
A K-Pop Utopia (A Black Kitty Series, Book 2)

The Toxins and BigBang are back. And with the likes of WINNER and BlackPink, The Toxins' journey into the k-pop world gets a whole lot fun and a lot more intense as they get to meet other k-pop groups. With BTS, EXO, B.A.P, MONSTA X and Red Velvet, get ready for an endless streak of dance battles, music, fun, sleep overs, a whole lot of drama, petty fights, trouble and romance. But when some circumstances beyond control befall on Sam, Zoey and Christine, they have to reconsider keeping up with Collins' "Golden Rule" (not dating any boy group member in Korea) which gets tougher by the day. Things get even worse for The Toxins as they make plans to go back home and a familiar face comes along making The Toxins' last days in Korea a lot more difficult.

Mbita_Namwinga · Urban
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47 Chs

Chapter 1: Guess Who Was In The Closet

My name is Samantha Glasson. I'm known to almost the entire world with the initials B.K, that is, Black Kitty.

Why Black Kitty if you may ask? Well, that's my stage name (got it under weird circumstances). And I'm guessing for someone like me to have a stage name, I must be some kind of a celebrity. Which I am. Well, let me give you a quick summary.

I'm the lead singer, dancer, songwriter and leader in an American pop dance group called The Toxins which consists of five members. Myself, by childhood best friend, Zoey, my two brothers, Mike, who follows after me and Daniel, the youngest in the group. And last but not the least, my dear cousin, Christine.

In the music industry, life is never easy. But with time, we got where we wanted to be. With all the support we rendered throughout the last three years, we became very successful. We even had our own fashion clothesline named after my stage name which became a huge thing as well.

But that wasn't the best part. In the past few weeks, we got to collaborate with one of the popular boy groups in the k-pop music industry, BigBang.

As usual, when you go to a new place with a culture different from your own, you get to face a lot of challenges. Fitting in wasn't the worst part. When it comes to groups, we usually tend to have a lot of differences and we get into a fit of ups and downs. I had that with BigBang's leader, Kwon Jiyong, also known as G-Dragon.

This time around we're all good and apparently that wasn't the only thing we all had to deal with. Zoey, my best friend (who pretty much gets into trouble), found herself into a little of a mix with a French diamond smuggler and the two groups had to work together to bring him down. Which was dangerous by the way and I had no idea what I was thinking with coming up with that horrendous plan which worked out in the end.

It's been two days since we had the diamond smuggler arrested and right now, I'm in the hotel room, standing on top of Zoey's bed because the weirdest thing had happened to me just a few minutes ago.

The lights went out and surprisingly someone had been hiding in my closet and had jumped out to push me to the floor. I had tried to run out of the room but I was bought back in. And the next thing I know, I'm trying to defend myself with a bed lamp, standing on Zoey's bed and when the lights came back on, I receive the shock of my life and had dropped the lamp to the floor.

"You? What are you doing here?" I asked.

Seunghoon was staring at me with a smile. To be honest, I never expected that HE was the guy who had been hiding in the closet. HIM! A member of a k-pop group called WINNER, under YG Entertainment.

"Did I surprise you?" Seunghoon asked.

"Huh, ya, you did," I said, as I looked at him and then went to look at the floor where the broken lamp lay. "And now the lamp's broken."

"It can be taken of. It's no big deal." Seunghoon shrugged his shoulders.

A knocking came at the door and it was then that I remembered that the others were still at the door after they heard the noise in the room. Seunghoon had locked the door to prevent me from going out and the others from coming in.

"Sam, are you okay?" Zoey called out to me. "I heard something break in there! Answer me if you're still alive!"

"I heard her say something," said Seungri. "I bet she is okay."

"Why isn't she saying anything now?" Mike asked. "Do you think she killed the person who was in there? There is definitely someone with her."

Seunghoon and I stared at the door without saying a word. There was silence at the other side of it and I knew seconds later, this was going to happen:

"Sam! Open the door!" Zoey was banging on the door this time. "If the person in there is dead, then you better open the door right now and we can all sort this out!"

If there was anything Zoey is good at, it's being melodramatic. I rolled my eyes and jumped off the bed, standing beside Seunghoon.

"Zoey takes my brother too seriously sometimes," I whispered to Seunghoon.

"Don't be so dramatic, Zoey," said G-Dragon. "I bet Sam hasn't even killed the person, who ever it is."

"Why isn't she saying anything then?" Zoey asked. "Something in there is definitely wrong."

"Sam, please say something," said Christine.

"Sam, I'm scared," came the voice of my younger brother, Daniel. "Say something. This isn't funny anymore."

I never heard my brother talk to me like that ever since he was five years old. Once there was a time during Halloween when I went out trick or treating with him just a few blocks from home. I decided to hide in the bushes, just to play a little trick on him when he stopped by a house to get candy. When he turned around on the porch, he kind of freaked out, thinking I might have been taken by a boogy man or something. He ended up crying and calling out to me on the street. In the end, I decided to step out of the bushes because he was so scared and his little shouts were attracting attention to those nearby. He was so relieved in that vampire costume of his when I appeared that he hugged me and told me how scared he was. It was then that I promised I would never scare him like that again.

"Sam, are you there?" Daniel called out to me, with that same tone he had had when he was five.

"I'm alright, Daniel," I called out. "Don't you worry."

There were huge sighs of relief at the door and some muttered "thank goodness."

"What's going on in there?" Daesung asked. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine," I said.

"Can you please open the door?" G-Dragon asked. "We've been worried sick."

I looked at Seunghoon, who looked back at me. How was I going to tell them? If they were to see Seunghoon, I don't know what would happen.

"Are you seriously going to open the door?" Seunghoon asked.

"Do I have a choice?" I asked quietly. "It's going to be difficult for you to get out of here. Which reminds me, why are you even here anyway?"

"I'll tell you if you don't open the door."

"What!" I whispered. "How am I going to tell them about all the noise? They are not dumb to figure out that I am not alone. I'm going to tell them whether you like it or not."

"Are you serious? If Jiyong and the other hyungs (형) find out, I'm dead. Especially with our manager."

"I already know your manager. Trust me, he's just like Collins. Don't worry, I know what I'm doing."

"I sure hope so."

"Hello, Sam? What's taking you so long?" Daesung asked.

"What if the person in there is a criminal and has held Sam for ransom?" Zoey asked.

"Now that's just silly," said Seungri.

"If the person in there is really holding Sam for ransom, I'll blame you for this, Zoey," said G-Dragon.

"What! Why!" Zoey asked.

"Because you always get into trouble. Remember what happened with Jehan?"

"We should call the police."

"There will be no need for that," I said as I went back to looking at the door. "I'm perfectly fine."

"Then what's going on and why aren't you opening the door?" Christine asked.

"I...uh.....," I looked at Seunghoon who was also staring back at me wondering what I was going to say next. "I can't."

"You what?" G-Dragon and Daniel asked at the same time.

"You see, I told you that person in there has Sam," said Zoey.

"I'm not being held for ransom, Zoey," I said. "It's just that...you guys shouldn't get mad, okay?"

There was silence behind the door and they were all probably wondering what I was talking about.

"What do you mean?" Christine asked.

"Look, when I came in the room and the lights went out, there was someone in here."

"And....?" Zoey wanted me to continue.

"And the thing is, I don't know how I'm going to tell you, but..... you wouldn't guess who just came out of the closet."

"Who is it? Santa Clause?" Zoey asked.

"It's a little too early for Christmas, don't you think?" Daesung asked.

"And you still believe in Santa?" Seungri asked Zoey. "I thought I was the childish one."

"Of course I don't believe in Santa!" Zoey snapped. "I'm too old for that. I was being sarcastic."

"Okay, enough beating around the bush, Sam," said G-Dragon. "You've delayed us more than enough. Open the door so we could see who it is ourselves."

"If I open the door, promise you won't get mad," I said as I looked at Seunghoon.

"When do we ever get mad at you, Sam?" said Daesung. "You've our word that we won't get mad. Right, guys?"

The rest behind the door agreed with Daesung. Seunghoon silently sighed in relief and I smiled at him.

"Okay," I took a deep breath and stared at the door. "Here goes."

With two big steps, I reached the door, unlocked it and held the door knob. When I turned it and swung it open, I found the others all staring at me.

"Sam, thank goodness you're okay," said Zoey as she approached me first and cupped both my cheeks. "You aren't hurt, are you?"

"I'm fine as you can see," I said. "Now for the worst part."

I threw the door wide open and in an instant, everyone in front of me gasped. Then Zoey and Christine screamed that I almost held my ears. For a moment, I thought they were going to burst. Zoey's hands fell away from my cheeks and she and Christine quickly ran past me into the room.

"OMG! It's Seunghoon! From WINNER! AAAAHHH!" Zoey screamed again as she hugged Seunghoon.

Christine also joined Zoey with hugging Seunghoon and the two were screaming and jumping in delight. I looked at Seunghoon who was smiling at all the attention he was getting and he didn't seem to mind at all.

"Just like BigBang, I also love WINNER. And you being here is so AWESOME!" said Zoey as she and Christine broke away from him.

"Thanks," said Seunghoon. "I've to say I'm also a fan of The Toxins too."

"Did you hear that!" Christine asked so excitedly at Zoey. "He's also a fan of us!"

The two fan girls giggled like little girls and they were bouncing off the floor so excitedly. I smiled at what I was seeing. Looked like they both took all of this as a lovely surprise. Though I had to keep in mind the others still standing at the door.

I turned around and what I saw were guys filled with so many mixed emotions. My two brothers were looking as surprised as ever, but they didn't seem upset. But as for the three BigBang members, their expressions were totally hard to read.

"Are you all okay?" I asked.

Daniel shook his head. "I'm just trying to take this all in," he said. "This is such a surprise."

"Ya, me too," said Mike.

"Sam is so lucky," said Zoey as I turned around and I saw her with her hand hooked around Seunghoon's arm. "I wish I was the one who was in the room when he jumped out of the closet."

"Zoey, you would freak out and would have hit him on the head with a lamp," said Christine.

"No, I wouldn't." Zoey shook her head.

"Says the person who screamed her lungs out when the lights went out," said Mike.

"Pssh, I hate the dark," said Zoey as she twirled a strand of her hair with her finger. "That's so embarrassing." She looked up at Seunghoon. "Did you really hear me scream like that?"

"Ya, I did," he answered with a grin.

I could see Zoey was blushing and she turned to looked at me. "So embarrassing."

"How did you even get here to our floor anyway?" I asked.

"Ya, and what did you do with the lights?" said Christine.

"I'm just wondering what he's doing here in the first place," came G-Dragon's voice.

There was a change of atmosphere in the room when he spoke and now, everyone turned to look at him.

"You aren't mad, are you?" I asked.

I knew he was. But he was fighting inside not to say anything insulting. He did promise he wasn't going to get mad.

"You're going to be in so much trouble when our managers find out. You aren't supposed to be here," said G-Dragon, his tone cool and calm. Well, I thought otherwise.

"I know, mianhae (미안해)(sorry)," said Seunghoon. "I just wanted to surprise you all, especially Sam."

"Aish, that was some surprise," said Daesung, rolling his eyes.

"You couldn't have pulled this all on your own," said Seungri. "Where are they?"

"Who?" I asked, giving Seungri a questioning look. I wasn't the only one who looked at him that way.

"Seunghoon knows exactly who I'm talking about."

Zoey gasped. "Don't tell me it's who I'm thinking of right now?" she asked.

It was then that I understood what Seungri meant. He was right. Seunghoon couldn't have done all of this alone. And who else wouldn't help him out but his group mates?

"Wait, they are here too?" I asked as I turned to Seunghoon.

"I don't get it," said Mike. "Who else is here?"

"They should be here by now," said Seunghoon. "I wonder what's taking them so long."

"OMG!" said Christine as she bit her index finger. "They are coming?"

"This isn't going to end well," said G-Dragon as he scratched his head.

"I should wait for them in the hall," said Zoey. "I hope I look okay." She quickly ran her hand through her hair.

"You look fine. Let's go," said Christine as she went over to grab Zoey's hand and the two ran out of the room bypassing the others still at the door. Mike and Daniel went to join them.

"You and I are going to talk about this later," I said to Seunghoon. There were so many questions that needed answering, but for now, I was just too anxious.

"And he will have to talk with us too," said G-Dragon as he came in the room and approached us.

I stood in front of him. "You promised you won't get mad," I said.

"For you, Sam, I will keep that promise. I just wonder what will happen if our managers find out."

"I'm also worried too," said Daesung as he also came in the room with Seungri. "They aren't supposed to be here."

"We know," said Seunghoon. "But we just wanted to come here and meet The Toxins. Is that so wrong?"

"Ye (여) (yes)!" the three replied at the same time.

"Eish, guys, take a chill pill, okay?" I suggested. "As much as I know they will get in trouble for being here without Yang Hyun-suk's permission, doesn't mean we could all just have fun."

"You're only saying that because you're a fan girl," said G-Dragon.

"So?" I smiled at G-Dragon and shrugged my shoulders. "I'll admit, I am a fan girl of WINNER. And I love it that they are all here. This is like the best surprise I've had so far, though it was pretty scary." I turned to look at Seunghoon. "So, please don't spoil it with worrying over what our managers will think when they find out. We've already found ourselves in a plentiful lot of trouble this past month, haven't we?"

The three BigBang members looked at me and I for one, gave them the most sincere smile I could ever give. They soon gave in.

"Fine," said G-Dragon as he sighed and stared at the ceiling. "I guess you're right."

"I also give in," said Daesung as he scratched the back of his head. "I just couldn't resist that smile on your face."

"Well, when the queen speaks, we listen," said Seungri as he smiled back at me.

"First of all, no one ever listens to me at times until something bad happens," I pointed out. "And second, I'm no queen, okay? Third, thank you so much, you guys!" I clapped my hands excitedly. "This really means a lot to me and the others too."

"You're so lucky Sam is the one defending you," said G-Dragon as he turned to look at Seunghoon.

"Jiyong, be nice," I warned him playfully. I turned to Seunghoon and stood beside him. "Shall we?" I held up my elbow.

He smiled at me and wrapped his arm around it. "I thought you would never ask."

We made our way out of the room and the Three BigBang members made way for us to pass with shocked looks on their faces. When we were in the hall slowly heading to the other Toxins waiting by the elevator, Seunghoon whispered to me:

"How were you able to convince them like that?"

"Persuasion, I guess," I said with a smirk.

"Looks more like charm to me. Especially with that smile of yours."

"Pssht," I rolled my eyes. "I've no charm, only persuasion. If I wanted, I would have given them the death stare and it would have worked out just fine."

"Anyways, looks like I've you to thank."

"Nah, it's no big deal. Just doing it because I'm a fan."

The three BigBang members came in the hall as soon as Seunghoon and I reached the others. Zoey and Christine were panicking like crazy.

"What's taking them so long?" Zoey asked as she tapped her foot impatiently with her arms folded.

"Are they really going to be here?" Christine asked Seunghoon.

"They will, don't you worry," he answered.

"They better hurry because Zoey looks like she's about to run over something right now," said Mike.

"I'm just anxious," said Zoey as her foot tapped faster than it did before.

"Me too," I said with a grin on my face and I leaned my head on Seunghoon's shoulder. I heard G-Dragon and Daesung clear their throats behind me but I completely ignored them.

The elevator made that "ding" sound and we knew they were finally here. My arm around Seunghoon's dropped and we were all staring at the elevator.

When the elevators doors started to open, I held my breath and my heart skipped a beat. I could tell the other Toxins were also holding their breaths too.

When the doors fully opened, there was a huge ear splitting screams coming from me and rest of The Toxins as well. But we the girls were the loudest.