
Chapter 37: Expedition

Anko, Kurenai and I entered the Academy, making our way to the mission desk.

Seeing the few shinobi around us, we gave nods and greeting to those we knew, before moving towards the Hokage. Seeing us, he smiled before rising, gesturing for us to follow him into the back room.

Entering, we saw Shikaku sleeping on the couch, but as soon as the Hokage coughed, he rose up, fully awake.

Sitting on the couch opposite them, we looked at the Hokage in anticipation.

Placing a large map on the table between us, he cleared his throat.

"Alright. So, here we have Suna and Iwa, yes? In between the two nations, starting from four border, is the Lands of Grass, Rain, Claw, Fang, and finally Mountain. To Iwa's west is the Land of Bears. Now, there is still the entire western section of the map that we have yet to truly explore. They have been given names over the years from the few expeditionary teams we have sent, as well as some of what Suna shared with us. So, the mission that we have been trying to find a team for is this: We need you three to go into this land here, the Land of Demons. We have a small outpost there, and all you need to do is go to the outpost, assist them if needed, and bring back whatever they have gathered in the last few years."

Hearing that, we all looked at the Hokage with wide eyes.

"Wait, wait... You mean to tell me that there are actually people out west? Wasn't it taught in the academy that the lands out west were swarmed with chakra beasts?"

Hearing Anko's question, the Hokage nodded.

"That is indeed what we thought. However, a few years ago we learned that there was a large settlement deep in the Land of Demons. They have managed to carve a swathe of the hostile land they live in to prosper. They live among the beasts, what we have called 'demons', and smoehow managed to prosper. We know little about them. Are they a threat? Will they move east, towards us? Or will they stay in the west? We just know to little about a people who live in such hostile lands. After all, in order to survive among chakra beasts, you have to be quite strong, or know a few really good tricks."

"Additionally, we learned that the chakra beasts in the Land of Demons are much stronger that those that live here. In fact, even the Ninken of the Inuzuka clan look like puppies compared to the things out west..."

Hearing Shikaku mention that the Ninken of the Inuzuka clan, dogs that could become as deadly as a high level Chunin on it's own, were weak compared to the beasts out west made us three pale.

"Other than reconnaissance, what else should we expect?"

Looking towards me, the Hokage stoked his beard.

"Hmm... well, you may have to help our outpost, whether it be through hunting the Chakra beasts or even just smoothing relations with the locals. However, your main priority is to receive the report, as well as observe the locals. Anything you can learn, be it as grand as a Ninjutsu or something basic like farming techniques, anything can be helpful. Additionally, if you end up defeating a chakra beast, please bring it's carcass back. Some have bones that are stronger than chakra metal, some have hides so resistant to chakra that they almost grant immunity to certain elements."

"Listen. This expedition will be dangerous; as such, it is an S Rank mission. You may be gone for a minimum of a month to a maximum of three. The journey to and from is only a few days, but we have no idea what's out there. So be careful. The information is all we truly need; everything else is just a bonus."

Kurenai looked at the map, before saying "Are we to sneak from land to land?"

The Hokage nodded, his face serious. "Both Suna and Iwa are to busy worrying about themselves to explore the lands to the west. Additionally, Iwa is bordered by the Land of Bears, and the hidden village there is decently powerful, to the point that any normal Chunin squad sent, as well as some Jonin squads, had been eliminated. Avoid the Land of Bears. Do everything in secret. If Suna and Iwa knew we were going into the western lands, they would lock down the Lands of Claw and Fang, making it impossible to get through."

"So why even bother exploring the west? If they've been living there for as long as the Five Elemental Nations have been around, they don't seem to care about us."

Looking towards Anko, the Hokage shook his head.

"If we can learn about them, we can prepare as best we can against the possibility of Suna or Iwa partnering with them. Additionally, from the reports we have received... well, the people there seem to be quite strong. The last Great War was already hard enough; If Suna or Iwa had strong reinforcements? Without Minato, with the loss of the Uchiha Clan, Konoha is severely weakened. I will do everything I can to make sure Konoha is capable of surviving against any threat, no matter how unlikely."

Sighing, Shikaku looked at the map.

"Again, we simply don't know enough about them. Motives, strengths, weakness, beliefs... If I knew just a little about them..."

He sighed again, and I pursed my lips.

"Why us? Why not send someone stronger than us?"

The Hokage sighed, pinching his nose.

"There have been too many stirrings in the water recently. Suna is almost in a civil war. Kiri is slowly crippling itself, but the members that survive are much stronger than usual. Kumo attempted to kidnap the Hyuga Heiress a few years back, losing one of their strongest Jonin in the attempt. Iwa is quiet, but that alone is cause for alarm. Orochimaru is roaming around. Itachi Uchiha is Sage knows where. There are rumors of a strong group ruling Amegakure. We can't afford to send people like Asuma or Kakashi. Clan heads, as well as their vice leaders, are also a no go. ANBU might be viable, but they are also the Villages backbone. However, you three... Well, Kokoro is versatile, both as an attacker and supporter. Kurenai is a supporter with her genjutus, and Anko is quite strong. As a team, you are extremely difficult to beat; only people ranked as S Ranked Shinobi would be capable of threatening you, yet you showed that even S Ranked Shinobi can be dealt with. So, you have become the best option."

Hearing that, we all nodded. Chuckling, the Hokage continued.

"Of course, you are allowed to refuse. This isn't an order. If you don't believe you are capable, then I can find another team to send. I just believe that you three are the best choice. So? Do you need some time to discuss this or...?"

Looking at my two girls, I saw Kurenai purse her lips, before shrugging at me, while Anko just smiled.

"We'll do it."

Hearing me, the Hokage smiled.

"Alright, let's talk reward. Since you are going to foreign territory and retrieving information, the pay is 2,000,000 ryo. You will also be rewarded for any additional information you bring back as well as any materials. Like always, the Village takes a third cut of just the mission, leaving you all with 1,333,000 ryo. Understood?"

Anko raised her hand, asking "Quick question. Let's just say, hypothetically, we manage to convince someone to come back with us..."

Hearing that, Kurenai and I glared at her, making her gulp. Seeing our antics, the Hokage laughed.

"Well, as unlikely as that is, both with being able to convince the local to leave as well as these two, the village would first have to make sure they aren't a threat, before asking them questions. Depending on the information provided and how viable it is, we will talk about rewards then."

Anko nodded, before paling slightly when she noticed Kurenai and I were still glaring at her.

"Alright, you have the rest of today to prepare. If you have any questions, you know where to find me. I wish you luck."

With a smile, he rose, moving towards the door. Shikaku followed, sending Anko a gaze mixed with pity and understanding.

When they left, I tilted my head, smiling at Anko.

"Were you perhaps planning on finding someone else, Darling~"

Hearing my calm, warm voice, Anko shivered, before shaking her head.

"No, of course not. I would never, Kokoro. Really. Am I the type of person to chase after more women?"


Hearing Kurenai and I answer at the same time, Anko scratched her cheek, muttering "Stupid question, huh?"

Standing, Anko said "Let's go make preparations, yeah?"

Rushing out of the room, I stared at the door before turning to Kurenai. We smiled at each other, before following after her.


So, this is the big ol' mission I had planned since a few chapters before Yumegakure. I have a bunch of loose ideas, characters, and other things planned for this expedition. This whole thing will be probably be quite long, so strap up.

Additionally, like Kokoro said earlier, after this is over, I have plans for then too. I was always slightly irked by the lack of power growth by the various teams in Naruto, and I plan on changing a few things. Like teachers actually teaching things, for one. So, that's another thing to look forward to. It isn't really a spoiler, Kokoro will be leading a Genin Team that has one character that I really like but just felt that their Jonin leader didn't really do a good job guiding. I also have two character who are actually canon but weren't used past the first few episodes or in flashbacks...

Anyways, that's the very rough outline of what I have planned. And remember, we still have a few years before the canon plot starts. After all, Naruto is currently 9, and he graduated at 12.

Well, that's it! I hope you guys enjoy the future of this novel!
