
A Knight's Revenge (Old Version)

"A knight is someone who protects," said he, the third brother. "Then, what if a knight failed to protect?" asked the youngest, Dwayne, with an indifferent expression. The brother's smile remained unfazed at that question. "Then he will break and lose himself." "A Knight's Revenge" follows the story of a weak boy walking in the bloody and dark path of vengeance. Watch Dwayne Winchester in facing the people behind his family's death, and join as he sees the beauties of the world and life itself. + The photo used in the cover is not mine, simply found it on Pinterest. I think this was from the Webtoon, Under the Oak Tree... or not. Until I make another cover, I hope this won't get me sued. If the artist has any intent to take it down, please inform me and proper action will be made. With less than two thousand words, new chapter (1) releases will be on weekdays! Enjoy!

rayakills · History
Not enough ratings
34 Chs


"TELL ME, HOW did a simply election lead to this… huh, Yahto?!" An angered female voice echoed across field. It was expected for her, the Department Head, to be infuriated because of what's in front of her. So what did happen to the election of class representatives for the Knight Department?

To keep it short, it was hell.

Yahto brought all thirteen out, and raced laps around the whole academy. Basically, he made the condition for being class representative to be a stamina monster. His excuse? 'Stamina is the most crucial trait for the leader of muscle heads.' Isn't it fun? Being dragged out in the field without even having enough time to warm up first.

"They asked for it, my Blanche. It's not my fault." Yahto stated, crossing his arms at the woman who's supposed to be the Department Head and his superior, Blanche Riverstone. She swallowed all her frustration towards this annoying friend of hers, and sighs. She glanced down the knight department official students, who are sitting by the shade.

Yes, these competitive fools accepted it anyway, and how did it end up for them?

They got exhausted to the point that they didn't even bother moving an inch to get some shade from the afternoon sunlight. They had to be helped out by their batch mates. All of them were still conscious, sure, but their muscles were too strained that they wince at the aching. They are now currently resting in the side, being cared for by the seven medicine department official students…

Well, that is for the cases of all eleven students, as for the other two…

"Hot damn, how can they even spar after all that? I can't even move a muscle!" Alonso Merlin, the second child of the infamous Merlin Barony and a sword course official student, let out in disbelief at the sight of his two classmates clashing wooden swords at the open day.

… Silver and Hades didn't give up until the end. Thus, Yahto suggested that they spar for dominance instead, and they did. It's been going on for five minutes, and they haven't rested at all. Fatigue was obvious in their faces, yet they don't even look weakened enough.

"I'm starting to feel inferior just watching them." Griffith Calvery, the second child of the powerful Calvery Duchy and a sword course official student, couldn't help but sigh. He's competitive, but there are times that he knows his place.

"They're even smart and pretty, just how perfect can they get?" William Riverstone, the heir of the neutral Riverstone County and a spear course official student, rolled his eyes in frustration.

"You forgot about character and personality." Lorenzo Ludwig, the third child of Ludwig Viscount and a spear course official student, stated and his paternal cousin next to him chuckled.

"HAHAHA! Hades doesn't even like girls! And you'd probably be just a friend or worse, a classmate to him if you're a man." Rufus Lefort, the heir of secretive Lefort County and an archery course official student, laughed. He knows that much.

"The imperial prince isn't the type to be swayed by women either. Just look at his sister." Jarrett Walter, the third child of the rich Walter Archduchy and a spear course official student, gave his own opinion. Silver is famous for being utterly disinterested in women, money and power. Although, he is very protective of his sister, who's also the most beautiful woman in the empire. Not to mention, he's an imperial prince.

"In conclusion… they're not that perfect, but it's not as if the ladies care about their disinterested and stoic demeanor anyway. If anything, it makes them look more appealing." Brandon Ward, the second son of the remarkable Ward County and a shield course official student, argued for no reason other than feeling frustrated that he's weaker than them.

".... why are you talking about that anyway? Is no one going to ask, how are those wooden swords still intact after all that clashing?" Cornelius Clerc, the only son of knowledgeable Clerc Marquisate and a shield course official student, never took his eyes off the two. It was too fascinating to watch.

"I can feel the impact from over here." Curtin Vogel, the second son of the reserved Vogel Duchy and a shield course official student, was the same. He didn't hide his fascination as he watched the two closely.

"That's what you're all seriously curious about?" Hollis Falkov, the second daughter of talented Falkov Viscount, an archery course official student and the only woman in the first years of the Knight Department, didn't hide her exasperation at all these men for being curious about ridiculous things. They should be more curious about how those two became such monsters, when they're just on same age as them!

"It's useless to ask about the obvious. That Hades guy probably went through something that gave him enough resolve to be this fucking strong, while the imperial prince already received high class training since he was a child." Tevin Abernathy, the heir of Abernathy Barony and an archery course official student, reasoned. It was the most obvious clue they have, but you never know. Actually, it wasn't just the knight department who are watching this ridiculous duel.

Every official students from each department walked out just to see who is the strongest. And given, the present first year professors are watching as well, with the Department Head being here only because Yahto created some ruckus.

Just then a loud impact was heard, shifting all the attention to the two men. They couldn't hide their shock at the result. A wooden sword landed far away from the two… and that sword was Silver's. Hades is now pointing his wooden sword at Silver, who was frozen in his place.

No one was able to see how much terror filled his eyes as he stared at Hades' emotionless face. 'I could've died', it was first thing Silver had thought as he stepped back to balance himself.

Realizing that he won, Hades points down the sword and used it as a cane. Now that he's stopped moving, his body has started aching all over, but it's nothing that he's not used to, however…

'I think I overestimated myself a little', Hades thought. He thinks he wouldn't have been too affected by the marathon earlier as he clash sword with Novak Knights almost every day back then. 'I must've weakened for not exerting my body too much, I've been too relaxed lately.'

"The result of the duel is clear. Sir Hades has won his position as the class representative. Please drink water and get some shade before both of you get dehydrated." The two turned towards the imperial princess who bothered herself to walk to the two. She was holding an umbrella to protect herself from the sunlight.

Silver walks closer to his sister, stood next to her and takes hold of her umbrella as they walk back to the sidelines. 'How close of them', Hades thought to himself and did not contain his smile. He exhales and stretched out his arms and back. 'Still, that was a good exertion', he thought and started walking to the sidelines.

He saw other students walking to the pathway to the main building, and Rufus and Livia walking to him. It seems Rufus has rested enough that he can properly stand and walk. "I'm honestly amazed you can still walk after all that." Livia was the one to comment on his surprising amount of stamina.

"This is nothing compared to the hell I've been through." Hades nonchalantly stated, accepting the cup of water handed out by Rufus.

"The only reason why you were desperate to become class representative was because the first year representative is the imperial princess, no?" Rufus teased Hades, the man who's not interested in women. He saw how Hades stare at her from earlier, and even caught him grinning when she talked up front.

However, Hades grinned like a champion, lying flawlessly, "That's half of the reason."

Rufus couldn't hide his shock at the moment, leaving him completely frozen. Livia couldn't blame him, since she once thought that Hades wasn't that interested in woman. Goddess-like beauties such as the imperial princess must be an exception to that.

"Congratulations, brat." Hearing Yahto's voice, they glanced to his direction and saw that he was with the Department Head and the other two professors. "For now, let's head inside and continue the orientation." He said, and the three nodded.

The three walked passed them, and started walking away, but then Hades recalled something. He stopped his tracks and glanced behind him, to the four of them.

"Professor Yahto," he called, catching Yahto's attention. "Commander Phieleghard said hi. He's also hoping that you drop by Princess Novak's restaurant for a meal."

'Huh?' It wasn't only Yahto, but Hades caught the other three's attention just by that. Yahto became silent for short moment but smiles widely at Hades' words.

"I will. Thank you, brat."

Please do me a favor and give me a review or just comment what you think of the story so far. I know there hasn't been anything revenge related in the past chapters, but there will be in the future! I hope you'll stay patient with me! Thank you!

rayakillscreators' thoughts