
A Kitsune in remnant

Akio Kurosaki was a normal human with a normal life, until the day he died. However, when he reincarnated, he was at the doorstep of a house he did not recognize. By the time the door opened he knew who the man was, he was in front of Ghira Belladonna house the leader of the white fang. How will he survive the world of remnant were humans kill the Fanus and face the Grimm at the same time?

Nether_Ark · Anime & Comics
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40 Chs

Lie to protect those you care

After the seven days within the white void, or time chamber as I like to call it, I was finally waking up from the torture I had to endure.

I was forced to lift three tons, I was forced to do pushups till my arms were burning, crunching until my stomach couldn't move, and run until I couldn't breath.

That's what I had to endure, but the outcome was worth it in the end. My strength increases by tenfold, and I could handle a few Beewolves by myself.

But the real problem began when my mother began to train me with her chakrams, each weighed approximately six thousand pounds.

Luckily, I was only taught to use one, since she knew I couldn't handle all nine, all I had to do was only lift it off the ground.

Sadly, it didn't budge no matter how hard I tried to lift it, in the end, I used one that weight two tons.

After I woke up for the day, I could feel my entire body screaming in pain. But it soon disappeared when I healed myself with my flames.

"Aiko, get up, we have a long journey ahead of us." Sienna called out to me, I stood up and walked out and yawned.

I stretched my entire body and began to shiver in delight. While doing so, loose fur began to fall off my tails, I looked at the floor behind me and saw a pile of it and grimaced in annoyance.

"Blake, can you get the comb?" I asked, Blake was about to eat breakfast, but soon rushed into our tent.

"W-wha?" Was all Ilia could say before Blake came back with a stool and comb. Blake was smiling from ear to ear and motioned for me to sit.

"Don't worry, it's something the two of us do when my tails begin to shed." I said and sat on the stool, Blake gently grabbed one of my tails and began to brush.

As she brushed my tail, I sighed in relief at the touch and felt myself slowly sleeping. While this was happening, Ilia sat next to Blake and looked at her with a flustered look.

"Blake, can I try?" Blake was hesitant since she was the only one, besides my mother, who combed my tail, she looked at me and silently asked on what to do.

I smiled and nodded my head, telling her that its okay. Blake gripped the brush and frowned that I allowed her, but nodded her head and gave Ilia the brush.

"J-just be gentle, he doesn't like it when you are fast." Ilia smiled and gently placed my tail on her lap, and gently brushed my tail.

As soon as her hand touched my tail, her face brightened with a large smile on her face. Sienna on the other hand remained stoic and rolled her eyes.

"Look, just hurry up, we can't stay here for too long, we need to reach the next village in three days." She said and began to pack her things.

"Okay." Blake said with a sad look, I just smiled and rubbed her head, she smiled and giggled at what I did and left to pack our tent.

"U-um, Aiko." I turned behind me to look at Ilia, who looked away but didn't stop brushing.

"D-do you l-like anyone?" She asked, this made me confused on why she asked me that question, but seeing her spots turn pink, I knew why.

"Well, I like Blake, Sienna, and you. You stayed and played with us when Sienna was busy." I said with a smile, Ilia smiled at my answer and giggled.

Once Ilia finished, I quickly rushed to my tent to help Blake pack anything that was still on the floor.

Once everything was packed, we all made sure our gear was on and began to make our way to Argus.

While walking, Sienna would constantly look around us. Using her ears to listen to any footsteps, while the rest of us would lower our guard.

But what she doesn't know, is that before we left, I summoned multiple of my family members to run on ahead.

They were able to locate multiple ambushes ahead of us, once they found them, they were 'relocated' to a better place.

'Son, it seems we found a large group of the huntsmen, they are better equipped.' She said, I just pretended to act normal around the girls and tried to make an excuse to take a step back.

"How many?" I asked, she appeared next to me and sighed.

"Three hundred, more than the last group." She replied, I hummed at what she said and kept silent.

"Is it possible they heard on what happened back at the town?" I asked her, she crossed her arms and sighed.

"Most likely, after the 'Grimm' swarm happened, some must have survived." She said, this made me worry, but I couldn't prevent this.

I could only try to steer the large group away from us, so I had her and other members to hide both groups.

As soon as they left, I returned to the girls and pretended nothing happened. But with each step we took, I was nervous about the encounter.

"Brother, look what I found." I turned toward Blake, and saw her holding small flowers, each one was different, but it looked nice.

"Wow, they look so pretty." I said with a fake smile, but it was enough to convince the girls. While acting like this, I felt immense guilt.

Not only was I holding a secret, but I was also forced to pretend that everything is okay. But it's something I have to do, when doing good, one has to lie.

As the four of us continued to walk, my mother spoke to me, telling me that the humans were close, and I had to prepare.

'Mom, are you sure it's okay for me to see the group?' I asked her, but she sighed and replied.

'It's one of the few burdens we must carry, we must always wear a mask to make everything look fine, we must lie.' As she finished speaking, I could see the large groups of humans.

They carried swords, spears, shields, ax's, guns, and even whips. The reason why I was the only one who could see them, is because I have to mask my emotions.

The laughter of Blake was heard by me and the other two, but the humans didn't hear anything.

The group also spoke and laughed, but the girls heard nothing. Only I could hear and see them, all I had to do was to pretend they aren't there.

"Boss, is the story true?" Asked one of the humans, the leader looked anxious, but he then composed himself.

"We can't be sure, all we know is that it could be a new Grimm, and I don't want any risks." Replied the leader, the few people that surrounded him all glanced at each other.

"All I know is that the people can burn, they never really cared for anyone else but themselves." The leader then smacked the woman and glared at her.

"That is where I grew up, it's a shit hole, that's for sure, but that where I grew up." He growled, but I didn't hear the rest of the conversation when we continued to walk.

As for the rest of the humans, they all walked around us, none of them made a single glance towards us.

The same could be said for the girls, Ilia and Blake kept laughing and smiling, while Sienna kept looking around while moving her ears.

"Hmmm, it's quiet, too quiet." She muttered, but I was able to hear her say that, but I kept pretending to play with Blake and Ilia.

While walking, I accidentally bumped into one of the humans. As the human looked down at me, I began to panic, and I didn't know what to do.

"Shit, damn tree root." He was about to kick me, but I moved at the last second, he then proceeded to jump and hold his foot.

"Hey, what's the matter man?" Asked a female human, the man pointed to where I was and complained.

"It's this damn tree root, I tell ya we should cut all the trees." He said, while he was distracted, I left and ran next to the girls.

"Aiko, you okay?" Asked Sienna, I just nodded and tried to make an excuse.

"Yeah, I'm fine, just tripped that's all." I lied, Sienna nodded her head and continued to scan around us.

I sighed when she looked away, but I panicked again when I saw Blake was about to bump into one of the humans.

But before I could catch her, Ilia grabbed her and pulled her to the side. While the human walked past by without knowing what was in front of them.

"Careful Blake, you nearly tripped." Ilia said and pointed at nothing, Blake widened her eyes and knelt down.

"Wow, a tree root." She whispered, I sighed in relief that she didn't bump into the human and continued to walk forward.

"Blake, we can't stop, we need to help our brothers and sisters." I said and began to run with Blake ahead, who had stars in her eyes.

"Your right, let's go slow pokes!" Blake shouted at Sienna and Ilia, Ilia smiled and began to run with us, while Sienna muttered something and began to follow us.

"Slow down, you'll trip and fall!" She shouted, but the three of us ignored her and kept running.

'So far so good, just a few more steps and we'll be out of the group.' I thought and kept running.

After a few more minutes, we soon got passed the entire group of humans. Blake, ilia and I all laughed as we passed, while Sienna had a frown on her face.

"Ilia, that was really reckless of you, don't do it again." She said, Ilia frowned at Sienna words and looked down in shame.

"Sienna, please don't be mad at her, we were just playing." I said, Blake nodded her head in agreement and hugged Ilia.

"Yeah, it was boring to just walk all the time." Blake pouted, Sienna sighed and shook her head.

"Fine, we'll take a break, just don't wander to far." She said and placed her bag on the floor and leaned against the tree.

The three of us cheered but were shushed by Sienna, who reminded us to keep our voices low.

While Blake and Ilia played with one another, I sat down and pretended to take a nap. What I'm really doing is communicating with my mother.

'How was my acting?' I asked, she just hummed and stayed quiet for most of the time.

'It's alright, just don't panic next time.' She said and I sighed in relief.

'Does it get easier?' I asked her, she stayed quiet but chuckled.

'It does, but soon you'll be lying to everyone around you, that they won't know what is true and what is a lie.' She replied, I was scared that she said that.

Not only do I have to keep this a secret, but I would also have to lie for the rest of my life. I don't want to become a pathological liar.

but if it's to protect my family, it'll be worth it. I'll lie to protect the ones I love; I'll wear a mask to hide the filth I'll see and kill for my family.

(A/N) Hey hey, here's this weeks chapter, sorry if its not good, I've had a lazy week and spent some time with my family at a fair, I forgot to write today's chapter, now that I'm done, I'm going to jump in for democracy.

Send power stones for support, or I'll make a chapter full of puns, I'm a punny guy.