
A Knight's Revenge (Old Version)

"A knight is someone who protects," said he, the third brother. "Then, what if a knight failed to protect?" asked the youngest, Dwayne, with an indifferent expression. The brother's smile remained unfazed at that question. "Then he will break and lose himself." "A Knight's Revenge" follows the story of a weak boy walking in the bloody and dark path of vengeance. Watch Dwayne Winchester in facing the people behind his family's death, and join as he sees the beauties of the world and life itself. + The photo used in the cover is not mine, simply found it on Pinterest. I think this was from the Webtoon, Under the Oak Tree... or not. Until I make another cover, I hope this won't get me sued. If the artist has any intent to take it down, please inform me and proper action will be made. With less than two thousand words, new chapter (1) releases will be on weekdays! Enjoy!

rayakills · History
Not enough ratings
34 Chs

The eager

SOUNDS OF CLASHING swords echo in the training grounds. It was a peaceful day, the sky was clear and it was the middle of spring, a perfect day for swordsmanship training and sparring. Knights were gathered, watching on the sidelines and enjoying the duel before their eyes. The ones having a spar were their forty-seven year old grand duke and his young eighteen year old son. From the veranda, which had a full view of the training grounds, a woman of twenty-eight years stood there with a disbelieved face.

"Oh god, I return home and this is what I get see? Father and Hades sparring? They didn't even greet me, and it's been going on for half an hour. When will they stop?" She grumbled as she sighs in annoyance. Her name is Pearl Novak, the oldest child and the only princess of Novak Grand Duchy. The mother, who was simply sipping her tea near Pearl on the tea table, chuckles at her daughter.

"Just let them be, my princess. This is Hades' last day before he leaves for the academy, and sparring is their once in a blue moon bonding as father and son." The Grand Duchess, Dove Novak, says with a small gentle smile as her eyes looked down to training grounds.

'Years come by fast huh', she thought to herself. It felt like yesterday when she first laid her eyes on him, the seventh child of Winchester Family. The Novak Family welcomed him with open arms. Dwayne, known as Hades now, was a gloomy child, and he was a hard nut to crack. Although he was incredibly distant, he didn't reject their kindness and affection, and he eventually opened up to them, treating them like his second family.

The Grand Duke introduced him as his adoptive son, Hades Novak, but only a few know of his true identity. As he was only an adoptive son and because of certain circumstances, the Grand Duke did not bother telling the world about him. Hades was also personally trained and taught by the Grand Duke himself for years, although they still have a very cold relationship on the outside.

The Grand Duchess smile faded as she reminisced the young and gloomy Hades. 'Who would've thought that that very same child would have manage to pick himself up by having the resolve to avenge his family, without even having time to heal and rest. He became alive because of the his burning will for revenge… but…

What would happen if that very will burns him and causes his own death?'

A ear-splitting collision of steel echoed, it was louder and had more impact than all the others. All eyes turned to the sparring father and son, curious of who won this time. The father was standing with a stern face as he sheathes his sword, he turns around and walked to leave the training grounds.

"If you want to have a duel with me, at least be in top shape, it's disgraceful to unsheathe my sword in such half-hearted fight."

Those where the Grand Duke's last words before he left, and all eyes glanced back to the son. Hades was lying on the hard ground, with an exhausted yet unsatisfied expression. He felt as if he was flicked away. And he was frustrated, alright. Sweat trails down his beautiful porcelain white skin, his training suit is drenched with sweat from all the sparring he did for this day. Guess he overdid it, a little.

'And what did he mean by half-hearted, I gave it my all. I was in top shape too.' Sighing, he slowly sat up, he brushed his white hair back.

"HADES! Just give up on surpassing Father! You look like a sore thumb!" The knights, even Hades, flinched the moment they heard a familiar voice, shouting from the veranda. It was their Princess, Pearl, and Hades was simply baffled.

"Oh, you're home?" He asked, loud enough for her to hear. Well, today is his last day here in the Novak Manor, but he knows how busy his older sister is with her newly opened restaurant in the Capital. He guessed that she won't even have time to see him off later this evening.

Pearl smiles. "Of course, I'm home, you fool. Who did you think will guide you to the Capital? I'll be with you until we arrive there!" She says, and Hades froze in his spot.

"… Seriously?" He asked, he wasn't happy. Hades was confused and felt that it wasn't necessary for her to do that. He could head there by himself because that was the plan in the first place. Pearl glared at him for his reaction.

"What, you have a problem with that huh?!" He wanted to say he has, since entering the capital with such a popular woman would be too much… but he would probably receive a beating if he did, so he didn't respond anymore and kept quiet.

Before Pearl could throw a fit, two knights approached him to give him a towel and some water, they gave him compliments and encouragements about his ever improving skills and his chances to beat the infamous Grand Duke. Pearl could only watch them from the veranda with an indifferent expression.

'It's finally the day huh…'

It's been eight years since they met Hades, and Pearl was no exception to those who knew about him and his goal to take revenge. But despite having smart brains, a perfectly mature and calm personality, Hades was still a child in their eyes, and that he just lacks affection. Like the Grand Duchess, Pearl was against it, but if she looks at it in an unbiased point of view, her father's decision to let Hades satisfy his wrath is a smart move on their side.

Because after all, the Novak Duchy has their own goal as well.

Pearl stared down her younger brother again, only to see him smiling and laughing along with the other knights. He was shinning for some reason. Pearl blinked in disbelief.

"Damn it all. Who would have thought that the gloomy child I met eight years ago has become this attractive, he's too pretty for my eyes now." She mumbles, which the Grand Duchess heard and it made her laugh.

"Hades has always been handsome, it only took some time for him to open his heart."

Pearl scoffs at her mother. "You're telling me that that gloomy child was handsome? I refuse to accept that." The mother simply laughs it off, as she was already used to her daughter's rude and informal attitude.

A whole hour passed, and Hades finally arrived in his bedroom. He closed the door behind him and walked to the corner where the bathtub lies. He stripped his clothes off his body, leaving no clothing, and soon dipping himself on the tub filled with hot water.

He let out a satisfied moan, feeling the warmth of the water coating his body. Having his time alone in his own bedroom and having his hot evening bath before dinner is really the best way to end his day.

Despite his calm persona, Hades has always been a prickly one. He dislikes the maids having to attend him in his own room, and it is a must to be alone in his own bedroom whenever he is there. The butler gave the maids specific instructions when handling Hades and his bedroom, and through the years, they have grown accustomed to everything that needs to be done. It's another reason why the maids would fill the tub with hot water before he arrives.

At first, Hades was surprised. He never expected to be treated like a real Novak, but they took consideration of his feelings and bad habits through the years. He was thankful.

Hades leaned his head back, his jet eyes staring at the high ceiling of the luxurious room. He couldn't believe that eight years have passed, that he's already at the age of eighteen, an age where he can legally enter the academy. He still remembers how his older siblings would teach him the wonders of their own departments, then convince him to enter them when he becomes eighteen.

Hades smiles bitterly at the memory.

There was not a day that he did not remind himself about what they did to his family. It was his compass, the one thing that guides him to the path that he chose to take. These years have been hard and stressing, no, everyday was. His hair couldn't even go back to normal black, it would become white as he pushed himself to a certain limit every time, taking a toll on his body and mind. The Grand Duchess and Pearl would scold the Grand Duke whenever Hades comes home almost half dead.

But Hades didn't mind the rough training. If anything, he's grateful for it.

He has to be ready, he needs to be numb to the pain. If he becomes weak on the middle of his revenge, he'd either rest for a moment or simply die.

Hades closed his eyes, the image of his family flashed in his mind. He parted his eyes open and that image disappeared, but he didn't mind it.

"Just a little more… and I can finally avenge you." Hades mumbles with a small smile. They were contrast to his jet eyes, which were filled with bloodlust.

Couldn't update yesterday because of some issues with the WiFi, so it's a double update! What do you think of my story so far?

rayakillscreators' thoughts