
A KNIGHT REAP Mending her shattered heart

(MATURED CONTENT) Tags:First love, sweet love, fated love ............... Prologue What happens when Mr and Mrs Stanley only care about wealth and class, where he want his daughter to marry the richest and top class guy, will that work, will their quest of power and wealth be in vein? What happens when a one knight strand changes Mia thought and idea, will she fall on love again after Been emotionally down, is it Jerry the rich superb or xieve the guy that happened to have sex with Mia that night, will fate have it way? Will love fight for her, will her broken heart come to ease?, Will class and wealth ever matters to her? Will love found it right place to stay? one the intriguing novel of world happening NOTE::;; It only a fiction with no link to any person or history, but have something thing in common with our modern lives oops no one will wanna skip out from this interesting captivating story Bet me you won't wanna miss this interesting story with it best vibe Trust me you can't be an exception follow some of my story in Facebook SHABBY BOOK I heart all sincere fans big

Shabby_Write · Teen
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26 Chs

Chapter 10: Gift

I can't wait, I really can't wait to see that idle gift and retrieve it from my parent, I really do can't wait, first time in my early twenties have my parents want to gift me

it sound funny though, but am eager to know that gift, I sure know it not a dress, jewellery, vehicle or money, but I really can't guess

hmm, maybe I should go greet them and maybe opportune to eavesdrop

thanks to Jerry for putting I and my parents in good term, if not him my parents would have disown me even when I study my heart dream course in place of theirs

now am in front of their mansion, I pray it something nice, it something that could erase my dad moment, soon enough for me am standing right in front of the mansion, maybe I should snap away my nervousness and move in

to my greatest suprise, I saw my mom and dad in the same design, I guess that must be the brand new design of Nagata, oh my gosh she is really the best, but I guess they are going to a party

greetings dear, we were about to come to your place to present your wonderful gift to you, my mom said

At first am not really sure my mom is saying the truth but I have to ask her

okay but are you really sure, I thought you both are going to a party, I said out of confidence

party offcourse not, we just decide to be the first to put on Nagata latest brand new design, my dad said

they all does they are saying isn't making me pleasant, all I just care about is for them to give me my gift, I said to myself

Mia here is your gift, my dad said giving me a guy

Dad human?, what for? and why?, I ask curiously

your caretaker, my dear we are only doing this to help since you are always working and then you now own an apartment, you need an assisting hand and this young man here is ready to help, so give him a chance, my dad said

Dad did I ever complain to you, I ask

but you never, still we could let go of him if that will make you happy, my dad said

hi am Xieva, he said shaking me

I was cold, this is the guy whom I have sex with that night, a Knight that I was make feel like a real woman but how come this so guy happens to be my assistant

dad why not a female, I ask

okay, if you insist I could change him, cause I trust him and you also, am sorry I do t have a rethink, my dad said

no need for that, I am so sorry, thanks I know it cost you alot of stress and displeasure so far, but thanks, you are the best, I said pecking my dad

Best?, offcourse not, I can do anything for my beautiful angel, my dad said leaving I and Xieva together

hi am Mia and here is the address of my residence and a spare key to all the rooms in my apartment, I have a meeting to attend, I said leaving him

I couldn't help those thoughts and scenes , cause they keep coming and bumping in my head, I really can't help it, I just have to run off

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Shabby_Writecreators' thoughts