A journey in another world worth all the reading! Join Balak and his friends in their adventures across the world of Galion! Covered with magical items, dungeons, and monsters.
" Finally! Academy life is over!" This boy who just finished school at the academy. He doesn't know it yet, but he will soon go on an adventure that will change the course of history!" Shut up Balak!" Says his friend Borj." What are you not excited!? I can go on the adventure I've always wished for!!" says Balak. Balak's other friend who is a girl with beautiful green hair whose name is Nana barges in on the conversation. " Aren't you worried you'll die!?" Balak stops and looks at her. " Hell No! even if I do die, I won't go down without a fight!!" Nana blushes and looks to the side " Of course you would say that you've always been like this..." She gives a smile." Borj yells out " How the hell are you going to survive when you're not even prepared and don't even have comrades!!" Balak looks away in embarrassment" Well I'll figure out a way...." he mumbles to himself while Nana laughs. Balak runs off while yelling " You guys better see me off tomorrow I'm heading to see Rag!" Borj yells out" Wait! - ugh! that ass." Borj smiles " he's lucky we are friends". Meanwhile Balak runs into the Boar's Barn a local bar. " Rag! are you working!" Rag also known as Ragnor comes up from under the bar cleaning a glass mug." What's up turd." Ragnor is a tall sort of buff man in his work uniform with a tired looking face and long black hair and a mustache. Ragnor is like a big brother to Balak. When Balak was a child, he was homeless and came into the bar before it closed looks really skinny and frail laying on the floor slowly losing consciousness. Until Ragnor let him in and fed him since then Balak comes in everyday to see Ragnor. " Hey Rag! You wanna go on an adventure with me!" Rag gives him a blank face. " Uh no" Balak yells" But Why! I graduated from the academy!" Rag gives a soft smile" I have the bar to take care of." Balak looks angrily" Ergh! Fine! But I'll convince you somehow! What do I have to do!" Ragnor smirks " You have to become a hero" Rag gets on top of the bar and grabs a mop and points it up. " You must become a mighty knight!" He says in a deep voice. Balak pouts" That's impossible... this town is too peaceful!" He lays his head on the bar. Later that night he leaves and lays down in his little shack on a tiny mattress." What do I do..." As his eyes closed, he remembers a time when he was a kid when his father left while his dead mother laid beside her. His father looks back with tears in his eyes " I'm sorry son..." Next second Balak jumps out of bed with sweat pouring down his face. Balak whispers " Dad..." Nana lays in front of him looking shocked. Balak looking confused yell's out " Nana what are you doing here!?" Well, I came to hang out before you go on your "adventure". I was going to wake you up" She blushes" But are you okay?" You jumped out of your bed with a scared look on your face" Balak smiles" I'm fine just a bad dream!" Borj who is leaning against the door of Balak's tiny shack. " What were you dreaming about teddy bears?" Balak puts him in a chicken wing. " Shut up! you're the one to talk you're afraid of cats!" Nana laughs and thinks " Oh well, looks like he is fine". Then she blushes " I have to tell him before he leaves..." Balak lets go of Borj and smiles. " Come on! let's get going! I have to go see Rag first though!" They all go to the Boars Barn. Balak yells out " Hey Rag! Three mugs of fruit punch please!" They sit down as Rag grabs some mugs" Gotcha!" Borj looks over at Balak with an angry face. " Come on Balak! You make us three sound like kids!" They are just turning 18. Balak lays his head down on the bar" But I like fruit punch..." Borj and Nana start to giggle. Rag comes back with three mugs of fruit punch. Balak smiles" Finally!" Balak then smirks at Rag. " So, have you thought about it!? " Rag gives a mad face. " For the last time! n-" A rumble occurs outside the bar. Suddenly the whole bar is destroyed. Borj turns around in shock" A monster!? A monster hasn't appeared in 10 years!" Nana yells out" What do we do!?" The monster starts tearing apart other homes and scaring off town people. The monster screams and then Nana and Borj look at Rag and Balak in which they had blank faces then Rag smirks. " Don't worry Balak's got it" You see this boy was no normal boy Balak went to the prestigious Magic academy and not only was he a top student he was the strongest magic user in 50 years also known as..." The Prodigy". The monster tries to attack Nana. But before that Balak slices the monster with a swift motion. Rag smiles while Borj has a memory of fighting Balak in his first year of the academy after being rude to Balak but ends up losing to Balak easily. He remembers Balak reaching out his hand " Nice try! fight me some other time, okay?" Borj smiles "Thats my buddy" Balak lands " Whew! are you okay Nana!" Nana looked at Balak and smiles while blushing" Yeah!" A few hours later he puts on his bag while Borj and Nana follows him. Balak looks at them while trying not to cry." I'll miss you guys!" Borj gives him a smile " You better get going before the sun starts setting." While Nana looks down blushing. All of a sudden Nana yells out." Wait!" Balak looks back" What's up Nana are you going to miss me?" Suddenly Nana hugs Balak " B-Balak I've l-loved you ever since we became friends please don't leave! I don't want you to forget me!". Balak smiles and hugs her back " I won't forget you I promise... you guys are so dear to me. When I come back, we'll drink more fruit punch okay?" Nana wipes her tears and smiles at him" Okay!" Balak walks and 10 minutes later Rag yells out." Hey turd! You forgot about me!" Balak smiles and jumps on Rag" Rag I knew you would come! I knew it!" Rag smiles. " You did fulfill your promise" Rag mumbles. Balak looks confused" What did you say?" Rag hits Balak on the head" I said get off me turd!" Balak smiles and says" Let's get out of here Rag! We have adventuring to do! "The Adventures of Balak have now began. The Journey that might kill us all has now started its course.
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