
A Jump In Reality

"Was there any mistake in your life you desperately wanted to change?" That was the main question that was asked of him every time he finished a mission that was given to him as a spy. He had an answer that was burning within him but he never told. Because of the dying emotions, he had for that certain situation. He never did say anything because certain people were not to be trusted. The woman he gained interest In was in a heap of crimes, she was apart of a gang that was like family. But they had a secret a certain spy had to figure out and it turned out to be him. Stark, he was the best In the business and he was known to crack this case...

Kari_Chan · Sci-fi
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5 Chs

Inward And Outward

Stark had made himself purposeful during the secret assignments he had made for himself. People congratulated him on his work. 

He was one of the best spies in his city, the only problem is... " Stark your not going anywhere!" said Mr.Hue. 

"But sir, I have been doing this for years, I make my own missions and my own plans," he says." well not this time". 

"you give us useful information and somehow you get them behind bars but not this time," he continued, "why? sir are you stopping me from my own expertise?". 

"because you might get yourself into something you wish you hadn't" he finished. 

He was right but it was too late for that I was already going behind my bosses back secretly reviewing the files about the situation. But that was a month ago and during the time I found them I was already undercover. There were casualties with gang leaders that had to do with me. There were women that would secretly approach me and had no reason too and there were men that would grow Jealous of me. 

Everything was a constant circle that he was wrapped in but not anymore because for some reason a spot opened for Stark. To go unoticed as a gang leader was finally accessible. All he had to do was get dirty and this whole operation might be his.