
Chapter 52: Freedom

Standing across from me where two woman with long black braids, their green eyes cold as they readied their blades.

I pursed my lips in annoyance, wondering what those eyes meant for me.

If blue was genjutsu, and gold was rare, green may be a larger chakra pool? Maybe better chakra control?

I sighed, drawing my longsword and coating it in wind.

Automatically activating Body Flicker, I watched as the two women moved to either side of me, warily observing my movements before rushing forwards.

I flickered behind them, sending a kunai sailing towards each before picking a woman and flickering towards them.

I watched as the women turned, their blades flashing as they blocked the kunai.

The woman across from me growled as I slashed my blade down, blocking it as her chakra permeated her blade.

Pushing back, she swung her sword low, while the other woman tried to stab my chest.

Rolling away, I sent a flurry of senbon towards them, feeling a swell of satisfaction as the woman I initially attacked had three needles sticking out of her arm.

She growled in pain, pulling them out.

The other woman drew a dagger, stabbing her sword towards me as she slashed the dagger across my eyes.

However, she became surprised when my body dissipated in a small gale, quickly looking around.

I fell towards the first woman, my blade digging deep into her spine as I almost bisected her.

She fell to the ground, her back split open as I withdrew my blade.

Panting, I felt the chakra in the air slowly refill my pathways, a result of the move I just pulled.

Swapping with a clone isn't hard, but with how quick I did it, paired with me using the chakra laden air made that quite difficult.

My head ached, and I clumsily swayed away from the furious slash of the remaining woman.

Her face was distorted with rage, and I could see her chakra almost solidify over her blade.

I could no longer casually parry her sword without risk of her slicing cleanly through my blade. Additionally, I needed to avoid any wounds, as her chakra would easily overpower my own...

Making space, I flashed through hand signs, watching as the woman rushed towards me at an intense speed.

However, as she slashed her blade towards my neck, she blanched when she saw my wide grin.

"Wind Release: Cyclonic Spiral"

A large gust of wind gathered around her blade, dispersing her chakra before it slowly twisted the metal.

The woman dropped the blade quickly, backing away.

Much to her fear, the swirling wind picked up speed as it moved towards her.

It grew in size, creating a miniature tornado as it honed in on her.

I tossed kunai after kunai towards her, making her path of retreat perilous.

Slowly but surely, the tornado grew, until it managed to lift her from the ground.

As it dragged her to the center, I made a few more signs before muttering "Release."

The wind gathered in the center of her chest, boring a hole into her flesh before it entered her body.

The crowd fell silent as they watched the woman explode, a rain of flesh, blood, and gore spraying over them.

I panted, my head throbbing and my heart pounding, before my ears almost exploded when the crowd erupted.

I couldn't even hear myself think over the roar of the crowd.

The civilians clapped their hands and cheered, while the warriors slammed their weapons onto the ground, letting out battle cries.

Stunned, I felt a slight tremble of pride and excitement run up my spine before I squashed it.

I could now understand why some shinobi loved being flashy and fighting openly in front of crowds; the praise and cheers were quite addicting.

However, I still much preferred the quiet thrill I got when I watched my arrows sail straight into my targets.

The rush I got after a clean hit was second to none.

My guard rushed into the arena, grinning widely as she cheered.

"You're free! Haha~ That was amazing!"

I just nodded at her, before following behind her.


Anko PoV

A few minutes ago I heard a loud cheer, and I prayed that meant that Kokoro or Kurenai had won.

I was now walking onto the blood covered sand, and I looked around in shock at the large amount of blood splashed EVERYWHERE.

My guard just smirked at me, whispering "You need to put on one hell of a show. If not, many of us will try and steal your mate. The way she held herself..."

I watched as she shuddered, her cheeks flushed.

I could smell the arousal wafting off of her, and I growled when I heard her say that.

"They are MINE, you hear me!? MINE!"

She just chuckled, saying "Prove it then. Prove you have the strength to keep such a mate."

I was livid.

Walking into the center of the arena, I looked at the large woman wielding a giant club.

Without stopping, I continued walking towards her, ignoring the announcer, ignoring the confusion on the woman face.

Prove myself?

Who the hell do these women think they are?

Steal my women?

Kokoro and Kurenai?

From ME?

Growling, I felt Akkura uncoil from my arm, dropping to the sand before slithering towards the woman.

{Haha, must you feel so slighted Anko?}

Hearing Akkura hiss at me, I just growled in response.

Seeing the snake, the large woman's face blanched, before lifting her large club and swinging at us.


Giantess PoV

The small, frail Outsider walked towards me, her eyes radiating pure anger.

However, I was used to such gazes, as many fell to my club.

As she continued towards me though, I grew confused. We were to listen to the announcer, allow them to hype the fight up, before trying to kill one another.

Why was the Outsider ignoring that?

She continued, and I saw something I never wanted to see again.

A large snake, covered in deep purple scales, looked towards me, its crimson eyes glowing with mirth.

I knew they called her Snake, but I thought it meant her fighting style, not that she was a damn Snake Charmer!

Lifting my club, I swung it down towards her.

Instead of the satisfying crunch of bones and squashing of flesh, my arms felt the impact of the ground, a large explosion of sand erupting from the impact.

They were...

I felt something slide into my neck, and when I turned I saw the woman, her eyes slitted like a snakes as she hissed "They are MINE!"

Withdrawing the blade, I gurgled on my own blood, confused.

However, the woman simply slid off my shoulders, before looking at the silent crowd.

I grew scared when I saw the snake slither towards me, its jaw unhitching as it slowly...


Anko PoV

I surveyed the crowd, enjoying the silence that descended.

The only noise was that of Akkura as she devoured the woman, her voice ringing in my mind.

{If you provide such an excellent meal every time you are irate, I might just get that teacher of yours over here~}


Hearing my low, cold voice, I could feel Akkura stiffen, before apologizing.

I turned to see the guard approaching me, slight fear in her eyes as she watched Akkura eat.

Before she could speak, I brushed past her, muttering "If you touch them you're dead."

I stormed into the tunnel, before I started looking into each room.

Opening a hatch, I looked into an empty room.

Not here.

I moved to the next door.

Not there.

The next, the next, the next...

My heart clenched, and I growled.

"They are waiting for you outside."

I turned to see the first woman we met smiling at me, her eyes filled with both respect and joy.

Nodding, I made my way outside, brushing past the various guards and workers.

Exiting the arena and seeing the bright sky, numerous people exiting the arena, and some animals, I looked around in a panic.

Where is she!?

As I looked, I heard the familiar laugh of Kurenai, and I bolted towards it.

Turning a corner, I saw Kokoro and Kurenai leaning against a wall, a skewer in their hands as they chatted.

Seeing me, they smiled.

Reaching Kokoro, I pulled her into a tight embrace, before giving her a deep kiss.

She returned the kiss, before nipping my lip. Pulling away, she looked at me in worry.

"What's wrong?"

I shook my head, my heart elated as I heard her voice, felt her warmth...

Turning to Kurenai, I gave her a kiss as well, enjoying the way her hands 'punched' my chest as she tried to push me away.

Finishing, I pulled both of them into me, whispering "Both of you are mine..."


Ketsueki_Hasucreators' thoughts