
A Journey to Build my Harem but why is it so hard?

Hi, guys im a new author so please give a kind word for reviewing cuz this story is just wish fulfillment for me and just giving you all folks a good story if that's in your perspective. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . What will you do if your long wish has come? Will you do better than what you read? or Just be like a scum? This story is will take you the world of man, an old man who is supposed to die but thankfully a ROB that so bored got fun with his life and gives him a wishes to die for. Come and read with me as the story goes Will he be a scum of society or A great man who fulfill his wishes and gets a love from those who he love. . . . . . . . . . . . Sorry guys if the story looks boring or not up to fun cuz i said this book is my first and will be last if my imagination get blank. 1st world:Mahouka whaaaat? 2nd:? 3rd:? 4th:? ? ? ? *The cover is not mine i just see it in the google. Credits to the owner*

TopG_withBigD · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

Time Skip


After we freshen up for a bit we get down and move to dining room and sit down in the chairs, My father moved me to a tall chair with a seatbelt for me so i don't fall down. i don't really need it because i really don't move much and just wait for them to feed me.

As we wait for the breakfast to be ready, my mom sees us and told us that the breakfast will be ready in 5 minutes.

After 5 minutes my mom place our food in the table and smiles at me and saying "Good morning my baby boy, are ready for your 1st birthday today?."

"Yesh mama" i answered to her questions and talk again to her " good mowning too mama you wook bwetiful today."

"Really my baby, uhh your so sweet thank you my sweetheart." while glancing at my father who is just smiling at whole time while seeing our interaction.

"Let's eat now and i will feed you my baby" my mother commanded and we obey.(Don't fight your mother's command or else you will bear the wrath. A/N especially asian mothers.)



After my 1st Birthday there is not much happen but my time gets hectic, i was 2 years old when i get suspicious that my parents know that i can talk fluently but i put it under and didn't bother cuz why should i they are my parents and everything they do should be a good thing for me. when i get three they told me that they get me a private tutor for me to test if i have a genius mind afterwards they give me a tutor to every subjects and now thanks to it i got a skill 'Eidetic Memory' from the constant use of my mind and remembering anything with vividness. Now its description:

[Eidetic memory : can supposedly hold a visual image in their mind with such clarity that they can describe it perfectly or almost perfectly.]

'Now that i got those subjects got easy as pie well not literally, if i can get parallel thinking and Accelerated thoughts maybe i can combine them into a new skill with the Eidetic memory, if i can only buy them with my points i'm so poor that i can't buy them.'

Time passed and now when i turn 4 they bring me to a martial art instructor now they are known as ancient art as people don't practice much with it and just do their thing with magics, as this was within my plan to do i just go with it and it's much better than me coming my own training method. due to constant training that my instructor provide now i can fight two teenager in physical terms simultaneously.

Present Time

Now i'm five they hire some A class magician to teach me about magic, i don't know what is my magic yet but i hope it will be good. While my teacher in magic teach me my system ring in my mind.


[Hidden Achievement: Complete]

[Congratulations Host for completing a one time Hidden Achievement that you will not get anymore and due to the host acting real not in living like a robot and loving your parents and trusting everything they do for you and got a reward.

Here's the list of Rewards:

(System one-time Upgrade)

(Accelerated Learning)

(Parallel thinking)

(Activation of your Creation Magic)]


'Ehh is this for real?, so that's why you always remind me when i just turn 1 year old. Thank you system for that.'

'What kind of creation magic is that system?'


[Host it is what your thinking, just limited by your psions or mana.]

'ohh, so i can create any magic too'


[Yes Host your limitations are just your psions or mana, imagination and physical level as your mana as i will call it because after upgrade it was what called for other worlds.]

'my physics?, why thou?'

[Host if you want to create a grand magic and your body is not up to the level what it can't take you will be dried like a mummy for being drain of mana.]

'Whaaatt?, so i need to be careful when using it and looks like i really need to double my training so my body can keep up with my magic, This is troublesome.'

[Yes Host so you need to do it, if you don't want to be found mummified]

'Well system how long is your upgrade going to be?'

[The duration for my upgrade will be 7 days long Host]

'Ehh that long, how about my skills ? will it offline too?'

[No Host all skills acquired are always up for you to use, while the shop and system sharing will not be available for the time being until the upgrade is done.]

'Thank god, and system use all the skills i got'

[Host the skills you acquired are already in your skill tab you just have to check it.]

'Eh really then i will check it after the upgrade and system tou can upgrade now.'

[I was waiting host for that Host and i will upgrade now in










Ding ~ System will be offline for 7 days good luck host.]

'I will wait for you then system. Now that system is offline i need to fully use all my skills as i remember that in 7 years Maya will be abducted in Taipei. Damn them how could they do that with my Wifey and i need to her too her older twin sister Miya, i just hope that Tatsuya and Miyuki will born with me being here.'

I almost forgot that there is another person here teaching me about magic, well i will think about it next time i should focus about what she teach. oh did i ever say that the one teaching me is a woman?, a good looking one too but not much as my mom, if i describe my mom her beauty can be level with Yuriko of HOTD well my mom is better because she is my mom got a problem?. anyways my father is handsome too and can be level with Johnny Depp in his mid 20's, well they are what comes to my mind first.

With that my cuteness can be considered can even moved the heart of old grumpy woman or an old geezer, not that i'm proud of it but this face can be use to move my wife too. hehehe, i should calm down first before my teacher get suspicious of me not paying attention and get me a minus points to my mom, why minus points because my mom told to my teacher that should i get distracted she only need to tell her and for every minus points i get i will be added with new homework and chores. Like cleaning the table well not that i don't want to do it but i'm still lazy and want to research more about the shop to see what i can buy.

Moving on the tutoring is still ongoing after the magic until it gets dark and my only time of rest is in the evening, eating and sleeping. now that the system get an upgrade i should plan my next few years until that time for what's to come will be not good if i'm still weak, I will do that after eating and before sleeping.






*A/N: Hi guys, comment a suggestion for a good bloodlines.*