
A King's Ambition

Leigh has known nothing but his village in the mountains his whole life. Training and farming is all he knows, however, he can't help but wonder if there is something more out there. On a sunny day, newcomers, something that should be impossible, came knocking on his village's door. On that fateful day, the villagers welcomed them. On that deplorable day, an unspeakable tragedy took place. The village did its part, and the world just couldn't leave it alone. Instead, the world attacked the village and tried to steal from it. Now Leigh will lead his villagers to build a place where his villagers are safe, where no one dares to hurt them anymore. An empire with no more tragedies. On that accursed day, the villagers were unleashed upon the world.

Undergroundsailor · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
11 Chs

A broken promise (6)

"Mister Leigh, it is as I have said. The king decreed that you should earn the right to become citizens of this kingdom. You will have to work under the king for a period of time to earn this right." Ilis answered.

Leigh looked around. He counted at least 1000 soldiers around them, and there were only 300 villagers there.

"And what do the children have to do with your king's decision?", Leigh asked while staring Ilis dead in the eyes.

"They are to be taken into our care during the time that you are working for your rights to become citizens. To ensure a peaceful progress towards you attaining your citizenship"

Staring at his father's and a child's blood staining the earth, Leigh chuckled: "And what you are doing now is peaceful progress as well I presume?"

"Mister Leigh, we are only trying to ensure your cooperation here, which is why we waited for your arrival."

"Looks like we think the same when it comes to waiting for the right moment then.", Leigh said while smiling, and then shouted:

"Now Sica!"

Daggers flew to the shoulders and heads of the soldiers holding the children. About a 1000 soldiers came, and around 56 of them were holding children at the moment.

The moment the soldiers were struck, the children ran in a trained manner towards the closest villagers. Everyone in this village is trained from birth to be able to deal with a situation to the best of their abilities. So the moment the children saw a chance, they ran with all their might.

The Nibo family specialised in stealth, so while Leigh was distracting everyone, Sica, head of the Nibo, led his men to a better position to ambush the men holding the children hostage. Legolas knew this as well of course, but lost his cool when he saw a child get hurt.

Seeing that the children escaped, Leigh bellowed with al his strength.

"Don't let anyone escape!"

Legolas was the first to move, as he grabbed the nearest soldier to him and smashed his face into the ground, breaking his skull on impact. The giant was finally able to move, and he was about to go wild.

He flexed the muscles of his arms as he poured mana into them and smashed them into the ground. Making the earth in a 10m radius around him break and quake violently, the 8 soldiers in that radius fell to the ground.

"Damn it, where did those daggers come from?!", Ilis lost his cool. He didn't expect the farmers to be able to throw daggers. Legolas was near him as well, and he could feel the danger he posed.

From the corner of his eyes, he saw the villagers fighting the soldiers. To his surprise, the villagers were easily winning against the soldiers.

Leigh ran towards his father, while the other 4 young family heads went into the fray to fight.

Liera was the first one to act out of the 4. She waved her hands, letting mana flow in an orderly fashion out of the tip of her fingers. Changing into water and then into tiny ice spears, 10cm long. She shot them at the biggest group of soldiers standing in the vicinity, hitting 4 of them.

The soldiers were out of the battle instantly, as the ice spears hit them in vital spots.

Adamas went next as he beckoned a couple of villagers to follow him. He became the leader of a small squad of 5 , and took them to fight the soldiers.

Right away, they became a nuisance to the soldiers, as Adamas was just like his father.

An absolute unit of a man.

Silere and Kita worked behind the scenes, supporting the villagers in their fight but not engaging in bigger fights yet.

"Weren't they supposed to be weaklings? Why can they fight back?!", Ilis was flabbergasted.

This wasn't according to his previous estimations.

He knew that they were able to fight because of their habit of sparring against each other. But that didn't explain why almost everyone here was bursting with mana.

The power emanating from the villagers suffocated him, and made him come to a decision quickly.

"Fall back!", with a regretful look on his face, Ilis ordered his soldiers to retreat.

Meanwhile Leigh arrived at his father's side.

"Father, can you breathe?", Leigh was agitated, but kept his head cool, as he was the leader at this moment.

"Just barely hahaha, ughh", Harkon grunted before he could finish his laugh. He may have been stabbed, but he was still an Emrys. Others may not know, but Leigh knew this wasn't the end for his father.

That didn't mean it wasn't a serious injury though.

"I'm happy you kept your cool Leigh. Make sure the children are safe and drive the bastards to hell.", Harkon said before he fainted from the blood loss.

"Damn it!", Leigh kept his cool, but seeing his father faint did make him angry.

As Leigh looked up, he saw the newcomers retreating. As he looked around, he saw some villagers wounded, and soldiers dead on the ground. Blood flowed into streams, and the smell of iron permeated the air.

"Careful now, this isn't the time to lose it", Leigh told himself, as he felt himself get restless.

Looking towards the retreating enemies, he saw his friends and the heads of the families present attacking them, and he decided to join the fray.

The soldiers formed a retreating wall, moving towards the foggy path. The villagers were following them with their weapons they went to pick up after the fight started.

Currently there were only around 300 villagers and 68 children in the vicinity , as not everyone came to welcome the newcomers. Some villagers went to get the others while the fight was going on, while the rest stayed to fight. There was currently Legolas and Sica as family heads present, excluding Harkon.

Legolas and Adamas teamed up and started breaking the wall formed by soldiers and entered into the fray.

Adamas, the usually lazy and empty-headed boy was now roaring in anger. His fists had already become bloodied as he didn't have time to go pick up a weapon.

A soldier came running towards him with a sword in hand. The soldier slashed the sword at his head, and Adamas took one step to the left. The sword swung next to his right arm, and Adamas took a stance and let the mana flow into his arms and legs.

He then punched the soldier in his face, and as the helmet the soldier wore crumpled, sounds of breaking bones resounded in the air.

Adamas had filled up 58 points of accumulation, 14 in both arms, 12 in both legs and 6 in his abdomen. Although he wasn't fully developed yet, the power he held in his body was already powerful enough to bend metal with a punch.

Right next to him, Legolas blasted holes through the armours of the soldiers with his punches and kicks. He had already filled all 68 points he had in his body, and was fully using them to kill his enemies right now.

As this went on, Sica would throw daggers from hidden places, and support everyone this way, as the situation wasn't ideal for him to fully exploit his abilities.

Leigh picked up a sword from a fallen soldier and approached the wall of soldiers.

He saw Ilis barking orders behind enemy lines.

Walking from one side of the wall of soldiers to the other and back with his arms wide open, Leigh was taunting Ilis.

"What happened mister Ilis, I taught you liked peaceful proceedings. Isn't this the kind of peace you used on us? Come and let me kill you peacefully!"

As he taunted the prince, he stabbed a soldier sticking out of the wall in the heart, killing him.

"I'm afraid I have to decline mister Leigh. I am a bit preoccupied right now you see.", Ilis answered in return.

Ilis saw that the situation was not going anywhere, and he had to do something quickly to escape. He reached into his pocket and took out a red sphere.

Seeing what the prince was doing, the commander of the soldiers warned the prince

"Your highness, you have brought only one with you, what can it possibly do in this situation."

"If we throw it at the villagers, not much, but what if..", Ilis' eyes wandered, and he found what he was looking for. The commander's eyes followed and he understood what the prince meant when he saw it.

"But sire, won't this only anger them more?", the soldier said.

"If we don't do anything, they won't get any less angry, so might as well do it. We may break their morale if we're lucky.", Ilis said with a sly smile.

He gave the red sphere to the commander, and he understood what he had to do.

As the fight progressed, Leigh heaved a sigh of relief as he felt that the battle was almost won. There were only 400 soldiers left now, and the villagers got wounded but none of them died. Just as he thought that everything would end well, he heard someone yell something from behind.

"Watch out, they are throwing something at the ki.."


A huge explosion appeared somewhere behind the villagers, and the fire of the explosion could be felt by Leigh even though he was so far away. The fight went on, but something wasn't right.

"What happened?", Leigh yelled to the villagers he saw coming from that direction.

Kita came running in tears towards him.

"Leigh, those bastards, they threw something and then the next moment.." she coughed with tears in her eyes.

"Its alright Kita, tell me what happened."

Before she could answer, Leigh heard a scream from one of the villagers near the explosion.

"Nooo! Lita, answer me. Why aren't you saying anything.", the cries of a mother filled the battlefield.

"Leigh, those bastards", Kita cried, "while I was escorting them away, they threw something at us. I tried to grab as many of them as I could, but I didn't get everyone. There were 3 kids left behind, and I..". She choked on her last words.

Cries filled the air. Children cried in pain, mothers cried in sorrow, and fathers cried in rage.

Leigh was a smart young man. He understood what had happened.

He understood, but didn't believe it. There was no way right?

He looked at the fire, and saw something burning in it. The silhouette of something familiar, yet so distant from what it should look like.

His eyes had to be playing tricks on him.

He turned around and looked behind the enemy lines and saw the cruel smile that the prince of Hezra had on his face. As if he had accomplished what he wanted.

Again, time seemed to slow down, and the wind stopped blowing.

Yet this time, it wasn't silent.

Whispers could be heard from somewhere, and they sounded agitated. As if they were deciding something really important.

As if coming to a conclusion, they began to quiet down. But the son of Harkon, always full of questions, didn't question it. He didn't have a chance to.

Leigh's ears started to buzz, and he felt something deep inside him change.

He started to step towards his enemies.