
Entry of angel

Elizia's father finally got married again. It was like entery of an angel into her life because prior to that, Her life without her mother was actually very hectic. Her grandmother used to do alot with her as she did all the things for her education as Elizia's father used to give his all income into her grandmother's hand. Wgen her grandfather come back to home, she treated her well and at his back , she used to beat her on very small things. She used to punish her by taking off all the clothes and make her stood in front of everyone. As she was very little , she used to feel very shy but she was very small and innocent and didn't aware of all the things. After all of this as well, Elizia used to love her grandmother alot. Her grandmother made her scold by her father as well at the age of just 'two'. Similary she did to her by her grandfather. Elizia's life was like a hell but it was not hell to her because she was not aware of anything as it was a child mind. That is why her mother was an angel in her life.