
Chapter 51: Braving the Arena

Kokoro PoV

Collapsing onto the bed, I panted as I healed the scratch on my arm.

I had finished my second fight, and I was exhausted.

My first match had been against a pair of panthers, and although they didn't have a chakra nature like the wolves I had seen, they made up for it in raw physical prowess.

They had been really fast, and every swipe of their paws created small craters in the arena.

It was a tough fight, but I managed to use a few wind bullets and a prototype jutsu I had been working on.

Shaping the wind chakra into thin blades, I propelled them at great speeds towards my enemies, and I had even managed to get them to curve slightly.

This was likely a jutsu that Suna and maybe even Kumo knew in great detail, but in Konoha the amount of wind jutsu were limited.

So, I was quite proud of myself for managing to recreate a jutsu, and I was ecstatic when I learned that it helped me even more in the second fight.

It became evident after my first fight that the people in this village didn't want blood; they wanted a show. So, if you used a flashy jutsu or demonstrated skill, they made the fights more to your advantage.

How do I know that?

My second fight was against a yellow wolf that had lightning sparking off its fur.

It was a much easier fight than the first, and it allowed me to use flashy wind jutsu. The main one I used in the fight was a weakened Tornado, which I just used to distract the wolf before I sent a few blades slicing into its throat.

When my guard escorted me back to my room, she looked at me with a smile and gave me praise, telling me that I was quite good at fighting, and that she was rooting for me to win my next games so I could be released.

Of course, I did notice the small amount of lust in her eyes, and I caught her staring at my breasts as she spoke...

However, I was too tired to care right now, and knew that since I had my chakra and weapons, I could put up one hell of a fight if she tried something with me.

Closing my eyes, I got as much rest as I could, however it felt like I had just closed my eyes when someone shook me awake.

Getting up, I followed behind my guard with a yawn, before making my way onto the sands of the arena.

However, as soon as I stepped onto the sand, I rose a brow.

Standing in the center was a woman, her long brown hair pulled into a ponytail.

Her obsidian eyes met mine, and I watched as she snarled at me, dropping into a stance.

Drawing my sword, I slowly made my way to the middle.

As I walked, I heard the announcer speak.

"This is the Semi Finals for the Outsiders! All three, the Raven, Snake, and Hawk, have cleared two fights! Now, however, the real challenge starts. The first fight is the Hawk against our very own traitor, Krianta! If she wins, she proves her worth and can choose to either become a slave-mate or fight again for freedom! If the Hawk wins, she gets one step closer to being able to spread her wings! However, will Krianta clip them? Let's find out!"

I shook my head at the intro, before observing the woman standing across from me.

Holding a long spear, she was looking at me warily. Extending my chakra sense, I noticed that she had similar chakra to a high Genin, making me raise a brow.

Deciding to test the woman, I made the signs for wind bullet and sent it hurtling towards her, only to watch as she sliced it in half.

Nodding in appreciation, I coated my blade in wind chakra and activated Body Flicker.

Appearing in front of her, I slashed my blade down on her skull. Feeling my blade clang on the spear shaft, I sent a kick towards her stomach and jumped back.

My kick did little to the woman, as she took a step back before shouting. Leveling the spear at me, she lanced it forwards at lightning speed, the tip coated in a thin layer of chakra.

Parrying it to the side, I sent an elbow to her face, feeling it connect with her nose.

As she tried to blink the tears out of her eyes, I sent a flurry of blows towards her, however she managed to successfully block most of the slashes, the only one that hit scoring a shallow gash on her forearm.

Grunting, she moved back from me, glaring, before she took in a deep breath.

I watched as she pushed a fireball from her lips, and as it flew towards me I urged more chakra onto my blade.

With a flick of my wrist, I diverted the fireballs path, sending it sailing into the wall of the arena.

As the woman looked at me with slight fear, I flickered forwards again, sending the roaring wind blade lancing towards her chest.

She tried to block it, however all she managed to do was snap her spear in half.

Digging the blade into her chest, I released my chakra and twisted, watching as not only her organs were destroyed, but her chakra pathways fried as they were overloaded with foreign chakra.

Collapsing to her knees, she gurgled on her own blood, her eyes dull as she looked to the sky.

I watched in indifference as she fell to the ground, her blood pooling below her.

The crowd was roaring in approval, and I saw the warriors in the stands nodding and talking between one another, their hands moving as they discussed the fight animatedly.

Taking a deep breath, I followed my guard back into the tunnel, the noise of the crowd lessening slightly.

"That... was phenomenal! You used such precise movements, and amazing tactics! Are all warriors like you where you come from?"

Hearing the excitement from the woman, I gave a wry smile when I said "Thanks. I can't really say, because everyone fights differently. If I had to say, I'm probably among the upper tiers of the average warrior, if that makes sense."

She nodded, before following me into my room.

Looking at me, she opened her mouth before closing it, her eyes flickering between me and the floor.

"Would... would you be interested in laying with me?"

I looked at her in surprise, before quickly shaking my head.

"I have two partners already; nothing against you, but my loyalty is to them."

She nodded with a sigh, saying "A pity, you would bear great children..."

Watching her walk out of the room, I pursed my lips as I sat on the bed.

It seems like this village is not only open about 'mating', but also has little shame discussing it.

Sighing, I chuckled when I imagined the way Anko would react to the news. Knowing her, she would think it over for a few moments before rejecting.

That of course meant I needed to remind her about where her desires should lie...


Shorter, but I wrote 2 chapters for Servant System, so...

Anyways, I won't take to much time in the arena, probably one more chapter before moving on to the other thing I had planned for this part...


Raven, Snake, Hawk~

Ketsueki_Hasucreators' thoughts