
Chapter 13-Bad Mood

At this time bedroom of the king faced large turmoil. In recent days he only heard bad news. So he always in bad mood. So he got angry with small matter too. So palace servants, guards, courtiers all work with cautious manner and tried to not anger king as much as possible. Also he sleeps also interfered with these situations. His dreams became more and more scary. Somedays he decided to not get sleep. So his health condition decreased day by day. This day was also the same as previous days.  Many valuable things were shattered and broken into pieces. Persons in the room watched the owner of this bedchamber scared manner. But the king never gave attention to this anyway. He asked them," Who was the one attacked tax officers in Katupuluwa county" very angrily. "Your majesty we are not much clear about the identities of those people. But that people are part of a gangster group developed recently." Chief of royal spy organization replied to the king concernedly. 

"Ho… Why are you not found it till now? Aren't you the chief of my spy network? What are you doing now? There is some unknown gangster group that dared to beat tax officers sent by this king. You know nothing about this group. How are you working now? "

"Your majesty I am guilty of not providing necessary information in time. But this group work very secretly. They keep their identities hidden. People also help them. So it is really hard to infiltrate their group. "

"So people also stand with these gangsters. What are the things done by them to common people be so generous?"

"As we heard they steal money and food from riches and give poor. Eliminate robbers who loot villages. As well punish people who hurt common people"

"Oh! They are a group who do heroic works. No wonder people stand on their side. Do you find who is their leader, anyway?"

"Leader of this group is even mysterious. As we got the news he rarely appears in public. But he has a good influence on this group. People also respect him. So his range of influence is growing now day by day in Ruhuna country "

"So how many people follow him directly?"

"Your majesty, nearly 1000 or 2000 men now following him as we got information. It is also increasing "

"1000 or 2000? Are all in here crazy? It is enough people to rebel. Don't you think he never dares to use this group to rebel? "

"Your majesty..."

"Chief stop talking. Call the person who eliminate the robber group recently. "King said and a guard at the door went outside to give the order of the king. After some time, a middle-aged man came and greet him.

"Your majesty, Sankha bowing to you"

"Oh! You are the person who eliminated that group of robbers. "

"Yes, your majesty."

"Oh! Isn't it the previous general of Nagadipa?" a person in the room said secretly. But it was heard by the king and asked "Are you the one who worked as General in Nagadipa?"

"Yes your majesty"

"So you are really promising. Within a year you are promoted into a captain of royal Calvary army. Do you have heard there is a new gangster group growing in Ruhuna?"

"Your majesty really embarrassing me. I only do my work. Not think about others. About gangster group that roam in Ruhuna, I only heard some rumors here and there."

"So, what are you thinking about them?"

"Your majesty, I am really afraid this group ruled by the person you are looking for. Because I know my nephew well. He really can work like this."

"Then it should surely search deeply. I am promoting you into a general of the Calvary army. Go quickly Ruhuna and eliminate this gangster group. If what you say is true, I will promote you as a grand general"

"Your majesty, thank you for your kindness. I surely end up with your worries. Also, I take my revenge if those are true" Sankha bowed king again and went out of the room while keeping previous people in the room as it is. By seeing these people king's mood was becoming bad again. Then he said, "What are you waiting here? Go out from here "very angrily. After that group was left in a room hurry while greeting the king. After being alone for a while, the king saw the manager of his bed-chamber come into the room hurrying. "Hah! Why are you coming here again? I told you to leave alone."

"Your majesty there is news"

"Oh! What bad news you have to deliver me this time?" the king asked.

"Your majesty, this is not bad news. This is happy news. Queen is pregnant" the manager of the bedchamber replied with a smiling face.

"What did you say? Tell again" king asked.

"Your majesty, queen is…" as manager tried to tell the news king passed him and ran to the direction of room of queen happily.

.Katupuluwawa county – One of county belong to ancient Ruhuna country.

Ancient Sri Lanka mainly consists of four armies called Elephant, Calvary, Chariots and infantry.