
Everfrost Wilds

[Sixty years before the start of the story]

In the frigid and desolate Everfrost Wilds north of Pluoria, two mighty kingdoms, Nordvania and Snowshade, stood as unwavering bulwarks against the relentless Forsaken.

The kingdoms in the far north came to be known as the "Forsaken" because their inhabitants were humans who had succumbed to the evil influence of a mysterious being known as Malgazar.

Dark priests devoted to Malgazar stealthily infiltrated the three northernmost kingdoms of Pluoria.

These zealous priests preached twisted doctrines, offering false promises of mercy and deliverance from hunger and perceived oppression by the Southerners.

Enthralled by the allure of food and revenge, the people swiftly embraced the worship of this evil deity. Under Malgazar's sinister magic, they underwent a harrowing transformation, their physical forms mirroring the darkness that consumed them.