
A King Legacy

Severus Snape, is a inhuman/wizard hybrid unaware of his nature until the end of his Fifth year when the soul of his inhuman ancestor appeared to save him from his own path of destruction

Kalmar2000 · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

author thoughts about the story

i have been thinking about what some people said about history "going to fast" mainly supers and xxdestruction and they are right, and i really agree with them now.

a story cannot be to fast, it needs to have the perfect timing and leave you want for more.

the original premise of the history was for severus going to impery state university of new york to stay near the plot.

and the second chapter would have started after 1 year after severus landed in the US after finishing his first and second PHD in Mechatronics and Physics and going to his third mastery and phd because understand it in this severus has the same level of inteligence as Azmuth the great thinker of galvan but not as wise as him.

i really, really, really to make severus the great thinker of wizards or the the ajuuka beelzebu of the wizards 'smart dude who takes wizards to a new age of glory and technology'

i remenber that i wanted to write arc where snape was in university going for his third PHD in field of genetics and having Mr Sinister as his teacher under the guise of Nathan Milbury and nick fury and SHIELD snooping around great britain because of the death eaters killing muggles and causing terror... i really missed the chance to write to such an arc and i regret it... and i already had a name for the arc, 'nosferatu'

so i have decided i will let this to you readers to decide because i just want to write a good fanfic, something memmorable...

so readers if you want me continue the history and having magneto and charles xavier making their appearances OR make an update in the second chapter to start the arc nosferatu... and this arc will be arc that will the biggest consequences to him and have a major point in his live, because the happenings and twists will awakening a drive in him... a drive to be something Greater than a weakling

so readers start voting, no matter how little the vote his , just vote

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