A Cynthia x Reader story. Will be updated often. Describes Cynthia and reader through their adventures. There will be warnings for when it is 18+ material within one of the chapters.
3rd Person Pov -
Y/N rubbed his eyes as they slowly adjusted to the light beaming through the window. The smell of freshly-made pancakes filled your bedroom from downstairs causing your stomach to growl. Y/N smiled to himself and sat up in bed, putting on his glasses.
"Y/N!" Hearing his mum call his name, Y/N jumped up and ran downstairs. The smell of pancakes stronger as he walked into the kitchen.
"Yeah?" Y/N replied.
"Fresh pancakes, just for you" Y/N's mum smiles, ruffling his hair. A warm smile beamed across Y/N's face after seeing the stack of pancakes on a plate, covered in syrup.
"Thank you!" Y/N hugged his mum and quickly ate all the pancakes, while packing his bag.
Y/N's mum called after Y/N.
"Remember to be careful sweetie, and avoid the tall grass"
Y/N smiled and ran out of the door, due to his running shoes he was faster than most people in town. Y/N ran towards the field and sat down beside his usual tree, taking out his notepad and pencil. A ponyta ran out of the tall grass and bent it's head down to nudge it's baby forward slightly.
'Perfect' Y/N thought, as he began to sketch the scene in front of him.
'I can start my own Pokémon adventure huh.'
Y/N had dreamt about this ever since he could remember after seeing people from town playing with Pokémon and talking about their adventures around campfires, however he wanted to make sure he was ready. Y/N looked down at the notepad and back at the ponyta, giving himself a mental pat on the back for how similar the drawing was.
"Come on Gible"
Y/N looked up for the source of the voice, while hiding the notepad. The surprised ponyta and it's baby ran back into the tall grass from Y/N's sudden movement.
Y/N cursed quietly.
"Back in the pokeball for now Gible"
Y/N looked behind the tree. A stunning, blonde girl stood in the field looking out towards the mountains. The mysterious girl dressed all in black, her black cloak flowing behind her from the winds in the open fields. Y/N stood their stunned by the girl. The girl turned around and looked over at the tree Y/N was stood at. Y/N averted his eyes quickly, as the girl smiled. The girl walked over to the tree and sat down beside Y/N. Y/N sat back down.
"I'm Cynthia" the girl said, extending her hand shyly towards Y/N.
"Y/N" Y/N smiled, shaking Cynthia's hand.
"I thought I was the only one who came out here into the fields" Y/N said, watching the clouds in the sky.
Cynthia looked up at Y/N. "I recently moved here, so you have been until now".
Y/N chuckled quietly. "Welcome to Azura Town then Cynthia"
Cynthia smiled and stood up quickly. Y/N looked at Cynthia confused.
"I know this is really sudden but.." Cynthia started.
"But what?" Y/N stood up slowly.
"Would you accompany me on a Pokémon adventure?" Cynthia looked down, blushing.
Y/N scratched his head and thought about it.
'This could be a chance to start my adventure too, and with her!' Y/N shook himself from his thoughts and smiled.
"Sure, let's do it" Y/N said, raising his hand up. Cynthia smiled from ear to ear and high-fived Y/N. The pair stood and talked a while more before Y/N noticed the sun was setting.
"I should get home and tell my mum about the adventure. Then we can go tomorrow morning?" Y/N said, smiling warmly.
"Sure..." Cynthia blushed, holding out a piece of paper towards Y/N.
"What's this?" Y/N took the paper.
"My phone number, just in-case you know" Cynthia looked away shyly. Y/N turned bright red.
"Oh, uh. Yeah, just in-case"
Cynthia smiled and hugged Y/N suddenly. Y/N looked down surprised but returned the hug, smiling.
"I'll see you tomorrow morning YN" Cynthia shouted, running back to her house across the field. Y/N waved goodbye after her, his heart beating faster as he made his way back home. Y/N walked into his house and made his way upstairs quietly. Hanging his bag up on the hook, Y/N then led down on the bed and checked his phone.
1 new message from Cynthia.