
Release the Ettins

Archer flew over the mountain range which took him a couple of hours and saw a castle on the other side, so he descended toward it.

He quickly snatched two guards off the wall before vanishing to a mountaintop. Archer looked at them with a smile before casting Soul Eater on both.

The two souls were gobbled up by the greedy dragon who now knew what was happening in the east.

Thanks to the memories he received Archer now knew the Stormhaven and Fjordhelm Kingdoms had taken over most of the Riverland Duchy.

Numerous Avalon armies had made valiant attempts to reclaim the territory but had been repelled, ultimately retreating westward in the face of the formidable castle's defenses.

Archer couldn't help but take note of the sight of fallen soldiers strewn across the fields outside the fortress, a stark reminder of the battles that had been waged