
A Kraken's Heart

Yanessa is desperate to leave New York. Her sister's murderers are after her life so when a ship sailing to Moscow has been announced, she immediately went aboard to flee the ghost of her pasts. With her only earnings on her satchel, she risked leaving rather than facing the men that had put her sister's life to hell. She desperately wanted freedom. A life with the absence of guns and evil guys. In Moscow, she will start anew, forget and move on. However, there was one problem in her plan. A miscalculation for she never considered the dangers of the sea. The ship never reached Moscow because an unknown sea creature had toppled the ship in the middle of the ocean, stealing it's equipments including her. The creature had taken her as it's prisoner and had no intention of letting her go. Will Yanessa be able to escape the creature?, or did she ran away from her demons just to be handed to the devil himself?.

Wheresmicock112 · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Chapter 6: Helpless

What I found out beyond that door, though, wasn't freedom. On the contrary, it was a wider prison.

I don't know if it was blessing or a curse that I was snapped out from my ignorance to discover the actual severity of my situation. The bastard wasn't lying when he told me we were in a lighthouse.

The tower is a rusting structure and here I am at the very top of it, screaming at the top of my lungs for help that I foolishly hope will be heard.

I guess I was wrong.





"OH, GOD, NO!!"

"FUCK !!"

I kicked the radio, stomping into it until it was thoroughly bashed in pieces. Useless. It's been hours, I don't know, when I began to scale the tower, looking for equipments that might help me.

I expected the kraken to restrain me when I started going through his things but the motherfucker didn't even bat an eye. Now, I know why he didn't. I'm truly trapped and he knows it. I'm stuck. On an isolated island with miles of blue waters surrounding me and a crazed kraken man who abducted me with the purpose of making hybrid babies.

I almost laughed at the thought.

Fuck that arrogant cunt and his stupid charade.

As much as I hate to admit, he was gifted with one of those out of the world faces that can only be seen in TV advertisements. In fact, he rivaled them.

Unfortunately, they belong to a ruthless murderer and soon to be rapist.

I swear to God, if he'll touch me that way, there will be hell to pay.

He could've picked any woman from that ship but it just needed to me. Not that I am ungrateful to live but what is surviving when I'll be spending my life trapped?.

I groaned.

There is still a chance, I convinced myself.

I forlornly stared down at the ruined radio and I blamed my anger issues for acting so rashly.

I ransacked every room I could find and all I found is a fishing net with holes and a radio missing of battery.

One of it's antenna is bent in the wrong angle and I desperately fumbled through it, arranging wires that are strange to me.

However, as much as I am desperate, I don't acquire the knowledge of a mechanic to repair the ancient ruined thing.

Now, I don't know what to do.

Damn it.

I have scoured the island already. It wasn't much, just a piece of land with a lighthouse built on it, a narrow cave and one standing desolate coconut tree.

I guess I'm going to have to cut that down to make a raft. But then, there came my next dilemma.

Let's say I make a raft, sail to the vast sea then what?. What next?.

I'm a criminal on the run and people would get every opportunity to return me to the senator in exchange for the money for my head.

In addition, I don't know what to do once I'm in the middle of waters without food and proper clothing. Not to forget the fact that I needed to pass the Red Zone and I refuse to journey in that stormy hell again.

I'm hopelessly bound with this kraken and escape is only through the creature. That horrifying realization dawned upon me. If I wanted to leave this place, then I needed to earn the Kraken's trust and entertain this insanity.

Double fuck.

I shivered, exhaling fog with every breathe. It is nearing nightime and the sun is a mere hazy glow of orange on the horizon.

It's so cold but my pride won't let me seek the warmth of the Kraken's home despite my body needing it.

"Quit your sulking now, malyshka. Come inside. It's cold" the Kraken's voice disrupted my thoughts and I grit my molars in annoyance.

Anger surge through me at his audacity to assume that he can order me around. Plus, that stupid endearment.

"Fuck no. I'd rather feeze to death than be with you" I retorted.

He was casually leaning on the tower's walls, watching me. There's a permanent scowl etched on his sharp features, one of irritation and if I didn't know better...concern. His scar completed his look of an enraged man with no desire to smile. There are no laugh lines around the corner of his mouth and I frowned, mimicking his stance.

Picking up the remnants of the poor radio, I gathered what's left of my strength and threw it on his beautiful face, aiming for that proud nose. He quickly dodged and the radio hit the wall behind him.

I glared.

"Go away!!"

His sigh is heavy as if his patience is thinning while dealing with a brat.

"Don't be stubborn. You know you're stuck with me now. There's nowhere to run. Look around you " he said with a finality but I shook my head.

"Why are you doing this to me?" my voice is near silent as I curved into a ball on the floor. Pitiful and helpless yet still foolishly hoping.

This can't be it.

I act tough, impenetrable but there's a limit to my will and I can feel surrender chipping the last of my fight. I wanted to be put in a trance of oblivion so perhaps tommorow, I will wake up and realize that this is all just a misguided nightmare.

I can't accept this as my reality but I am now slowly grasping it. Understanding that this is the truth and I need to stop denying so I could move forward.

The Kraken pushed off the wall and started to stalk towards me. My instincts screamed at me to back off but I forced myself to be planted to my position. If he wanted to play his games then play we will.

"Would you rather I killed you that night?, that I picked someone else when I've destroyed that ship?. I've chosen you, solnyshko. I SAVED you "

He put heavy emphasis on the word saved and I nearly vomit at his twisted morals. I bit my tongue to hold my snarky comment but I cannot help myself.

The actual nerve of this kraken man.

"Oh, so I'm supposed to be grateful that you killed everyone and stole me away?! . That was my sail of freedom. I'm supposed to be in Moscow and live my life but you just ruined it all, you MONSTER!! "

As soon as the words left my mouth, I clamped my lips shut in regret. However, it is too late for the kraken advanced towards me with furious steps.

Damn my rebellious mouth.

The Kraken kneeled in front of me and I tried not to shudder at his close proximity. I raised my enraged eyes to meet his scorching ones.

Through the dark, his eyes glowed golden and I immediately blanched in fear. I guess I've provoked him enough and I'm about to face the consequences.

I flinched when he gripped my chin in his clawed fingers, his nails digging on my cheeks in a bruising hold.

He drew his face closer to mine and I glared, trembling but refusing to show my fear. My lips quivered and I feel his chilly breath touch them.

"That's right. I'm a monster and you're stuck with me. Now, come inside voluntarily or I'm going to punish this mouthy lips of yours"

I scoffed despite the tremor racking my whole body. We are two different opposing forces and no one is willing to back down.

Kraken or not, I won't be his willing prisoner and I'm going to make every second of his life miserable if he's going keeping me with him. That's the price of abducting me and perhaps he'll eventually tire of my fits and decided to let me go.

"You wouldn't dare " I hissed.

He smirked. "Try me"

I spat on his face with newfound fury. He momentarily closed his eyes in disgust before he glowered at me. Slowly but menacingly, he wiped my spittle from his face.

"I warned you"

That was all the caution I've got before tentacles suddenly shot out from his legs, ripping his black trousers. Screaming at the traumatic sight of it, I scrambled from him but his tentacles have taken ahold of my legs.

They wrapped around my thighs, slickly slithering upwards at my struggle. My hands tried to claw at them but they were suddenly knotted at my back, arching my body towards the grinning kraken. His tentacles move with a speed that I don't have the time to fight back. They bind my body like ropes, taking my ability to move.

I tried not to gag at the texture but the kraken took that an opportunity to slide two of his tentacles inside my gaping mouth.

The taste of salt and something bitter exploded in my tongue. I can't even muster a scream when they dragged down, embedding deep inside my throat.

Filling me to the brim, choking me and silencing my screams.

He licked his lips while staring at his writhing creation.

"Krasivaya" he purred and then carried me inside the tower.