
A Kraken's Heart

Yanessa is desperate to leave New York. Her sister's murderers are after her life so when a ship sailing to Moscow has been announced, she immediately went aboard to flee the ghost of her pasts. With her only earnings on her satchel, she risked leaving rather than facing the men that had put her sister's life to hell. She desperately wanted freedom. A life with the absence of guns and evil guys. In Moscow, she will start anew, forget and move on. However, there was one problem in her plan. A miscalculation for she never considered the dangers of the sea. The ship never reached Moscow because an unknown sea creature had toppled the ship in the middle of the ocean, stealing it's equipments including her. The creature had taken her as it's prisoner and had no intention of letting her go. Will Yanessa be able to escape the creature?, or did she ran away from her demons just to be handed to the devil himself?.

Wheresmicock112 · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Chapter 5: Trapped

It took a moment for me to actually register his words. To let the meaning of it sink in and my palms grew sweaty at his revelation.

I am so confused, addled by his admission. My life has taken an axis of imbalance and the events just keep going and going in spiral, out of my control.

My life is truly fucked.

First, I had lost my sister.

Second, I got blamed by her death so I ran, intent on reaching Moscow.

And now, this. A kraken had sunk the ship, killing all the passengers and kidnapped me to this...place. The worst part is that he tricked me to thinking I was safe. That it was finally over when the truth is far from it.

I don't even know how such a gigantic creature can shift into the form of a man.

There's too much emotion boiling inside me but atop the helplessness and despair was rage. So much rage that I didn't think and just punched the source of my recent problem on the face.

The smug smirk on the Kraken's handsome face is immediately replaced by a wince when my fist connected with his grecian nose.

"YOU FUCKER!!" I screamed at him whilst I banged my closed fists against his broad chest.

However, all it accomplished was to tore the wound on my right arm open.

I wailed in pain.

Despair and frustration tore me whole and I choked on a sob. There's a noose of thorns around my neck, strangling me and every breath is a struggle. Fuck precautions and consequences. I am already dead in the Kraken's hands at the very beginning anyways. At least I'll go down fighting.

The feelings I kept bottling inside escaped from their chains and are now out to haunt me at once. Reminding me of the awful truht that I cannot just put aside my sorrow and expect it to be gone.

Why me?. Just what did I do to acquire all the bad lucks on this fucking universe?.

"You fucking bastard!" I cried.

Angry tears streamed from my exhausted eyes and I cannot help the mental breakdown that followed.

With Yannah's death, I kept all the pain in. Thinking that if I buried it deep enough, I will forget about it but now it's all resurfacing at once and all I wanted is a circuit to let it out.

So, I punched and did everything I could to hurt the kraken man in front of me.

All the while, he became my willing punching bag and that seemed to enrage me more.

Suddenly, cold arms encased my body and I broke down into a fits of agonized tears.

" What did I do?" I cried, "What did I fucking do to be punished like this?!"

I shouted in fury, clawing at his black shirt. Snot and tears painted my cheeks while blood seemed to ooz from my reopened wound.

I am a mess, literally but I don't care.

All I wanted was the universe to fucking let me breathe even for a second and stop it's games. I beat his body until I am tired and spent. Until the hazy red of rage seemed to fade replaced by logic and realization.

"I am so tired" I hiccuped when I finally calmed down. "Please, make it stop"

Perhaps I really died that night. Perhaps all of this is an illusion, just an imaginary event constructed by my mind to cope. To tell me that I didn't lose but survived when the truth is that I've barely escaped the senator just to be eaten by a sea creature with an impossible existence but here we are.

"Are you even real?" I whispered. I didn't realized I am leaning to his hold and practically hugging his body for support.

His coldness seemed comforting and I suddenly have the thought of just closing my eyes and sleeping this nonsense away.

When he doesn't seem to disappear, though, I wrenched myself from his arms. I am disgusted at myself for finding ease in the arms of a cold blooded killer, albeit momentarily.

The Kraken frowned at the sudden distance between us.

"Please, just let me go" I pleaded.

He scoffed, wiping a hand to his bloodied nose.

I am not even a bit remorseful for doing that since it was barely a scratch compared to the lives he had taken when he sank that ship.

Which brought me to question why me?. Why did he spared me and brought me to this place?. Just what is his intentions with a fucked up woman like me?.

"I'm afraid I can't do that" he replied.

He stood up, giving me his back. If I have a knife, I would happily stab the kraken and watch him bleed to death.

"and why not?. I promise I'll do anything. I won't even tell that you've sunk a whole ship. That's murder"

"I can't"

That did it. Fuck begging. If he won't let me go then I'll gladly find a way myself.

"Yes, you can. You just won't" I glared at him.

Slowly, I inched a foot on the floor and I hissed at how chilly the wood is. My eyes scanned the room once more and I spotted a door not far from the bed I'm currently on.

I just needed to distract the kraken and make a run for it. Hopefully, towards my freedom.

The Kraken sniffed, rubbing his nose.


"Where are we?" I asked instead. My other foot joined the other one and I carefully tried to stand up. My bones crack, muscle straining at the sudden movement and I bit my lip to stop myself from giving a pained cry.

He's still not turning around and I took that opportunity to devise my plan to flee. Placing my hand on the wooden headboard, I leaned my weight on it and pushed myself up with a silent groan. He rummaged through the drawers of the bedside table, pulling out a tissue.

"In my lighthouse" he replied.

Lighthouse. That means we're on an island and there must've been a radio somewhere to ask for help. Or an emergency boat or even a raft.

"And why the fuck did you brought me here?"

At that, he gave a chuckle. I slapped myself inwardly for finding that sexy.

"I need a wife to keep me company and give me half kraken babies"

I almost choked at his reply. I threw the blankets off of me and stared longingly at the opened door.

I was taken aback, thinking that he must've been joking but he wasn't even smiling when he said those words.


The piece of shit is dead serious.

He sank a ship, killed the passengers then saved one to make her his wife. To fuck and to bear him heirs.

"You're crazy if you think I would even let you touch me"

He chose that moment to turn around. My eyes widened in panic.

"Let's see, solnyshko. Maybe you'll even beg for my touch"

He didn't attempt to stop me, didn't even moved to follow me when I began to retreat.

"Fuck you, you kraken pig" I spat then limply bolted to the doors.