
How Do We Get Back?

“Did I become a professor? Like…like I always wanted. Forget about the café, I was only opening it for your mother” Brooks said to the kids that were sitting on the sofa at the dinning of the house.

“You are a manager Dad” Steve replied.

“After all my school?”

“Please Brooks family, how I get back to my other life? I’m bored here” Molly interrupted.

“I have a date mum” Matilda said and Dustin stared at her.

“She already knows. Will told her this morning” Steve replied.


“My daughter has a date?” Mrs. Brooks smiled.

“Yeah, the one in your belly” Molly hissed imperceptibly.

“What did I, I mean we.. we name you?” Brooks asked Matilda.

“Matilda” Matilda replied.

“See? I won” Brooks chuckled.

“Steve” Steve dropped.

“Nah we don’t know you yet. No competition for your name yet” Brooks said and Matilda cleared her throat.

“What?” Steve winked at Matilda.

“Sorry, I’m gonna ask this question again. How the fuck do I get back to my life that I lived this morning? This place is fucking sick, disappointing and annoying” Molly started again.

“So that you can go to your boring and frustrating date with that psycho right” Dustin broke in.

“What the fuck Dustin?”

“Go to his house right now and do the fucking date with him. He should be born by now or are you scared that he will be a baby and can’t recognize your purple hair?” Dustin was becoming angry. Matilda stared at him and then to Molly.

“Hey! What is wrong with you. You should be supporting me in this case. Why the fuck are you against me, I’m your sister” Molly said to him, disappointed.

“Hey kids come on stop it, we will find a way to get you all…”

“I don’t fucking care okay, I’m done with all these shit” he replied and stood up from the sofa, heading to the door.

“You brought the fucking clock at that café in the first place and I fucking warned you at the first place”

“You took me to that café in the first place and I warned you about it” Dustin replied and opened the door.

“Fuck you Dustin. You are a fucking asshole” Molly bawled.

“Whatever” he left the house and Matilda followed him

“Wait…what clock are you both talking about?” Brooks asked Molly.

“The fucking ancient clock that brought our asses here” Molly replied rudely.

“Ancient clock?”

“Yeah, it’s a time travel clock” Steve replied.

“And why did you guys choose to come to the past?” Mrs. Brooks asked.

“We didn’t choose, it brought us here itself”


“Yeah you can call it that” Steve groaned.

“Then why don’t…

“I think we should….

“You talk first honey” Brooks smiled to his wife.

“I think we should go to the place where you guys found the clock and maybe it could still be there. It will probably be there since we are still in the past” Mrs. Brooks said.

“Shit, that’s fucking true”

“That’s a great idea”

“My dad took that clock in 2005 and brought it to our house” Molly stood up from the sofa.

“You mean you guys got the clock from your house?” Steve looked at Molly.

“In my dad’s chamber, yes’ Molly replied.

“Why would you? Oh my God”

“It’s none of your business Stephen”

“It’s Steve”


Matilda met Dustin sitting on the stairs of the entrance to the house. She walked down slowly and sat down beside him. Dustin noticed her presence but still kept idle, staring at the environment.



“I ummm…my date isn’t really that important. It’s just…my first time”

“It’s fine. Sorry for my reaction in there, I was just pissed off”

“She’s your sister”

“She’s annoying”

“Sisters are annoying, always” Matilda chuckled and he looked at her.

“You have a nice family” he smiled at her.

“Psst, should have seen us back there in 2022. We are a mess” Matilda chuckled and he smiled.

“What about you?” she asked but he kept quiet.

“I’m…I’m really sorry. I really didn’t mean to ask. I’m sorry if it’s personal to ask” She apologized.

“No it’s fine” she said and cleared his voice.

“My dad was a scientist who believed only in his experiments. He loved his crazy work more than us. I hated him for that, likewise Molly. He started all these shit”

“What do you mean?” Matilda was curious.

“I stole the clock from him. I have my reasons”

“What, what was it?” Matilda looked closely to him.

“He was gonna use the clock and…

“Hey Matilda, we have a clue” Molly interrupted. Matilda looked at Molly, then to Dustin and they stood up from the stair.