
A Kitsune in remnant

Akio Kurosaki was a normal human with a normal life, until the day he died. However, when he reincarnated, he was at the doorstep of a house he did not recognize. By the time the door opened he knew who the man was, he was in front of Ghira Belladonna house the leader of the white fang. How will he survive the world of remnant were humans kill the Fanus and face the Grimm at the same time?

Nether_Ark · Anime & Comics
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37 Chs

If you fall, rise

After causing a traumatic moment for clover, Blake and Vine made their way to the field. As they passed us, Clove made sure to stay in front of me.

While I was behind him, humming and shaking my head to a tune that I know. Seeing me, Blake smiled and hugged me.

"Aiko, did you win, did you win?" She asked me, oblivious to what I did to Clover. My smile grew and I ruffled her hair, she whined at first but then giggled when I rubbed her ear.

"Of course I did, you know I can't lose." Blake looked at me in awe and was excited to have her turn.

"Aiko, watch me win." Blake said with stars in her eyes, I smiled at optimism and watched her follow Vine.

Once I arrived at the observation room, I could feel the air was tense. Looking at the ace ops, Elm looked away from me, rubbing her arm.

Harriet on the other hand looked at me like she was going to murder me, her fists were clenched tight and her eyes were wide with rage.

"So, we have some time to talk. Mind explaining what you are?" Seeing that how I exposed myself intentionally, I smiled and bowed.

"Let me re-introduce myself, my name is Aiko Kurosaki, but you all know me as…" I then changed into the male version of Blake and smiled at them.

"Aiko Belladona." The air was still tense, but Winter removed her hand from her blade.

"So, mind telling me how you were able to not only change forms, but were able to make my weapon only have one dust?" I wasn't surprised by this, but I had already made multiple stories for each scenario

"For changing forms, it's my trait, I can change into anyone I want." I then grew taller, and changed into Winter, then Elm, and finally Harriet.

Seeing me change my appearance was making the room even more tense, but I then returned to normal.

"And what about the bullets, you made it look like you dropped five." I smiled at his observation and held out my hand flat.

They were confused at first, but when I made my other hand pass over it, I was holding Jame's gun again.

Everyone, except Sienna and Ilai, all turned towards James, only to see he still had both of his guns.

"Like you said, it's just an illusion semblance, the only difference." I quickly shook my hand that held the gun, what happened next, two copies were in my hands.

I tossed one into the air, and it duplicated itself, I then tossed the other one into the air, and it also duplicated, I was now juggling four.

I then shot all four of them, they all clutched a part of their bodies and all groaned. Winter ran up to me and punch me, but a wall appeared before her.

She reeled back when she hit the fake wall, but the pain was real. After I made the illusion disappeared, so did the pain.

"I can make anyone feel anything, pain, pleasure, sickness, and exhaustion." Hearing to what I said, Harriet and Elm looked away while looking flustered.

"C-can you d-do something for us?" I was confused on what they wanted to feel, but Harriet quickly walked to my side and whispered something in my ear.

After hearing her request, I walked to the corner and curled myself into a ball. My body shook and small sobs escaped from my mouth.

'I thought my mom's books were bad, but what they wanted to feel, I wish I stayed dead.' Seeing how I was acting, the rest of the group all moved away from the two women.

"W-wait, it's not what you think!" Panicked Harriet, but seeing how I was reacting, the two couldn't come up with an answer.

"Let's just….focus on the fight." Everyone else agreed to what James said and soon focused on Blake.


After missing Aiko's fight, I didn't want to be left behind. Seeing how he was confident after beating that ace op, I was determined to impress my brother as well.

Even though I knew I wasn't going to win, that didn't mean I wasn't going to try. By the time we arrived at the field, I held out my weapon of choice.

In my hand was a small katana that was adjusted to my size, while in my other hand was a cleaver.

I wanted to make my mechashift weapon of a pistol, katana, and a cleaver, but I wasn't allowed to wield a gun just yet.

So, I settled for the katana and cleaver, as I raised my two weapons in front of me, I noticed he wasn't drawing any weapon, instead, all he did was raise his hands and widened his foot stance.

Soon, a light blue aura surrounded his arms and legs. The aura on his arms soon took shape, creating large hands.

"Are you ready little one?" I nodded my head at his question and soon crouched low, my eyes narrowed, and I took a deep breath while also closing my eyes.

Once I was done, I opened my eyes and made sure to crouch down. Since I had discovered my semblance, I made sure to practice as much as I could.

But Aiko soon stopped me and began to teach me other things, since he saw how I used my semblance most of the time, he began to teach me on how to be more of a support.

Since I was small, he mostly taught me how to counter attack, and to strike from behind. He also warned me that some will try to complain about it, but he then told me to ask if that's how war works.

I was confused at first, but after reading most of the books when I was younger, I understood why that question could make anyone stay quiet.

And now, here I am, using my size to my advantage against one of Atlas's greatest solders.

Seeing how I stayed low, Vine nodded his head in approval at my strategy. He even began to speak at what I was doing.

"I see that you have been taught that size doesn't matter, whoever taught you was wise." I didn't bother replying to him, o just rushed forward to strike him.

He smiled at the sight of me attacking, rather than replying and soon turned serious. Since I was still far away, he thrusted his hands forward.

The two aura hands then extended in my direction, its fingers streatching wide to catch me.

I spun my katana and cleaver, with the sharp end facing the hands, and parried them to the side.

I was able to reach him after a few more steps and thrusted my katana forward, but the hands he created snapped back and were placed in front of the sharp end.

Since he blocked the blade with the two arms, I swung my cleaver from below. Pushing the two arms upwards, seeing the opening, I jumped up and tried the use him like a foothold.

But the aura that surrounded his legs extended, pushing himself away from me. I was thrown off balance after what he did, and I tried to land.

But seeing how I was struggling, Vine took the opportunity to strike. He extended both arms, and the two hands opened while also growing in size.

He tried to capture me with his hands, but thanks to my semblance, I was pushed back, and a clone of me was in my place.

As Vine closed his hands on the clone, I rushed underneath his arms and slid across the floor when I was near him.

I swung my leg to sweep him off his feet, but like last time, he extended his aura. But before he could get too far, I grabbed my ribbon that I had and began to dash backwards as well.

Seeing that I couldn't hit him, I began to think of another way to get closer to him. So I tied a rock that I grabbed during our travels and tied it with the ribbon.

I let the rock hang low and spun it a few times, once I was satisfied, I ran towards Vine once again.

Once I was close enough, I began to swing both my sword and cleaver. Vine once again began to block and dodge most of my attacks, but when he tried to jump away, I quickly spun the rock and threw it.

The ribbon I used soon wrapped around his arm, and I tugged hard. He was surprised when he saw the ribbon, but couldn't react fast enough when I pulled him.

Seeing that he was distracted, I pulled harder. Causing him to slam to the ground, I ran as fast as I could to strike him, but he soon lift himself up with his arms and spun.

Extending the legs to try and kick me away, but I jumped up and landed on one of them. As I ran across the leg, he raised it on order to throw me off balance.

But what he didn't expect was for me to slide down his leg, I made a sure to jumped to the side, since the other leg was about to hit me.

Once I landed on the floor in front of him, I reeled my fist back and punched him in the stomach.

He was sent rolling across the floor and clutched his stomach. I smiled and cheered that I got a hit, and I turned towards the spectators.

Ilia was smiling and jumping up and down, Sienna nodded in approval, while Aiko held two small flags that said go Blake.

I wanted to celebrate my first hit, but I decided to do that when I won, or if the fight ends. Whichever comes first, I narrowly dodged a kick to the face.

At the same time, I flipped backwards, narrowly avoiding a strange like disk. Once I landed back on my feet, I saw that Vine held something in his hand.

"It seems I must take this more serious." He said while catching the shurakin, his eyes were more narrowed and I took a step back.

The difference was clear, and I was about to lose this fight. He rushed towards me in a run and tossed the shurakin, it curved through the air and tried to strike me from behind.

I wanted to duck underneath it, but I knew if I did, Vine would have the opening. So I ran towards him instead.

Seeing that I was rushing towards him, he smiled at what I was doing, but he jumped over me.

Before he could grab his weapon, I spun the rock once again and flung it towards it, knocking it away.

I didn't stop running and changed my direction towards him, only this time I tossed the rock.

When he tried to block it with his aura, he saw that the rock didn't have the ribbon. He moved his arms away, and he widened his eyes.

In my hand was the sword, and tied to the hilt was the ribbon. As I spun the sword, I made sure to have it curve when I threw it.

As the sword spun through the air, Vine caught it. But what happened next was something I didn't think through.

He tugged the ribbon itself, causing me to fly towards him. Before I could do anything, he trapped me within the aura hands, preventing me to escape.

Since I was already caught, I didn't bother to struggle. Seeing that I have surrendered, Vince landed on the floor and gently placed me on the ground.

I was on my knees and had a frown on my face, while beads of tears threatened to escape my eyes.

But I soon felt myself being lifted in the air, looking in front of me, I saw Vine lifting me with his aura. His face showed a kind smile and he began to walk towards the rest of the group.

After arriving in front of my companions, I began to cry. Vine gently placed me on my feet and I ran towards Aiko, crying.

"I-I'm sorry!" I wailed, but Aiko just rubbed my hair and smiled.

"It's okay, you did your best." He said and wrapped me with his tails, feeling his tails wrapping around me I began to calm down and snuggle close to him.

Glancing at the rest of the girls, I pulled down my eye lid and stuck my tongue out. Elm was smiling and shook her head, Harriet just huffed and looked away.

Winter on the other hand didn't show any difference, but I thought I saw a small twitch on her eye.


After returning to our dorms, Ilia, Sienna and Aiko tried to cheer me up. Especially Aiko, he began to pamper me with the things I like.

To be honest, I didn't want it to stop. But remembering how I lost, I pushed them away and told them I'll be alright.

Seeing how I was okay, they all believed me and soon we all returned to sleep. After making sure that they were asleep, I snuck out and began to do push ups.

I gritted my teeth on what happened today, remembering how I lost easily. I fell from todays fight.

But I will rise.

(A/N) Hey hey, here's this weeks chapter, sorry for the major late update, zzz has really drawn my attention away.

Also, i won't be posting anything next week since im going on vacation, and I desperately need one.

So send some power stones if you enjoyed it, and I'll have a new chapter ready in two weeks.