

It was late at night it was around 10:42 a young man with a red lazy mohawk was on his phone.

"Oh yeah!" The young man said.

There was a knock on the young man's door.

"Yes?" The young man asked.

"Francis It's dad don't stay up all night on your phone." The young man's dad said.

"I won't dad." Francis said.

Francis' laptop was getting a call-like tone.

"Oh someone is calling me!" Francis said.

Francis looks at his laptop.

"It's from Bradley." Francis said.

Francis and Bradley had been friends since they were kids.

Francis answers.

"Yo." Francis said.

"Uh Francis are you coming Lydia and i are waiting for you." Bradley said.

"Where are we going?" Francis asked.

"Derek and Kris had invited all of us to go camping you better call Dean." Lydia said.

"Alright I'll add him in." Francis said.

Francis added Dean in the video chat.

"Yeah?" Dean asked.

"We're going camping." Francis said.

"Oh hell yeah let me get the marshmallows, chocolate, and graham crackers!" Dean said.

Dean leaves the screen and returns in 15 minutes.

"Got everything!" Dean said.

"Great!" Bradley said.

"I'll let my parents know mom, dad I'm about to go camping with my friends." Francis said.

"Ok Francis don't stay up too long and don't run into trouble." Francis' dad said.

"I won't dad." Francis said.

"Alright I'll let Derek know and he'll send us the place we're camping at." Dean said.

"Ok." Bradley and Francis said.

The chat ended and Francis got the location.

"Ok time to get some things." Francis said.

Francis got everything he needed and goes to the location.