
There's Enough Room

With a bright smile, Kassandra released Archer from her kiss as she informed him of the group's upcoming plans, ''We're having a meeting, so find something to do.''

Archer nodded but soon spotted Aeris and Lucrezia chatting with Hemera, Ella, Nefertiti, and Talila. He wondered what was happening, only for the Kraken Princess to reveal, ''Ella said that the second Council of Wives is being held.''

''Okay,'' he smiled. ''Well, enjoy yourself. Find me when you're done.''

Kassandra agreed with a stunning smile, gently pecking him on the cheek before walking over to the girls and chatting with them. This allowed Archer to appreciate the Kraken Princess's beauty; her face was finely sculpted like a work of art brought to life in living flesh.