

Long long ago legend say there was a brave seeker who traveled the world in search of the answer to the question what is at the end if the world. After a long time the great seeker return from his great adventure triumphant with a book about his great journey. The book was named the "A JOURNEY TO THE END OF THE WORLD ", the book was the spark that lit the flame of a new era. An era of seekers who travel the world seeking the wonders and riches that are told in the great book.


The sun is setting now it cast's a beautiful glow on the open field, it is a view that can make anyone take a moment to admire the site. Normally Cloud will be one of this people but not today, today his blooded, tired and being hunted.

Cloud is a tall young man with beautiful girlish features, long flowing silver hair and a silver eyes that shine like polished silver. But now he looks nothing like that but like a man who is at deaths door.

He is being hunted by the most lethal of all the magical beast of the Shadow anaconda. The Shadow anaconda is feared because it's the favorite child of the shadow and it is burn with the ability to blend into the shadows and turn its self into a shadow and become completely undetectable. The shadow anaconda becomes at its most lethal during the night where it can hind everywhere, that's why Cloud is starting to panic.

This was the deal he made with his mother, he had to kill the shadow anaconda and he would finally get to fulfill his dream of becoming a seeker and going on an adventure of a lifetime. "Never underestimate your enemy" Cloud could almost hear his mother saying to him, well he underestimated the shadow anaconda and now the only thing he do is run, run for his life he needs to get out of the shadow anaconda territory before the sun completely sets.

What a bad luck day Cloud thought as he saw the sun being hidden behind a big cloud in the sky, it was right at that moment that he knew the was no running away he had to fight. That was also the moment that something big hit him from behind, it felt like he fell 50 meters of a building to land back first onto a concrete pipe.

The hit sent him flying into a clearing that was 300 meters away, the pain was unbearable every part of his back hurt like hell. Cloud tried to get back up but his body was broken and he couldn't run anymore" this, this is where I die" Cloud thought

. While laying on the group in pain Cloud felt death looking at he and he knew that this was it so he lifted his head to take a look for the first time at the object of his death and what he saw shocked him to his very core. The snake was 25 meters long with think steel rope like body, to be killed by such a creature felt like an insult to him he couldn't accept this. "I CAN'T DIE LIKE THIS" Cloud shouted with all the energy left in his dying body, as if the shadow anaconda was marking his defiance it made its lethal strike at the same time.

Cloud shout was not a shout of a man afraid of death but a shout of man who was willing to take his own life to as a last act of defiance and to rob the shadow anaconda of the pleasure of killing its prey. Right at that moment is was as if an invisible power heard his prayer and delivered to him the power to take his own life. Lightning that what it felt like, being hit by lightning but the lighting was coming from inside his body. IT BURNED UNTIL THE WAS NOTHING LEFT TO BURN.