
7 Years In A Flash (4)

Ray woke up smiling as he was thinking about the latest message from the system, 'Aah, only one year to go, today is a good day, oh yea isn't today when Flender sends everyone to the spirit colosseum, haha, haven't been there in a while, I remember grinding till I got the badge I wanted, maybe I should start going there again...'

Later that day Flender called everyone for class Ray was the last one there, "Okay, you're all here, follow me this way towards the city.", Everyone started following Flender as he started explaining things about spirit masters and how many give up the path to living a normal life instead and etc...

Flender stopped outside a big white building with lights shimmering all around it with clusters of people be it the rich or the working class entering or leaving, Flender said, "Soutuo city's most famous building, the most iconic symbol - 'Soutuo Spirit Colosseum. This place attracts many famous spirit masters. Here, going up in ranks will get you fame and fortune.", Flender was putting an emphasis on the idea of fortune, Ray smiled at this whilst thinking, 'haha, this guy is as much as a money grabber as he is in the original...sigh...', he then shook his head slightly and continued to listen to Flender's commentary on the Colosseum.

Mubai, as he did in the original, questioned Flender on the new students coming here as this is meant to be the first official lesson but as the motto goes for the academy Flender said, "Mubai, monsters have a monster way of training, now the rest of you go and apply, the fee is 10 gold coins."

Flender then went ahead and explained the rules and how they need a silver badge as a minimum to pass at the academy, he then left them to Mubai who explained to his new young juniors about the types of combat.

Then Mubai, Oscar and fatty Hong told them there battle record-

Dai Mubai: History: Wins: 152 matches Lost: 32, Points: 204

Latest Match: Victory - One vs One

Ma Hong Jun: History: Wins: 70 matches Lost: 15, Points: 90

Latest Match: Victory - One vs One

Oscar: History: Wins: 85 Lost: 11, Points: 110

Latest Match: Victory - Two vs Two

(A/N: It's changed from the original because Ray would help them with matches and Hong's is lower because he's a lazy bastard but it's still higher than the original.)

And then Tang san said, "Wow that's high but what about Ray's?", "Well, Ray's is a little-", Ray interrupted Mubai as he wanted to say it personally, "Oh my battle record is - "

Ray Yin: History Wins: 505 Loss: 0 Points: 5500

Latest Match Victory - Two vs Two (A/N: The points multiply if you continuously win)

Everyone was quiet, "...", the four of them had their eyes popped out as if they were gonna fall out and there mouths towards the ground and they all thought, 'HE'S STRONG!!', Tang san was the least surprised but still he was immensely shocked by the battle record and after a while he said, "So from what Mubai said earlier you have a 'Violet Gold' badge?", Mubai, Fatty Hong and Oscar just sighed and made an empty laugh, "Wow, how have you won so many and not lost any?", Ray nodded to Tang san and showed his badge with the outer gold shell going against the light above them and the glistening violet gem in the middle, and before Ray could answer the next question fatty Hong said, "He was going through a faze and would go there every day, it was terrifying!", then they shivered when they remembered all the times Ray would go to the Colosseum, "It was so bad that they gave him a title!" and before fatty Hong could continue Ray whacked him on the head with a piece of earth element and said, "Keep quiet so spouting your nonsense!", fatty kept quiet throughout the trip but that just made Tang san and the rest curious.

As they went in, Xiao Wu and Tang san went up to the desk to ask for a two vs tow match, "We would like to sign up for a duo team.", "The team name is 'San Wu combo", they waited for a moment before they got the badges that said, "3 5 combo", the assistant at the desk said, "Registration fee is 10 gold coins and '3 5 combo' has successfully been registered."

Xiao Wu got angry as it wasn't what she wanted and asked for it to be carved again, the assistant wanted her to register for another iron badge and pay again but then Ray stepped in, "Oi, change it now!", Ray released his aura a bit on the assistant who said, "O-oh y-young m-master Ray y-you should've told us sooner that these two were your friends, hang up one second...", Tang san and Xiao Wu paused and looked at Ray in confusion and said, "Um, how did you get him to do that?!", "Hm? Oh, well I have a lot of prestige cause I'm undefeated and have a violet gold badge which makes this place really popular as a lot of people wanna challenge me, basically they make a lot of business from me.", Tang san made a knowing face and nodded and Xiao Wu was just happy that she got what she wanted and smiled at Ray and said, "Thank you!", "No need, you're my juniors, naturally I gotta help you out in a situation like this.", Tang san and Xiao Wu nodded there heads and smiled again to him and then the assistant said, "H-here you go, sorry for the inconvenience young master.", "Whatever.", and then a voice rang out, "The next match is a two vs two, the 'Iron Brothers' vs *rookie* 'San Wu Combo!!", "Xiao Wu lets go quickly and thank you again, brother Ray!", "Yea', yea', good luck!".

Xiao Wu and Tang san quickly won there match by Tang san wrapping the brothers in grass and him using his [Parasite] ability and then Xiao Wu kicking them down.

After a few minuted another announcement rang out, "Next is a one vs one match, Nether cat beast spirit essence, Zhu Zhu Qing! vs blue silver grass tool spirit essence, Tang san!", Tang san was about to leave when Mubai came up with a slight blush on his face and said "Tang san, next match could you go a bit easy-", but then Ray said, "Bad idea Mubai, she's probably gonna realise that he's holding back and from that she's gonna know it was you who asked, your not doing her and yourself any favours, so don't ask Tang san to do it and let him fight her seriously as a spirit master you should know better!", Mubai looked at Ray and was about to say, "but-", "No buts, I'm saying this as your bro, don't go forward with this, okay?!", "Sigh...okay, Tang san forget what I said.", "Oh, ok.", then Tang san walked towards the entrance to the arena and Mubai said to Ray, "I really hope your right about this.", "Of course I'm right, Mubai, from my understanding of Zhu Zhu Qing is that she wants to get stronger and learn new things and therefore you asking tang san to hold back is hindering any progress she may make.", "Oh, I understand, hehe...now this is awkward, thank you, brother, for stopping me!", "Meh, don't mention it also words of advice, I'm pretty sure she's a tsundere, so you just gotta wait for a while before she stops being cold to you.", "...Oh, that would explain a lot...".

Mubai and Ray then watched Tang san and Zhu Zhu Qing and like the original, she lost but this time Tang san didn't go easy on her and threw her out of bounds, she lost but wasn't angry about it more like frustration at the difference between them.

She got up and walked past Mubai who said, "Are you okay?", "Hmph!", she walked past Mubai who just stared at her as she went but he didn't miss the ever so slight grin she head on her face as she walked by, Mubai also smiled at her attitude and shook his head and sighed, Ray came up to him and said, "Well at least she didn't insult you.", "Yea'...", Mubai just made a goofy grin as they also walked away.

As they got back fatty Hong said, "Hey seniors I'm gonna go to the snack shop to get something to eat, I'll be back for dinner, okay?", "Hm? Oh, sure but you better be back or else!", "Okay, okay!"

Ray smiled and thought, 'Well, at least he's not angry like in the original...'.

Mubai and Ray were walking when but stopped when they saw Ning Rongrong and Ray said, "You want something?", "Um yeah, do you know where Flender is?", "Hmm...knowing him he's probably out gambling or in his office.", "...", she stayed quiet and had an annoyed look on her face and said, "Which is it then?", "You know if you're looking for him, you can just wait till tomorrow, we have class, he's gonna be there.", she stayed quiet and muttered, "Everyone here is useless.", Ray obviously heard her and said, "You should fix that attitude it's not befitting of a spirit master who hasn't even reached level 40 at least." and then Ray took some steps but Rongrong got angry at this remark and tried to punch him but she got stopped by a sheet of wind in front of her, "Sigh...seriously, you should've taken my advice...", she got pushed back by the wind onto the floor, "Your lucky I went easy on you...", Ray then walked off and Rongrong just stood there and Oscar said, "Ray's right you know if you don't change your personality and mentality then this place isn't right for you, I liked you and thought you were a nice person but alas I was wrong, in your eyes everyone else is a servant and I don't wanna become one. If you don't change, then 'friends' will only be a dream to you." Oscar walked off towards his room and Rongrong just stood there and thought, 'Am I actually in the wrong here? Have I been the bad one here?..."




Everyone was in line for class but Oscar, Flender got mad and everything went as it did in the original except his tofu doesn't stink this time but Flender still made everyone eat it to show how good it is for them as spirit masters and Rongrong looked at Oscar in a new light after she felt the effects of the tofu that and it seemed she thought over her actions and doesn't seem as arrogant as before, "Oscar give me a piece of tofu.", Flender said and after he ate it he felt the increase in strength and realised that he reached rank 30, the rest is history.

Flender said, "Everyone, tomorrow we are going to 'Forest of the fighting stars"




The eight of them met up with Zhao Wuji in the nearby hunter village and they sat down to eat in the nearby restaurant, as they were waiting for there meals, the saw the teacher and students from Chung Hui academy, and just like in the original they tried to hit on Zhu Zhu Qing and got punched in the face, then all the students got pissed off but this time instead of Xiao Wu attacking this time, Ray teleported them outside, kept them locked in ground, poured water over them and shocked them, the teacher from Chung Hui academy was dumbfounded at how quick that happened but quickly got angry and said, "What academy are you punks from, to make enemies with Chung Hui academy?!", Mubai smirked and said, "Don't be scared uncle! We're only sparing!", "You want to spar!", the teacher from there school released his rings, showing 5 rings of two yellow and 3 purple, and then fatty Hong said, "Hmph! You're just a stupid ass spirit king! What's so special about you, and of course the teacher got angry at this comment and went to attack, Ray sat there watching the rest attack, the spirit king and then how Rongrong was actually being helpful and thought, 'Well, I gotta keep some of it like the original.'

After they beat the teacher, Zhao Wuji showed and told them to go to bed and said to the teacher from Chung Hui academy, "You guys can't even finish off a stupid ass bitch! You're making me lose face!", they laughed at Zhao Wuji's comment to the other academy, and then when the Chung Hui academy teacher came to attack Zhao Wuji he punched him in the face like Ray did to him and sent the teacher flying.




They reached the forest and found the thousand year phoenix tail like in the original, Ray stood next to Zhao Wuji and watched as the rest fought the spirit beast, but instead of them normally getting help from Zhao Wuji, Ray stood forward and summoned up both his spirit essences which made the spirit beast look at ray with curiosity in it's weakened state, not just the spirit beast was curious about ray though, Xiao Wu gave a curious look towards Ray as well but as she was a 100,000+ -year-old spirit beast and has a young mind she just looked at him and nothing more, "I will take it from here guys", Ray teleported the spirit beast next to him and grabbed it with his claw, "Oscar come here!", "Okay, big bro!", Oscar was happy and Xiao Wu gave a sad face and said, "Do we really have to kill it?", Oscar was about to say something but Ray beat him to it and said, "Not necessarily", this made everyone curious as they watched Ray looked at the spirit beast in the eyes and he said, "Are you willing?", whilst having his eyes covered in silver, this made the spirit beast shiver and nod which made everyone else puzzled but before they could even ponder this they heard a voice, "STOP!", someone tried to take the lying spirit beast off Ray and Oscar as they were holding it.

It was a young girl and an old woman and like the original, they try to claim the spirit beast as there's, Xiao Wu and the girl fight and Tang san interjects and fights her, the elderly women decide that the two should fight for the spirit beast, Tang san wins and the girl collapses, Ray knew what would happen so he teleports next to Tang san and holds him up before Zhao Wuji can get next to him or he can collapse, Ray feeds him a weak energy recovering pill and then uses the holy element to heal him, Tang san falls asleep for 5 minutes and wakes up, he could feel that he ate some pill and looked at Ray who nodded towards him, Tang san began to restore his energy and felt that the pill can restore energy 2.5X times faster, Tang san smiled and continued cultivating.

Oscar then put his head next to the snake but Ray stopped him and said, "Let me see the snake for a sec.", "Um, okay big bro.", Ray nodded his head and went next to the snake and touched its head, he used his time manipulation to age the spirit beast to 2100-year old and said, "Okay go ahead.", Oscar didn't know what was happening and just absorbed the ring but was confused as he thought that he heard Tang san say that the spirit beast was somewhere between 1200-1800 years old but he quickly put this thought away as he thought it was just luck or Tang san couldn't tell properly as the snake was moving too fast.

After Oscar absorbed the ring showed off his flight ability that now lasts for 2 minutes rather than 1, everyone began to move on but suddenly they began to feel tremors and the trees started to collapse, the roots were destroyed and they saw a black shadow towering above them, Zhao Wuji said, "Everyone run!!", Xiao Wu froze when she looked at her the spirit beast but then Tang san picked her up and told her to start running, Ray sighed and began to run but then decided that he would teleport everyone a couple of hundred metres forward, but then everyone decided to fight to now showing giant titan gorilla, Zhao Wuji went into his spirit beast manifestation and lost and everyone apart from Ray was critically injured, Ray sighed again and spoke to the giant titan gorilla through a mental link, 'Hey look at me!', the gorilla stopped its assault and looked at Ray who showed his dragon aura towards the gorilla, 'Stop attacking I know your here for Xiao Wu but your just hurting her more and her friends, SO STOP!!', the end of his sentence sounded more like a command and it stopped attacking as it was in fear of Ray's dragon aura that he forced on the spirit beast.

The beast looked at Ray and grunted and picked up Xiao Wu, 'Take her and have your chat, but bring her back right after', the gorilla gave another grunt and nodded and stormed off deeper into the jungle with Xiao Wu in his hand.

After a few moments everyone got up and Ray began using an area holy heal to help them, Tang san was mad and began talking about how he was gonna go get Xiao Wu, Zhao Wuji objected but Oscar already gave Tang san wings and he left, 15 minutes later everyone went to Tang san and found him next to a dead human-faced demonic spider and he was absorbing its ring whilst some blood was on his lips, Ray used holy healing on him and then Zhao Wuji and the rest realised that Tang san was in danger and Rongrong explained why he might have done it and after a while Tang san opened his eyes with tears in his eyes and cried as Xiao Wu was in front of him and then when Tang san got up he was punched in the stomach by Mubai who scolded and then patted him on the back for his achievement.

And then it happened again the obnoxious voice that they heard again, "Who killed my man faced demonic spider!!?" And you know how it goes the annoying girl shows up with her grandparents who were also angry, her spirit Douluo grandpa challenged Tang san and his granddaughter, Tang san won and at the same time taught her how to use hidden weapons properly and then her grandpa got angry and said he was gonna kill us all but then two things happened, something Ray expected and something he didn't.

Rongrong shouted out, "Members of the 7 treasured glass tower show yourself!", suddenly a couple dozen of people in white robes showed up, Ray expected this but then he heard something from some of the men that showed up, "Esteemed title Douluo Skyfire this way!", Ray was thinking, 'Wait...a title Douluo didn't show up in the original what's going on?!'.

A middle-aged man showed up dressed in white and red and had white hair with red eyes, "Hahaha!! Who wants to kill who here?!", the old couple froze when they looked at the men and the title Douluo who showed up.

Zhao Wuji said, "Our academy doesn't have much, but we do have a few people who are pretty influential!", and then the young girl said to let the anger go and leave, she kissed Tang san on the head and left, Xiao Wu got angry but was held back by Rongrong and Zhuqing.

Oscar looked at Ray who was frozen and said, "Um, are you, okay big bro?", this caught the attention of everyone else but Zhao Wuji who went up to the title Douluo and said, "Hello your esteemed highness I thank you for coming!", "Hm? Don't mind it, I just felt the presence of someone with the intent to kill towards my grandson.", this made Zhao Wuji curious and he asked, "May I ask who your grandson is?", "Oh, he didn't tell you, it's Ray over there.", everyone heard what the man said and froze then looked at Ray who looked at the man and said, "Sigh...old man, how long have you been here?!!", "Haha, quite a while actually, I guess the last couple of years?", "LAST COUPLE OF YEARS!??!?!".

Mubai went up to Ray and said, "Hey bro, you didn't tell me you had someone powerful in your family and a title Douluo no less!", "Mubai, imma need a minute...", "U-uh sure?".

Ray looked at his grandfather and walked over to him, he hugged him and said, "We got a lot of catching up to do, yes?", "Yes."

I have just realised that a lot happens when Ray is 15, I mean grandmaster shows up and they have that tournament and shit, gonna try and make it quick next chapter...

Hope you enjoyed

LORD_LUMIcreators' thoughts