
A Kiss For Every Lifetime

Dreams are said to be a connection of a past you have forgotten; a life you have once lived. Temperance was never someone who put meanings into her dreams but when it started to plague her sleep every night and when a mysterious old woman suddenly appeared out of nowhere, Temperance knew there was something more to what it was. After losing her job and her apartment, a series of misfortunes followed her and she couldn’t help but wonder what fate has entailed for her but then she suddenly found herself living with her best friend together with her fiancé, who from some unknown reason, remains mysterious to her, well, this was surely a beginning of something extraordinary.

Dyahna_nah · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Chapter 6: A night in a ball

I can't believe it; I was in another dream once again. This is too surreal. The atmosphere was familiar just like how it was back at the first dream but I was somewhere different than last time and it was grand, like literally.

The ceiling was more like a dome that was so high that looking up would hurt your neck and would probably break it and I was pretty sure it was unusually high for a good reason. A large chandelier was hanging over me, it was so large that it illuminated the whole room. I was too busy looking up and around to notice that there were people around me, chattering with each other and a melodic music filling the room. Where was I now?

Just like last time, everything around me felt familiar as if I had once been here before. It made me feel burdened and confused in why I had so many conflicting feelings, crashing down on me at this moment like the last time. I decided to ignore the feeling and look around and there I saw myself once more, not in a mirror or anything, the replica of myself, walking aimlessly around the room, a ballroom might I add, only stopping to curtsy some men and greet some women.

She wore something different this time unlike the last time. The dress she was wearing was breathtaking, she was breathtaking and the more I look her, the more I see no resemblance of myself. The dress she wore was by far the most eye catching amongst all the others present in the room. It was a pastel pink. The neckline was in a form of a heart shaped cutout that outlined her breast. Her dress was close-fitting yet at the same time conservative, something that you can't really put two and two together but she was rocking it.

Her hair was in a crown braid and sitting among those elegant knots was a rose gold colored tiara. I didn't take me long to get the idea that she wasn't anyone ordinary. The delicate wire was twisted multiple times to form an image of a flower, lot of flowers. What made it look like a tiara is the precious stone nestled in the middle of the rose gold ornament, twinkling like a starlight.

The sleeves on her dress was loose compared to the last dress she wore and it ended on the tips of her fingers and it swayed every time she moved and waved. Her dress made her look like she was floating and most of the men had already had their fair share of ogling and that was thanks to the corset wrapped around her thin waist, enhancing every last one of her curves, showing no imperfection and whatsoever.

The dress was surely heavy. My eyes travelled down below her corset and stared at her skirt which flowed down like the last time but this time however, it spread around and dragged behind her, leaving a trail of fabric. She was still wandering around, bumping with some people occasionally, well, that's until she stopped in front a large red curtain that was set loose from its binds, covering what's behind it.

I followed her out of curiosity, walking through the people. For someone who clearly brings attention to herself, she sure was good with blending in with the people. I watched her intently as she looked around, rather too suspiciously too before slipping inside the curtains, disappearing without trace. I narrowed my eyes at where she disappeared before deciding to follow her, walking pass through the curtain.

It was a balcony behind the curtains and just like her, it took my breath away. She stood beside the elegant marble railings, looking over what seems to be a garden of sorts. I stopped beside her and stared at her face. She looks so like me yet the same time someone different. I could never act as graceful as her and could never pull a look like she was wearing.

I felt my heart skipped a beat for some reason and my head started throbbing. Looking at her made feel like I was forgetting something, something that shouldn't forget. She made me wonder who I was even though I know much of it, at least for twenty-three years, that is. I stopped staring at her and turn to look at where she just came from; the curtains were slightly parted to reveal the buzz of activity behind it and it seems that nobody noticed her leave.

Whatever the dream I was dreaming was surely as strange as it was last time. Just like I have once said, I was conscious and I could almost feel anything. I continued standing beside my replica with my head hung low, mindlessly looking over the unlit garden, my mind elsewhere. Why was I here? Where on earth am I? Who was this chick? Why am I standing beside her of all places? Will be able to take a stroll in the garden? What's happening right now? Why am I talking to myself?

My train of thoughts were interrupted by heavy footsteps walking over in rhythm. I look up to my replica to see that she was still immerse of the stars to notice that someone was coming over. "Hey, someone's coming," I tried to shove her but I just went through her while she continued staring at the night sky. I grumbled profanities under my breath and caught my balance.

"A pleasant evening isn't?" I knew that voice.

I twist around and saw him, the guy on the hill. My replica gently and elegantly pushed herself off the railing and spun around with a smile playing on her perfectly crafted lips.

She indiscreetly threw herself towards him regardless how her gown seems to weigh her down. The guy caught her effortlessly and set her back on the ground and there I found myself staring at my replica as she gazes upon the man's face with so much admiration that I couldn't help but gag

This man surely was the same man that I saw in my previous dream but this time, his face was much more defined and mature and now that I have mentioned it, I just noticed, even my replica's image had turn slightly matured compared to the last time I saw her. I continued gagging as my replica snaked her arms around the man's shoulders and pulled him closer to her, their faces; inches apart. The gap on the curtain had widened and the soft music escaped the open doors, wrapping the two of them in a daydream, the moonlight shining near them as if they were in some sort of a fairytale.

"I missed you," I heard the man say in a hush tone and I didn't miss the sudden change of color of my replica's face. She was blushing, a lot. Her pink cheeks were now tainted red as she gently slapped the guy's shoulder, "I did miss you too, after all, we barely saw each other for so long," my replica replied in the same hush manner and I watch the man's face lighten up with delight which made her giggle.

'Why the hell did she giggle? That's just disgusting' I thought and stared at the both of them. The music had stopped but they still danced with passion. The man started to hum a tune and my replica sung a song that matched his tune. This was so sweet that I could almost feel my skin crawl in the sudden urge to barf. This was too much for my eyes to bare but I still watched nonetheless.

I grimaced when the man dipped her back and puffed his breath lightly on her exposed neck which made her gasp. I felt a sudden rush in me and I shuddered involuntarily, the throbbing on my head worsened and my chest was starting to ache too, a dull pain and whatever it was, I was certain it had something to do with them, I mean, there was no reason for me to act like an idiot at this moment.

The man pulled them both up in a swift movement and they finished their dance by exchanging curtsies. She once again threw herself on the man's arms as if parting with him for a second would make her lose her mind and I felt my heart flip in my chest erratically. The man laughed and wrap his arms around my replica and they stayed like that for a good three minutes. What happened to that poise lady that I saw back then in my previous dream and who was this love sick lady in front of me? I rolled my eyes and frowned at their uncomfortable proximity.

A sudden wave of nausea overcame me and I closed my eyes to calm myself down but when I open them once again, a rush of unfamiliar feelings overcame me as I found myself staring in the man's face; chiseled, defined, a perfectly structured nose, thin heart shaped lips, a small faded scar below his chin, dark black strands of hair dangling over his face and a slight stubble.

My arms were wrapped firmly around his shoulders and I didn't miss how my fingers were tangled on his hair. I was perplexed at why I was suddenly on his arms and when I raised my head and met his eyes, I once again felt myself losing consciousness, his eyes burning into my soul, seeming to tell me something as I slowly drift away.