
A Kraken's Heart

Yanessa is desperate to leave New York. Her sister's murderers are after her life so when a ship sailing to Moscow has been announced, she immediately went aboard to flee the ghost of her pasts. With her only earnings on her satchel, she risked leaving rather than facing the men that had put her sister's life to hell. She desperately wanted freedom. A life with the absence of guns and evil guys. In Moscow, she will start anew, forget and move on. However, there was one problem in her plan. A miscalculation for she never considered the dangers of the sea. The ship never reached Moscow because an unknown sea creature had toppled the ship in the middle of the ocean, stealing it's equipments including her. The creature had taken her as it's prisoner and had no intention of letting her go. Will Yanessa be able to escape the creature?, or did she ran away from her demons just to be handed to the devil himself?.

Wheresmicock112 · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Chapter 3: The Kraken


These words played in a loop inside my head. Again and again.

I am confused, overwhelmed by the sudden tilt of things but most of all, I am afraid.

There was a moment of blankness before bone chilling fear spurred my body to wriggle away from the tentacles squeezing me.

However, my attempts are futile for instead of loosening, the tentacles just tightened even more.

My whole body is numb from the sudden cold but most of all I cannot breathe. My lungs burned, begging for air but all around me is dark waters. So much water that every gasp filled my throat with it's painful salty taste.

I coughed and gasped but all it did was to choke me.

I need oxygen.

Thousand questions bombarded my mind at the same time but my subconscious is solely focused on survival. I gurgled on a scream when my head started to feel dizzy.

Perhaps, this is how I end.

It's rather pitiful that I had escaped my captors just to die in the hand of a giant octopus in the middle of the sea. Just as I began to think that my life isn't getting more shittier.

This crappy universe must truly hate me.

As my body began to feel lightheaded, all I can think was how Yannah's sacrifice had gone to utter waste.

It should've been her. It should've been her who had escaped that tragic night since she was smarter and had more chance to live than I. Instead, it was me and look how weak I am.

My life flashed before my eyes and I closed them at the final moment. Bubbled rapidly erupt from my gasping mouth and I can feel my gaze lose it's focus.

I'm so fucking sorry.

Contrary to what I had expected, death is rather peaceful. My mind is freed of thoughts and all I can feel was blatant acceptance of my upcoming demise.

I waited for death to take my hand, fearful but also anticipating. However, it never came for what assaulted my ears is not Death's whisper but rather the bloodcurdling screams of panicked passengers.

I snapped my eyes open.

The tentacle holding me is raised upwards towards the sky and my mouth instinctively opened to gulp as much air as possible.

I sputtered a cough and my nostrils burned at the continuous water oozing from them.

Holy Fuck.

I didn't die.

I...am still breathing.

I am still alive.

I choked on a pathetic sob.

However, before I can celebrate my survival, the tentacle swung sideways, almost knocking my body to the ship that was being tilted sideways.

My breath hitched.

Now, that I had been given a second chance, I decided not to waste it. I clawed, bit, thrashed and kicked the tentacle around me despite my diminishing strength. I fought the unknown phenomena, chanting in my mind that I needed to live.

I cannot feel my right arm anymore.

"Let me go!" I screamed as I sank my teeth on the soft flesh of the octopus. Bitter liquid fill my mouth and I gagged.

A low growl reverberated from my left and I stiffened. I was afraid to witness whatever that sound came from but curiosity finally overtook my fear.

Slowly, I turned around and I nearly fainted at the creature of terror hungrily staring back at me. It's a creature of myths, of folklore stories yet here it is, very much alive, glowering at me.

A pair of golden eyes that glowed in the dark and a gigantic squid like head with a wide mouth. I frantically shook, trying to be unclasped by the tentacle. Upon my struggle, it opened it's mouth.

A bolt of lighting passed and I saw the flash of shark like teeth stained in dark crimson.

It's going to eat me alive.

Oh shit.

Oh fuck.

Oh damn.

It's a...kraken.

Now, it's going to gobble me whole.

"HELP ME!!" a sudden shriek came from the sinking ship. The Kraken turned his head towards it and I welcomed the distraction.

It was chaos. A fucking bloodbath.

Everything is happening too fast and all I can grasp is that, we are all going to die in this zone.

I helplessly watch the ship being slowly pulled by the raging dark waters. A tentacle came down in the middle of it and tore in half. Cries erupted from the ship in a messy cacophony of shouting, pleading and sobbing.

People jumped from the ship, swimming away from the creature. Some hung on the railing for dear life.

However, the kraken is merciless. It spared no one as it wrapped a dozen of giant tentacles on the other half and pulled it downwards.

Bubbles erupt from the sunken part and the screams ceased. My body is rigid with shock while I witnessed the mass murder unfold before my eyes.

The blood reminds me of Yannah.

I don't know if I'm screaming or crying or both as I unsuccessfully banged my clenched fist on the tentacle squeezing me to death.

It's going to kill them all, saving me for it's last final meal.

What did I do to deserve this?.

"Please!" I shouted yet the kraken paid me no mind. "PLEASE!!. Oh, God!!"

A sudden shot erupted from the other standing half of the ship and I watched a man, pointing a gun to the Kraken's head.

Through the haze of my tears, I recognize him. The Russian.

He's gripping a Winchester rifle on his arms and another shot rang. This time, it wounded one of the Kraken's tentacle.

The water rippled as the kraken focused on the man. I can feel it's anger reverberating to my bones and I know that it will kill the man.


It gave a sound between a growl and a whimper and I watched, horrified as it brought another tentacle, swiping the Russian straight to the torso.

"PLEASE, NO!!!" I screamed.

The force of it threw the man sideways and I sobbed at his unconscious body floating into the cold waters. His rifle gave a final shot before he disappeared from my view. Dead just like the rest of them.

The Kraken moved with vengeance as it sank the standing half of the ship. The storm raged, in sync with the thunder that assaulted the skies.

Passengers beg for help that never arrived, swimming into the surface while the current pulled them under. The ocean is a bottomless pit, sucking the souls of unfortunate people.

All the while, I fought tooth and nail until my body began to surrender. Tears endlessly streamed from my eyes at the realization that the universe just presented me a chance.

A hope.

Just to cruelly snatch it away, leaving me to mourn. I don't want to witness myself being eaten raw by the Kraken and I finally gave up.

The last thing I remembered was the Kraken bringing me closer to it's gaping mouth.

"MINE" it growled and I passed out.