
That Was Brilliant Arch

Archer watched Jade turn to the chalkboard behind her, where she began writing a basic spell that he recognized as Mana Blast.

"The essence of every spell lies in the quality of your incantations and the amount of mana at your disposal. We employ chanting, runes, glyphs, and wards as means to harness and direct our mana."

She gestured toward the board, explaining, "Allow me to provide an example: the fundamental Mana Blast spell. When you chant and channel your intent, you can conjure and unleash a burst of mana."

Jade's voice brimmed with enthusiasm as she continued, "Keep in mind, the core of effective spellcasting lies in unwavering concentration, understanding of the spell, and your connection to the world's mana. With practice, your spells will grow in potency and so will your mana capacity."