master of the rebellious minister who would also become an emperor!

Is this the "rebirth" that You Fangyin often spoke about?

In her previous life, she had been cautious and had men wrapped around her finger. In this life, she started by slapping the future emperor…

Is it too late to kneel down and apologize now?

[Wash your heart, the old friend is here]

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